Saturday, March 31, 2007

Arnold's term in the governor's mansion should be TERMINATED!

When I heard what Governor Arnold Swartzenegger did I was totally outraged.  He invited people from Afghanistan to move to the United States and in return they would receive take brakes.  And who ends up paying for those tax breaks ?  We do the American citizens. 

And who is going to have the money to come over to the United States.  Alqaeda.  And what does that mean?  Well what better way to hide out in America and let them kill another 3,000 innocent men woman and children

Instead of helping all these other foreign countries , Why doesn't the government help their own people?  iT IS RIDICULOUS.   We are the only country that has to still pay for medical.  And we are the richest In the world????

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Wake up and IMPEACH!!!

When are we going to wake up and impeach these war profiteers??

I\'m tired of Republicans claiming they have a monopoly on supporting the troops and then voting against them. It was their President who sent our men and women into battle without body armor or sufficient equipment and the Republican Congress who sat on the sidelines and did nothing until we made it an issue. I know what supporting the troops is - and that\'s not it.

Think about the horrific conditions at Walter Reed Army Hospital. It dishonors our brave men and women\'s\' sacrifice to expose them to such horrific conditions. We are acting to immediately improve conditions at Walter Reed and other VA hospitals around the country. But those who are responsible must be held accountable. What really gets my blood boiling are other members of Congress who have the gall to suggest the story is "overblown" or not a big deal.

The fact is the conditions at Walter Reed are only the tip of the iceberg -- from day one the Bush Administration has cut funding from veterans programs. These horror stories rest on their shoulders and the shoulders of Republicans in Congress who Rubber Stamped them.