Thursday, May 15, 2008

Swift Boating Obama

Yesterday a top official from Swift Boat Veterans For Truth vowed to use the same tactics to take down Obama, saying, "We will attack Obama viciously." Can you chip in $10 to help get the truth out?

Chip in

Yesterday a top official from Swift Boat Veterans For Truth—yes, those Swift Boats—vowed to use the same tactics to take down Obama, saying, "We will attack Obama viciously."1

This race is going to get very ugly.

The only way to counter these kinds of nasty attacks is to make sure voters are armed with the facts. That's where we come in—our plan is to target 1.6 million voters in swing states and talk to them to make sure they know the truth about the candidates and the issues. That kind of personal contact will beat the negative ads every time.

But it's going to take a lot of work—and money—to build that organization. We've been in meetings all week crunching numbers to figure out how many states we can afford to work in this fall, and we need to make a decision soon. MoveOn doesn't have billionaire donors—it's just all of us, chipping in together. Can you chip in $10 to help make sure we have the resources necessary to get the truth out?

We've already seen underhanded online campaigns making false and ugly claims about race, gender, religion and patriotism. But it could get even worse—there's literally nothing that's off-limits for these people.

Our best weapon is the truth. If this election is about things that really matter to people—-bringing our troops home from Iraq, getting out of this economic mess and getting health care to millions of folks who desperately need it—McCain and the Republicans don't stand a chance.

And that's precisely what we're going to do this year. We're going to talk to voters in neighborhoods across this country about the things that matter to them most—and we're going to make sure they vote for progressives. We'll ensure folks in those key states have the facts in their hands so they can separate the lies from the truth.

Our election plan is one of the biggest, most effective efforts that progressives have ever put together.

It builds on our best practices from the past—integrating our neighbor-to-neighbor door-knocking program from 2004 with our "Call for Change" phone program that helped pave the way for big Democratic wins in 2006. And we've been working hard on it to make it even more effective this year.

The moment there's a Democratic nominee we have to be ready to start defending them against Swift Boat-style attacks. If each of us chips in a little, we can make sure they won't get away with lies and deception. Please chip in $10 today.

Groups like the Swift Boat Veterans will tap billionaire donors to fund their politics of fear and destruction, but our movement is much stronger—it relies on millions of folks like us working for hope and change. If we all work together we can trump their divisive attacks and build a more progressive future.

Thanks for all you do.

–Nita, Peter, Patrick S., Michael, and the Political Action Team
Thursday, May 15th, 2008


1. "Swift Boat Vet Operative Vows To 'Attack Obama Viciously,'" Talking Points Memo, May 14, 2008

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Bush-McCain Challenge in Sebring

Let's take our successful new quiz—The Bush-McCain Challenge—to the streets! Sign up to host a Challenge table on the streets of Sebring on Wednesday, May 28th.

Click here to host

Bush-McCain Challenge

We've found a powerful way to reach voters who think John McCain isn't as bad as George W. Bush. Our quiz game—The Bush-McCain Challenge—is a new twist on the old Pepsi-Coke Challenge. It's already spreading like wildfire on the Internet.

Now we're taking it to the streets! On Wednesday, May 28th, we'll set up Bush-McCain Challenge tables on sidewalks across the country. We'll ask passersby to see if they can tell the difference between Bush and McCain.

Can you sign up to give The Bush-McCain Challenge in Sebring? Click here:

(When you click, you can also see an amusing video of folks giving the Challenge on the street.)

Hosting the Challenge is easy and fun! Just pick a spot with lots of foot traffic. We'll provide you with colorful posters, flyers, and all the questions to give folks the quiz—plus great ideas for making your table into a fun carnival booth if you get inspired.

Hundreds of thousands of people are playing The Bush-McCain Challenge online. It's the best way we've found to show voters that McCain is just like Bush.

We're running ads on and other top news websites to promote the Challenge. And this week, we're launching mini-billboard ads in key states like Florida and Ohio.

Now you can help bring The Bush-McCain Challenge to Sebring. Sign up to host a Challenge table on Wednesday, May 28th (and check out our fun video showing how it works):

Thank you for all you do.

–Noah, Anna, Lenore, Michael, and the Political Action Team
Wednesday, May 14th, 2008

Support our member-driven organization: Political Action is entirely funded by our 3.2 million members. We have no corporate contributors, no foundation grants, no money from unions. Our tiny staff ensures that small contributions go a long way. If you'd like to support our work, you can give now at:

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

Stimulate the Resistance

I urge you to make your special economic stimulus donation as soon as possible. Now, more than ever, World Can't Wait depends on your continued support to move these vital initiatives forward.

Pledge or donate your tax rebate online or mail check payable to "World Can't Wait" to:

World Can't Wait
305 W. Broadway #185
New York, NY 10013

To make a tax-deductible donation of $100 or more in support of WCW's educational activities, please make checks out to "The Alliance for Global Justice," a 501(3)(c) organization, and designate "for WCW" in the check memo line.

Why HOPE for CHANGE, when YOU can BE that CHANGE?

P.S. Bush bribes of $300, $600, $1,200 or more can secure your WCW membership! Go to

and select a personal giving level.

Today George Bush announced to the world that Iran is the "single biggest threat" to peace in the Middle East. What country surrounds Iran with military bases on all sides? What is the only country to have ever used nuclear weapons?

Yesterday I was on Iranian TV sending a message that we reject Bush's threats. See the PressTV show on May 12.

Wednesday the Chicago City Council will vote on a resolution against a US attack on Iran. See more at

World Can't Wait has set out to RESIST and MOBILZE TO STOP the Bush program. We will concentrate on these issues:

WE PLEDGE NO ATTACK ON IRAN: We should do all we can to raise the alarm to people living in this country that the Bush regime is threatening a catastrophic military strike on Iran. Your tax rebate is needed to reach out with this urgent message. Attacking Iran would be wrong!

FIRE/DISBAR/PROSECUTE JOHN YOO: World Can't Wait is spreading the public outcry that John Yoo, infamous author of the "torture memos" be fired from University of California Berkeley Boalt Hall Law School. He helped the Bush principals hide behind the law to carry out . He should be disbarred and prosecuteds for war crimes and crimes against humanity as a way of bringing down the TORTURE State. Your tax rebate can help us get word to the one million lawyers and thousands of law students to make this demand.

STOP MILITARY RECRUITING: What are they recruiting for? Murder, torture, rape and war! Everyone in the US military has the responsibility to decide where they stand, just as Americans do when their government is waging an unjust war, and refuse to commit such crimes. Help fund students to spend their summer organizing other students to resist the recruiters.

PROTEST in DENVER at the DEMOCRATS; CONVENTION. The Democratic nominee in 2008 will not speak for us. Stay tuned for plans.

Debra Sweet, Director, The World Can't Wait - Drive Out the Bush Regime

He works for McCain...and dictators

John McCain says he's a defender of democracy. But the folks running his campaign have been playing for the other team.

Two of John McCain's senior campaign staff were forced to resign this week after revelations that their lobbying firm was paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to represent Burma's brutal military dictatorship.1

And it gets worse—turns out this goes all the way to the top. Charlie Black, McCain's campaign chairman, ran a lobbying firm that represented brutal dictators like Ferdinand Marcos in the Philippines and Mobutu Sese Seko in Zaire—along with terrorist rebel Jonas Savimbi in Angola. Together, these men have been responsible for massive human suffering.2

And for good measure, Charlie Black has represented war profiteer Blackwater Worldwide and Iraqi fraudster Ahmed Chalabi.3

John McCain has a lobbyist problem, and we thought he could use your advice. What should Senator McCain do about his top adviser, Charlie Black? We'll release the results to the media—and forward your advice to Senator McCain himself. And we're working on a hard-hitting web ad about Charlie Black that we'll release soon.

Click below to choose which message to send to John McCain:

Fire Black. Fire Charlie Black if he doesn't resign first.

Fire all the lobbyists. Fire Charlie Black, plus all 112 lobbyists running your campaign,4 including campaign co-chair Tom Loeffler, who has represented the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, a notorious human rights abuser.5

Don't sweat it. The media is so sold on your "maverick" image that corrupt figures in your inner circle won't actually hurt you.

Go all in. Hire more lobbyists who've worked for evil dictators. Maybe Kim Jong-il or Idi Amin.

Tell us what you think and spread the word! This survey's kind of funny, but our goal is deadly serious. If hundreds of thousands of us weigh in, we can show the media that John McCain's campaign has a growing liability: the fact that his inner circle is filled with lobbyists who've worked for everything he claims to be against.

Thanks for all you do.

–Noah, Karin, Ilyse, Peter, Justin, and the Political Action Team
Tuesday, May 13th, 2008

P.S. McCain's campaign staff have too many connections to dictators to list in this email. It's unbelievable. But the non-partisan reform group Public Campaign Action Fund created a great fact sheet laying it all out:

1. "A Lobbying Firm and Its McCain Ties," MSNBC, May 12, 2008

2. "John McCain's Lobbyist Connections," Public Campaign Action Fund

3. Ibid.

4. "McCain's Lobbyists in Trouble for Foreign Lobbying," Progressive Media USA, May 11, 2008

5. "McCain Aides Are Tied," New York Sun, May 12, 2008

"Obama Calls on Rice to Address Human Rights Violations in Saudi Arabia," November 19, 2007

"Saudi Arabia," Human Rights Watch World Report, 2007

Support our member-driven organization: Political Action is entirely funded by our 3.2 million members. We have no corporate contributors, no foundation grants, no money from unions. Our tiny staff ensures that small contributions go a long way. If you'd like to support our work, you can give now at:

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Tell McCain: Fire The Lobbyists!

As you might have heard, over the weekend two of John McCain's lobbyist supporters resigned from his campaign almost immediately after news came to light that they had lobbied for the brutal military junta in Myanmar.

We're glad to see them go. But it's not enough. McCain still has plenty of other lobbyists — 112 by our count — working on his behalf, ones with ties to unsavory dictators and polluters of the environment.

It's time to send McCain a message: Fire the lobbyists. Add your name to our petition to tell the senator it's time to give these people the boot.

Among the worst offenders is one of McCain's top advisors, Charlie Black. His firm has represented several leaders known for human rights abuses, as well as Chinese oil interests. Another lobbyist, Tom Loeffler, works for a firm that counts the Saudi Arabian government among its clients. One of McCain's top fundraisers, Peter Madigan defended the United Arab Emirates against allegations that boys there are enslaved and forced to be camel jockeys.

Their firms' clients have given more than $3.5 million to McCain since 1989, according to a Campaign Money Watch analysis of data provided by the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics.

These people — and the associations they bring — have no place in a major presidential campaign. Sign the petition today to tell McCain they need to go.

After you sign the petition, please forward this email to everyone you know and help us send a loud and clear message to McCain: Fire the lobbyists.


David Donnelly
Campaign Money Watch

Uncovering Secrets: the plan to abridge free speech on the National Mall

ImpeachBush is circulating the following message from the Partnership for Civil Justice, which is spearheading the campaign to stop the Bush administration's assault on free speech in Washington, DC. The Bush administration has been quietly attempting to privatize the National Mall, one of the country's most important protest sites, and it is up to us to take action and spread the word. Please take a moment to circulate this message to your friends, family members, classmates and co-workers, and on social networking sites. Bush has systematically attacked the First Amendment since he came into office, and your help is needed to stop him in his tracks.

Uncovering Secrets
Freedom of Information Act Requests Demand Government Release National Mall Documents

The Partnership for Civil Justice has filed two Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests on behalf of the A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition seeking critical information about the effort of the Bush Administration to privatize the National Mall.

One FOIA demands the government release information about the make-up of the Trust for the National Mall, the private business-led entity that the National Park Service (NPS) has authorized to partner in its planned remake of the National Mall. The government has so far refused to disclose critical information about the Trust, including its Board of Directors. The FOIA also demands records of communications between the Bush Administration, the NPS and the private Trust.

Since thousands of people around the country have written the NPS demanding that the National Mall remain fully open for free speech activities, the government has back-tracked and claimed that their plans to create a "protest pit" are only an option under consideration -- but two official reports put out last year by the NPS say otherwise.

The second FOIA request demands the Bush Administration's NPS release information regarding those plans, as evidenced in the reports, to restrict or ban First Amendment activities on the National Mall including their written plans to "pave civic space and speaker's corners for First Amendment Demonstrations" so as to "reduce the impact" on the "experience of other visitors."

Please make a contribution to support these efforts. The Bush Administration and the businesses have unlimited funds to pursue their goals and are raising more and more every day. Please join with tens of thousands of others who are standing up for our free speech rights by supporting this campaign. You can help make a difference in this important fight by making a generous donation today.

These FOIAs are part of the larger campaign in Defense of Free Speech Rights on the National Mall. The campaign seeks to defeat the efforts of the Bush Administration and Corporate America to inhibit, obstruct and banish Free Speech protests on the National Mall in Washington, DC and in other park lands and public spaces around the country. You can read a copy of the two FOIA requests by clicking here (to download the first) and here (to download the second).

Please Help with an Urgently Needed Donation

The outcome of this struggle to preserve Free Speech in Washington D.C. will have an enormous impact for many years to come. When the people come to Washington to stand up for what they believe in, the National Mall has been the central gathering place. This struggle to preserve “America’s Front Yard” for Free Speech can’t be done without your help. You can make a tax-deductible donation on-line or see how to send a check by clicking this link. If you want to make a donation that is not-tax-deductible you can also do so by clicking here.

Take Action

Sign the Statement in Defense of Free Speech Rights on the National Mall
Click this link to send your message to the National Park Service
Forward this email by clicking this link
Please click this link to make a donation to this effort right now

Survey: Americans Are Strongly Opposed to the North American Union

Sunday, May 11, 2008 by: Barbara L. Minton

Americans are catching on to the North American Union scheme and voicing their opposition. The right wing grassroots organization, American Policy Center (APC), has just concluded a survey of one million American households. The survey, titled "Do Americans Support a North American Union" asked a series of questions concerning the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) and the Trans Texas Corridor (TTC). Included with the survey was a four-page report prepared by APC entitled "NAU Fact Sheet", providing details about the SPP, the TTC, as well as an explanation of how these programs are being implemented without public scrutiny in meetings held behind closed doors, like the one just completed in New Orleans.

The chosen households represented no specific political ideological positions. They were from a wide variety of American households living in the direct path of the proposed Trans Texas/NAFTA Corridor, running from Mexico to Canada across the midsection of the U.S. -- learn more at ( and ( .

The survey questions were:

1. Have you heard of the Security and Prosperity Partnership? 58 % of those responding said they did Not know about the SPP.

2. Do you think private corporations should have the power to enforce trade policy that may adversely affect our national sovereignty and independence? This question related directly to the establishment of public/private partnerships between private corporations and government, granting no-compete clauses and comprehensive development agreements which provide guarantees by government to the corporations as investment returns. The TTC is not a free enterprise, but is government sanctioned monopolies. As this question was explained by the APC, 95% of respondents Opposed such policy.

3. Chapter 11 of the NAFTA agreement states that disputes over NAFTA-related issues will be heard in NAFTA courts superseding U.S. local, state and federal courts, including the Supreme Court. Question three asked, Do you think this would be a threat to U.S. sovereignty?Yes.

4. The SPP calls for expanding the U.S. security perimeter to include the borders of Canada and Mexico. Question 4 asked, Do you think it would strengthen U.S. security to expand our borders to the outer borders of Canada and Mexico? 87% of respondents answered No.

5. Do you think it will strengthen U.S. Border security to allow trucks from Mexico and Canada to travel, free of inspection, up a corridor which has been built and is controlled by foreign corporations into the heartland of the United States? Texas Department of Transportation has already signed a 50-year agreement with a Spanish company named Cintra to build the TTC. In September of 2007, the Bush Administration started a pilot project to allow Mexican trucks to cross the U.S. border without inspections and be free to travel inside the United States. The Senate has also passed the omnibus spending bill that "was clearly written and designed to put the breaks on the current pilot program", according to Senator Byron Dorgan. Yet the Bush Administration, under the leadership of Transportation Secretary Mary Peters, continues the program, now in violation of federal law. 95% of respondents to this survey Opposed the Mexican truck project.

6. Would you support efforts to replace the U.S. dollar with a common North American currency some call the "Amero"? Though denied by the Bush Administration, there has been much discussion about the creation of a North American currency that would mimic the Euro. In an October, 2007 appearance on the Larry King Show on CNN, former Mexican President Fox answered in the affirmative when King asked about the creation of a united currency. 92% of respondents said they would Not support such a common North American currency.

7. Do you believe there should be public hearings and debate on this policy before it is allowed to move forward? So far, there has been no congressional legislation, hearings, or oversight concerning the establishment or operation of the SPP. No federal money has been officially allocated by Congress. No official authority has been provided for the creation of the SPP. 95% of respondents answered Yes, there should be debate and discussion with public participation. Americans believe it is wrong to make such significant national policy changes without debate and discussion.

8. Should the Bush Administration be allowed to move forward with its plans to create a "North American Community" without Congressional approval? Again, the American people have shown they understand that it is Congress which should decide such policy as this. They responded with a resounding 97% No to this question.

9. Do you believe the United States should be "harmonized" or merged into a union with Mexico and Canada? The words most often used by the Administration concerning the SPP are "harmonize" and "integrate". The U.S. is a representative Republic; Mexico is a socialist government; and Canada is part of the British Crown. There are no grounds for "harmonization" unless drastic changes are made to the U.S. judicial and financial systems. 88% said No to harmonization with Mexico and Canada.

10. Respondents were asked to provide comments and thoughts on the SPP. The word most often used was "treason". Another said, "I want no part of the social health care of Canada and I do not want to incorporate Mexico's turmoil and poverty into our United States.". Many others said, "I want secure borders, not easy traffic between the U.S., Canada and Mexico. And another bluntly said, "Bush's actions formulate a horrifying destruction of our proud nation". Many others used even stronger language. Once Americans learn about the SPP, they are clearly opposed.

In the face of this overwhelming opposition, on April 21-22, in yet another closed door meeting in New Orleans, President Bush and heads of state from Mexico and Canada continued to deny the SPP is anything more than a "dialogue" among the three nations.

Tom DeWeese, president of the American Policy Center, sees it differently. "As the Texas Department of Transportation signs an agreement with the Spanish company Cintra, containing no-compete clauses and guaranteed returns; as the Kansas City council loans $2.5 million to build the inland truck port called KC Smart Port; as the twenty SPP working groups continue to write policy; as the Mexican trucks roll over our borders; as high level meetings go on –- the Bush Administration dares to deny that Anything is happening. Why? The responses to APC's survey show why. When Americans understand the truth, they say No in resounding numbers." Concludes De Weese, "Clearly the American people are overwhelmingly opposed to the harmonization of North America. We just want our country –- strong, independent and secure."

91% of respondents said

About the author

Barbara is a school psychologist, a published author in the area of personal finance, a breast cancer survivor using "alternative" treatments, a born existentialist, and a student of nature and all things natural.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

URGENT: Comcast Is Censoring Political Content Again, Speak Out To Tell Comcast To Back Off Our Free Speech

Comcast, which has a history of censoring political content is STILL
abusing their monopoly power to suppress political speech. Last week
in San Francisco they REFUSED to accept the new Shirley Golub TV ad,
in her congressional primary challenge against Nancy Pelosi.

Stop Comcast Censorship Action Page:

Apparently they did not take kindly to Golub's comparison of the
political behavior of the current Speaker of the House to a rubber
chicken, for her cowardice in not standing up to the Bush
administration. But that's not their call, and in the meantime the 3
major non-cable broadcast outlets ARE running the ad and they all
think it's a delightful hoot.

The real problem is that Shirley wanted to place these ads
specifically to support Keith Olbermann on MSNBC cable, and Comcast
by their action is making it immensely harder for her to mobilize
those who are Olbermann's viewers, her natural base. It is simply
outrageous for Comcast to refuse to air perfectly acceptable
political speech because THEY don't like the content. We must flood
them with complaints, or Olbermann himself, with his own
uncompromising commentary, may not be far behind.

The action page above will send your message of complaint to Comcast
CEO Brian Roberts, and let Keith Olbermann and MSNBC know what's
going on.

With more that 30,000 YouTube views already this amazing TV ad is
having a real impact. It was a featured news story for a full news
cycle the first day it aired. And it is only because of your
contributions that this is happening. Please watch it again, and if
you can make a donation to run even more of these spots on the
stations that are accepting them, we can really put the heat on

Rubber Chicken TV Spot:

You can make a real difference right now by telling Comcast that they
need to back off. And if you can make a contribution of $100 or more,
Shirley wants to send you one of the new bright orange "IMPEACH BOTH"
caps to wear proudly. And if you can be a "tell it like it is" angel
and donate $1,000 or more, Shirley will also send you one of her
custom embroidered, satin baseball award jackets with the "I'm On The
Table" message.

Keith Olberman himself has said much more unflattering things about
members of the Bush administration than calling them chickens, and
that's why we love him, for his truth telling. And it is critical for
Shirley mobilize the audience who watches Olbermann on cable, and in
particular because only on cable can she focus on her constituents
exactly within the limits of her congressional district.

The courage of Shirley Golub is a breaking news story. With your help
in a matter of days we can break her out as true national leadership
figure, and then won't Nancy Pelosi be running scared.

Paid for by Shirley Golub for Congress

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed
to be ours, and forward this alert as widely as possible.

If you would like to get alerts like these, you can do so at

Saturday, May 10, 2008

America's Pay-or-Die Health Care System

The Story of Lisa Kelly
America's Pay-or-Die Health Care System

This is a tale of pay or die that recurs again and
again all over our country and only in our country in
the entire western world.

Advised by her physician to go to M.D. Anderson for
urgent treatment of her leukemia, Mrs. Lisa Kelly was
told she had to pay $105,000 up front before being
admitted. The hospital declared her limited insurance

Sitting in the business office with seriously advanced
cancer, she asked herself – “Are they going to send me
home?” “Am I going to die?”

Time out from her torment for a moment. M.D. Anderson
started this upfront payment demand in 2005 because of
a spike in its bad debt load.

The Wall Street Journal explains – “The bad debt is
driven by a larger number of Americans who are
uninsured or who don’t have enough insurance to cover
costs if catastrophe strikes. Even among those with
adequate insurance, deductibles and co-payments are
growing so big that insured patients also have trouble
paying hospitals.”

It isn’t as if non-profit hospitals like M.D. Anderson
are hurting. Look at this finding in an Ohio State
University study: net income per bed at non-profit
hospitals tripled to $146,273 in 2005 from $50,669 in
2000. And you also may have noticed the huge pay
packages awarded hospital executives.

M.D. Anderson, exempt from taxation, recipient of
funds from large government programs and research
grants has cash, investments and endowment totaling
$1.9 billion, with net income of $310 million last
year, the Journal reports.

Back to the 52 year old, Lisa Kelly. She and her
husband returned with a check for $45,000. After a
blood test and biopsy, the hospital oncologist urged
admittance quickly. Then the hospital demanded an
additional $60,000-$45,000 just for the lab tests and
$15,000 for part of the cost of the treatment.

To shorten the story, she received chemotherapy for
over a year. Often her appointment was “blocked” until
she made another payment.

In a particularly grotesque incident, she was hooked
up to a chemotherapy pump, but the nurses were not
allowed to change the chemo bag until Mr. Kelly made
another payment.

She endured other indignities and overcharges.
Reporter Martinez cites $360 for blood tests that
insurers pay $20 or less for and up to $120 for saline
pouches that cost less than $2 retail.

Imagine anything like Mrs. Kelly’s predicament and
pressures occurring in Canada, Belgium, Germany,
Italy, France, Switzerland, Holland, England or any
other western country. It would never happen.

These countries have universal single payer health
insurance. No one dies because they cannot afford
health care. In America, 18,000 Americans die each
year because they cannot afford health care, according
to the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy
of Sciences. Many more get sick or become sicker.

None of these countries spend more than 11% of their
GDP on healthcare. The U.S. spends over 16% of its GDP
on health care and does not cover 47 million people
and tens of millions are under covered

In the U.S. the drug companies charge their highest
prices in the world, even though we, the taxpayers,
subsidized them in large ways. In other countries like
Mexico and Canada, they cannot get away with such drug
price gouging, with a pay or die ultimatum.

In the U.S., computerized billing fraud and abuse cost
over $200 billion last year, according to the GAO arm
of Congress. In other counties, single payer prevents
such looting.

In other countries, administrative expenses of their
single payer system are about a third of what the
Aetna’s and other insurers rack up.

In other western countries, medical outcomes for
children and adults and paid family leave are far
superior to that of the U.S. The World Health
Organization ranks the US health care system 37th in
the world.

When apologists in Washington hear these statistics,
they say “but we have the best medical research
centers in the world, like M.D. Anderson.”

Clearly much is wrong with the nature of pricing
health care.

Like other hospitals, M.D. Anderson is caught in a
macabre spider’s web of cost allocations mixing
treatment costs with research budgets, cash reserves,
and just plain accounting gimmicks that burden

When a friend showed the Journal’s article to a Dutch
visitor, the latter blurted in anger – “you are a
nation of sheep.” Not a very flattering description of
“the land of the free, home of the brave.”

Someday, soon maybe, Americans will finally band
together and say “enough already,” we’re going for
full Medicare for all- without loopholes for corporate
profiteers and purveyors of waste and fraud.

Last month after being in remission, Lisa Kelly’s
leukemia has come back.

"Of all forms of inequality, injustice in health care is the most shocking and most inhumane."
-- Martin Luther King, Jr.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

We Can Stop The Latest War Funding Cave In, But You Have To Know Who To Call

We all know the routine by now. The Democratic so-called leadership
makes a feeble attempt to attach something else to the latest
emergency war appropriation, like a half-hearted stipulation for a
withdrawal date, or some crumbs of a desperately needed social
program, like this time.

And the President stomps his feet demanding a "clean" bill, clean of
any kind of assertion of Congressional power or meaningful oversight,
that is. And the Democrats end up caving in, out of fear of being
accused of not supporting the troops, if "supporting" really means
leaving them in mortal harm's way for no justifiable strategic
reason, that is.

Should we call Congress yet again, to send them the same message
again . . . stop the funding, bring our troops home now. We'll make
our calls. Here are the toll free numbers yet again 800 828-0498, 800
614 2803 and 866 340 9281. And of course you should call too. Never
let them be able to honestly say they didn't hear from you.

But we need a back up plan, folks. And we've got one. This is all
just one big game of "what'cha gonna do?" What will we do if they
completely ignore us again, because they think they are esconced in
safe districts where they can never be seriously challenged? We have
to challenge them in those districts in contested primaries . . . and
win. At some point we must understand that is the only message they
are actually going to take seriously.

And that is exactly what is happening in San Francisco right now,
where a political miracle is taking place in the primary challenge
against Nancy Pelosi June 3. Thanks to you, Shirley Golub's "Rubber
Chicken" TV ad started running on all 3 major network TV stations
this very morning. And before the end of the day at least one of
their news departments was clamoring to interview her for the evening
news. Here is that amazingly powerful TV spot.

Rubber Chicken TV Spot:

So call Congress again, please do it, and tell them to bring the
troops home. It costs you nothing. But then help to send the most
powerful message of all, by donating whatever you can to empower
Shirley Golub to put more and more spots like these on the air, to
send Nancy Pelosi herself, the queen of the cave in, packing before
even the general election.

Or maybe you like the radio spot where Shirley also calls Pelosi a
political coward, with sound clips of Pelosi saying "I'm afraid" over
and over.

Pelosi Afraid Spot:

So pick up the phone and call your member of Congress again. Only
this time tell them you are making the most generous donation you
possibly can from the page above, to defeat Nancy Pelosi herself, and
that they will be next if they don't start listening to the people
quick, fast and in a hurry. Tell them that what they do now will
determine whether they will lose to a primary challenger of their own
the very next chance the people get.

It all comes back to the same thing. With exception of a handful of
valiant souls, most politicians only consider the voice of the people
if they are actually afraid it will cost them their own seats. Only
defeating Pelosi, and doing it now, can send a message that they can
no longer ignore.

More and more primary challengers are springing up all over the
country, like Mark Welyczko (OR-01), Joe Walsh (OR-03) and Nancy
Moran (OR-05), who are running at a team in the Portland, OR area on
an impeachment now platform.

We need more of these valiant souls, and we surely have one in
Shirley Golub, who has worked her heart out for other progressive
candidates for years. Check out the rest of her site from one of
pages above. Cindy Sheehan is also one of those valiant souls, but
Cindy cannot defeat Pelosi on June 3, because she is not running
until the general election in November. Only Shirley Golub can do
that. And with your courageous help, she surely will.

Paid for by Shirley Golub for Congress

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed
to be ours, and forward this alert as widely as possible.

If you would like to get alerts like these, you can do so at

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Looks like we struck a nerve...

This is going to come as a surprise to you, but you made a man named Dick Wadhams very, very angry last week. And we couldn't be prouder.

Here's what happened. Last Thursday, Public Campaign Action Fund's Campaign Money Watch project started airing new TV and radio ads in Colorado. The ads call attention to Senate candidate Bob Schaffer's connections to convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff and his clients who are sweatshop owners on the Northern Mariana Islands. The U.S. government found that women employees were mistreated and abused. But Schaffer defended the sweatshops and took thousands in campaign donation from their owners.

Bob Schaffer's campaign manager, Dick Wadhams, seemingly nostalgic for the playground taunts of yore, called Campaign Money Watch a "sham" organization funded by "scumbags."

Call me crazy (and I've been called worse) but that sounds like the response of a political operative who can't handle the truth, and chooses to attack us instead.

Make a donation today to send a message to the political operatives that their days are numbered. We own this democracy and we'll take it back.

We hit a nerve. And, if we're going to see a substantive change in the way our candidates for office finance their campaigns it's a nerve we need to keep hitting over and over again from the Pacific to Rockies to the Great Lakes to New England and everywhere in between.

To do that we need your support, and that's why I'd like to ask you for a donation today to help us continue to shine a spotlight on politicians who take campaign contributions with one hand and do favors with their other.

Let's keep making the Dick Wadhams' of the world nervous. While he's busy calling us names, we'll be busy telling the truth.

Thanks for all your hard work,

David Donnelly
Campaign Money Watch

Visit the web address below to tell your friends about this.

If you received this message from a friend, you can sign up for Public Campaign Action Fund and Public Campaign.

No Attack on Iran!

Let no one say that we stood by wondering why and how to act while the Bush regime threatens to attack Iran... Iran coverage:

U.S. Sends Navy to Threaten Iran

Building the case for war: U.S. State Department labels Iran "most active state sponsor of terrorism" Ken Theisen

Top Military Officials Keep Iran War Option on the Table

We Pledge: No Attack on Iran!

Bush and Cheney are committing war crimes in Iraq. We refuse to be silent.

Bush and Cheney are readying another war on Iran. We refuse to be complicit.

As people of conscience, we declare now:

We will do everything possible to stop a war on Iran.
We pledge to bring business as usual to a halt if the US bombs Iran.
We will draw forward many others to act.
We pledge our resistance now because the world cannot wait.

Iraq - Get Out! Iran Stay Out!

Bush and Cheney - Drive Out!

Sign the pledge

This past weekend, World Can't Wait held a national meeting in Berkeley CA. Here is how I began the meeting:

About six weeks ago, Bush got approval and funding from the Congress for a secret directive authorizing a range of operations, including assassinations, against the Iranian government. According to Andrew Cockburn on May 2, the area "covers actions across a huge geographic area - from Lebanon to Afghanistan - but is also far more sweeping in the type of actions permitted under its guidelines - up to and including the assassination of targeted officials… A Marine amphibious force, originally due to leave San Diego for the Persian Gulf in mid June, has had its sailing date abruptly moved up to May 4." That's tomorrow. It'll take them about a month to get there.

This preparation is real, the threat of a new attack must be taken extremely seriously - and there is NO opposition to this coming from within the halls of power or from the democratic presidential contenders. Hillary Clinton threatened to "totally obliterate" Iran and Obama's only objection was that "using words like obliterate doesn't actually produce good results… I think the Iranians can be confident that I [too] will respond forcefully." Vanity Fair wrote a month ago that the only thing standing between the US and an attack on Iran was General Fallon - and just days later he was forced to resign.

The Bush program is still shaping the world - and everything they have put in place for the last seven years is what is setting the stage and the terms for all of official politics today.

As we said in January, "George Bush is unrelenting in his determination to drive the savageness of his agenda into the next administration". Politics as usual will not meet the enormity of the damage that has been done. Can the world wait? Hell, no! And do we still need to bring to a halt this whole program and direction? Hell, YES!

This is a time for moral clarity and fearless determination. The horrors that we came together to stop are not over - and we can't be over either. Read more.

World Can't Wait made these plans to raise the alarm on US plans v Iran:

  • Hold meetings and forums everywhere schools are still in session.
  • Get Emergency response networks organized in case of an attack.
  • Encourage showings of the new film: Iran Is Not the Problem

Stay tuned for a one page handout you can use....and more plans from World Can't Wait on this and other key issues.

Debra Sweet, Director, The World Can't Wait - Drive Out the Bush Regime

World Can't Wait - - 866.973.4463 - 305 W. Broadway #185, NY, NY 10013

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


By: Hal Turner
North Bergen, NJ -- As a radio talk show host, I receive a whole slew of e-mail and regular mail about virtually every issue under the sun. Much of it gets deleted or thrown away. Some of it results in stories appearing on my web site or being discussed on my show. Every once in awhile,
something akin to a bombshell arrives and yesterday, July 18, 2007 was one such day.
I came into possession of portions of a U.S. military plan which was allegedly classified "Top Secret." This put me in a bind because without having a security clearance myself, having something which is Classified is unlawful. Reading such a document is also unlawful and
revealing it to the public is definitely unlawful. So, I thought about it. I decided screw it, I'm going to read it.
As I read the document, my blood ran cold. Chills ran up my spine. The hair on the back of my neck stood up. My gut started churning. This document is an operational plan to use U.S. military troops against U.S. Citizens!
The plan says "A perceived serious potential of dissident American groups rising up against constituted authority has been clearly identified by counter-intelligence agencies.[Underlining mine]
The plan goes on to say why people are clearly thinking of rising up and throwing-off our federal government by saying "The stated cause for such an uprising appear to be growing dissatisfaction with the course and conduct of the war in Iraq, the chronic inability of Congress to deal with various pressing issues and the perception of widespread corruption and indifference to public needs."
Sounds accurate to me. In fact, it describes perfectly reasonable justification for the America people to utilize our original right of self-defense against such a government or for us to impose reform!
Most stunning about the plan is that it talks about political reform and offers an unbelievably out- of-touch, completely un-American observation: "Reform may be necessary, but reform is a matter for the state . . . . ."
A matter for the state? We The People ARE the state. We The People decide on reform. For this U.S. military plan to assert "Reform may be necessary, but reform is a matter for the state" is like
reading something out of the old Soviet Union! What planet are these people on?
The truly chilling parts of this plan involve the use of "Informant nets" of Americans literally spying on their fellow citizens and "Block Control" where the plan calls for "trusted resident reports on the activities of people in their neighborhoods." Folks, this is what Fidel Castro does in Communist Cuba!
As you read the details below, remember this: This plan has been drawn up by OUR military. The military WE hired, WE train, WE equip, WE feed, WE clothe, WE house. It is an OUTRAGE that anyone in our military would DARE to even create such plan, never mind try to implement it!
A Blunt warning to our Government and our Military:
In our nation of 300 million people, there are at least 95 million lawful gun owners. Those 95 million guns owners lawfully possess 212 million firearms.
Even if the government recalled ALL military members from around the entire world, they would have a force of only about two million.
95 million gun owners versus 2 million troops. I think we all know how this would turn out: the government would be slaughtered.
In fact, if only ten percent of the 95 million gun owners had guts enough to fight, we would still outnumber the military almost 3:1.
We The People of the United States aren't the least bit worried about government tanks and planes, those tools are useless in guerilla warfare. Want proof? Iraq! The U.S. government is getting its ass kicked over there. Government wouldn't last a week if they tried implementing this plan here.
Government would do well to remember they exist at the whim and behest of the American people. Government in this land exists to serve us as we direct.
The power government wields belongs to The People. We The People merely LEND part of our power to government and we have the absolute right to take that power back at any time we deem appropriate. In fact, the founding fathers made clear we can take it back in any MANNER
we deem appropriate! That's why they gave us the Second Amendment!
If the U.S. government or military dares attempt to implement this plan, they should expect to be killed.
----------------- PRECIS OF THE PLAN ---------------------
Classification: Top Secret-Noforn as of 1 June 2007
Distribution Restriction: Distribution authorized to the DOD and DOD contractors only to maintain operations security. This determination was made on 1 June 2007. Other requests for this document must be referred to (redacted)
Destruction Notice: Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or
reconstruction of the document. .
This publication uses the term insurgent to describe those taking part in any activity
designed to undermine or to overthrow the established authorities
Counterinsurgency is those military, paramilitary, political, economic, psychological, and civic actions taken by a government to defeat insurgency (JP 1-02). It is an offensive approach involving all elements of national power; it can take place across the range of operations and spectrum of conflict

In dealing with the local populace, the primary aims must be to:
·Protect the population.
·Establish local political institutions.
·Reinforce local governments.
·Eliminate insurgent capabilities.
·Exploit information from local sources.
An insurgency is organized movement aimed at the overthrow of a constituted
government through use of subversion and armed conflict (JP 1-02). It is a protracted
politico-military struggle designed to weaken government control and legitimacy while
increasing insurgent control. Political power is the central issue in an insurgency.
An insurgent organization normally consists of four elements:
Combatants (main forces, regional forces, local forces).
Cadre (local political leaders that are also called the militants).
Mass base (the bulk of the membership).
The support of the people, passive or active then, is the center of gravity. It must be
gained in whatever proportion is necessary to sustain the insurgent movement (or,
contrariwise, to defeat it). As in any political campaign, all levels of support are relative.
Insurgent movements begin as "fire in the minds of men." Insurgent leaders commit
themselves to building a new world. They construct the organization to carry through this
desire. Generally, popular grievances become insurgent causes when interpreted and
shaped by the insurgent leadership. The insurgency grows if the cadre that is local
insurgent leaders and representatives can establish a link between the insurgent
movement and the desire for solutions to grievances sought by the local population
Insurgent leaders will exploit opportunities created by government security force actions.
The behavior of security forces is critical. Lack of security force discipline leads to
alienation, and security force abuse of the populace is a very effective insurgent
recruiting tool. Consequently, specific insurgent tactical actions are often planned to

frequently elicit overreaction from security force individuals and units.
Insurgencies are dynamic political movements, resulting from real or perceived grievance or neglect that leads to alienation from an established government.
A successful counterinsurgency will result in the neutralization by the state of the
insurgency and its effort to form a counter state. While many abortive insurgencies are defeated by military and police actions alone, if an insurgency has tapped into serious grievances and has mobilized a significant portion of the population, simply returning to the status quo may not be an option. Reform may be necessary, but reform is a matter for the state, using all of its human and material resources. Security forces are only one such resource. The response must be multifaceted and coordinated, yet states typically charge their security forces with "waging counterinsurgency." This the security forces cannot do alone.
These imperatives are:
· Facilitate establishment or reestablishment of a 'legitimate government'.
· Counterinsurgency requires perseverance.
· Foster popular support for the incumbent US government.
· Prepare to perform functions and conduct operations that are outside normal scope of training.
· Coordinate with US governmental departments and agencies, and with vital non-
governmental, agencies.
Urban operations.
· Protection of government facilities.
· Protection of infrastructure.
· Protection of commercial enterprises vital to the HN economy.
· Protection of cultural facilities.
· Prevention of looting.
· Military police functions.
· Close interaction with civilians.
· Assistance with reconstruction projects.
· Securing the national borders.
· Training or retraining a national military police and security force.
Establishing and maintaining local government credibility.
· Contributing local government is both tangible and psychological. Local security forces must reinforce and be integrated into the plan at every stage.
· Facilitate and use information and intelligence obtained from local sources to gain
access to the insurgent's economic and social base of support, order of battle, tactics,
techniques, and procedures.
Army forces help local pro-government police, paramilitary, and military forces perform counterinsurgency, area security, or local security operations. They advise and assist in finding, dispersing, capturing, and destroying the insurgent force.
US forces may conduct offensive operations to disrupt and destroy insurgent combat
formations. These operations prevent the insurgents from attacking government-
controlled areas. There are many organizations and extensive resources available to aid counterinsurgent forces.
Commanders should not overlook the aid these organizations may provide. All forces
assigned an AO or function should determine which departments and agencies are
assisting in that AO and coordinate actions so that there is no duplication of effort. Such departments, councils and agencies include-
· National Security Council.
· Department of Defense.
· Department of State.
· Department of Justice.
· Department of the Treasury.
· Department of Homeland Security.
· Department of Agriculture.
· Department of Commerce.
· Central Intelligence Agency.
· Department of Transportation
Various governmental departments directly administer or support other governmental
agencies. Examples of these US agencies are-
· The US Coast Guard (under Department of Homeland Security).
· The Federal Bureau of Investigation (under Department of Justice).
· Immigration Customs Enforcement (under Department of Homeland Security).
· Federal Communications Commission
. The proper application of force is a critical component to any successful
counterinsurgency operation. In a counterinsurgency, the center of gravity is public
support. In order to defeat an insurgent force, US forces must be able to separate
insurgents from the population. At the same time, US forces must conduct themselves in
a manner that enables them to maintain popular domestic support. Excessive or
indiscriminant use of force is likely to alienate the local populace, thereby increasing
support for insurgent forces. Insufficient use of force results in increased risks to US
forces and perceived weaknesses that can jeopardize the mission by emboldening
insurgents and undermining domestic popular support. Achieving the appropriate balance requires a thorough understanding of the nature and causes of the insurgency, the end state, and the military's role in a counterinsurgency operation. Nevertheless, US forces
always retain the right to use necessary and proportional force for individual and unit
self-defense in response to a hostile act or demonstrated hostile intent.
The media, print and broadcast (radio, television and the Internet), play a vital role in
societies involved in a counterinsurgency. Members of the media have a significant
influence and shaping impact on political direction, national security objectives, and
policy and national will. The media is a factor in military operations. It is their right and obligation to report to their respective audiences on the use of military force. They demand logistic support and access to military operations while refusing to be controlled. Their desire for immediate footage and on-the-spot coverage of events, and the increasing contact with units and Soldiers (for example, with embedded reporters) require commanders and public affairs officers to provide guidance to leaders and Soldiers on media relations. However, military planners must provide and enforce ground rules to the media to ensure operations security. Public affairs offices plan for daily briefings and a special briefing after each significant event because the media affect and influence each potential target audience external and internal to the AO. Speaking with the media in a forward-deployed area is an opportunity to explain what our organizations and efforts have accomplished.

Continuous PSYOP are mounted to-
· Counter the effects of insurgent propaganda.
· Relate controls to the security and well-being of the population.
· Portray a favorable governmental image.
.Control measures must-
· Be authorized by national laws and regulations (counterparts should be trained not to
improvise unauthorized measures).
· Be tailored to fit the situation (apply the minimum force required to achieve the de-sired
· Be supported by effective local intelligence.
· Be instituted in as wide an area as possible to prevent bypass or evasion.
· Be supported by good communications.
· Be enforceable.
· Be lifted as the need diminishes.
· Be compatible, where possible, with local customs and traditions.
· Establish and maintain credibility of local government.
A control program may be developed in five phases:
· Securing and defending the area internally and externally.
· Organizing for law enforcement.
· Executing cordon and search operations.
· Screening and documenting the population (performing a detailed census).
· Performing public administration, to include resource control.
Support to the judiciary may be limited to providing security to the existing courts or may lead to more comprehensive actions to build local, regional, and national courts and the required support apparatus. To avoid overcrowding in police jails, the courts must have an efficient and timely magistrate capability, ideally co-located with police stations and police jails, to review cases for trial.
Cordon and search is a technique used by military and police forces in both urban and
rural environments. It is frequently used by counterinsurgency forces conducting a
population and resource control mission against small centers of population or
subdivisions of a larger community. To be effective, cordon and search operations must have sufficient forces to effectively cordon off and thoroughly search target areas, to include subsurface areas.
PSYOP, civil affairs, and specialist interrogation teams should augment cordon and
search orces to increase the effectiveness of operations. Consider the following when
conducting cordon and search operations:
Cordon and search operations may be conducted as follows:
Disposition of troops should-
· Facilitate visual contact between posts within the cordon.
· Provide for adequate patrolling and immediate deployment of an effective re-serve
Priority should be given to-
· Sealing the administrative center of the community.
· Occupying all critical facilities.
· Detaining personnel in place.
· Preserving and securing all records, files, and other archives.
Key facilities include-
· Administrative buildings.
· Police stations.
· News media facilities.
· Post offices.
· Communications centers.
· Transportation offices and motor pools.

· Prisons and other places of detention.
· Schools.
· Medical facilities.
Search Techniques include-
· Search teams of squad size organized in assault, support, and security elements.
One target is assigned per team.
· Room searches are conducted by two-person teams.
· Room search teams are armed with pistols, assault weapons, and automatic weapons.
· Providing security for search teams screening operations and facilities.
Pre-search coordination includes-
· Between control personnel and screening team leaders.
· Study of layout plans.
· Communications, that is, radio, whistle, and hand signals.
· Disposition of suspects.
· On-site security.
· Guard entrances, exits (to include the roof), halls, corridors, and tunnels.
· Assign contingency tasks for reserve.
· Room searches conducted by two- or three-person teams.
· Immobilize occupants with one team member.
· Search room with other team member.
· Search all occupants. When available, a third team member should be the re-corder.
· Place documents in a numbered envelope and tag the associated individual with a
corresponding number.

Screening and documentation include following:
· Systematic identification and registration.
· Issuance of individual identification cards containing-
A unique number.
Picture of individual.
Personal identification data.
An official stamp (use different colors for each administration region).
Family group census cards, an official copy of which is retained at the local police
agency. These must include a picture and appropriate personal data.
Frequent use of mobile and fixed checkpoints for inspection, identification, and
registration of documents.
Preventing counterfeiting of identification and registration documents by laminating and embossing.
Programs to inform the population of the need for identification and registration.
Covert surveillance is a collection effort with the responsibility fixed at the
intelligence/security division or detective division of the police department. Covert
techniques, ranging from application of sophisticated electronics systems to informants, should include-
Informant nets. Reliability of informants should be verified. Protection of identity is a
Block control. Dividing a community or populated area into zones where a trusted
resident reports on the activities of the population. If the loyalty of block leaders is
questionable, an informant net can be established to verify questionable areas.
Units designated for counterinsurgency operations
· 115th MIB, Schofield, HI
· 704th MIB, Fort Made, MD, Collaboration with NSA
Page 11
· 513st MIB, Fort Gordon, GA in Collaboration with NSA
· Arlington Hall Station, VA
· Aberdeen Proving Ground (Maryland)
· US Army Intelligence and Security Command INSCOM- Huachuca ( Arizona )
· INTELLIGENCE THREAT and ANALYSIS CENTER ( Center Analysis for threat and
Intelligence )
· 501st Military Intelligence Brigade EAC
· 3rd Military Intelligence Battalion Exploitation Area
. . . . . . The document continues, page after page, throughout almost nine-hundred pages.
In those other pages, the document outlines
"REX 84" "FEMA concentration camps",
already established, constructed and manned inside the United States, to be utilized to
house "insurgents" who are rounded-up by government.

When I read the document, I knew that I could be criminally prosecuted for having it, prosecuted on a separate charge for reading it and prosecuted yet again for releasing information contained within it.
I decided that the threat to Liberty posed by the document made it imperative that I take action and I have done so. Now, all of you know!
I also realized that in order for the U.S. Government to prosecute me, the document would have to be authentic. They would have to admit the Document is authentic and actually Classified in order to bring any prosecution.
Since such an admission would prove me right and be an ominous warning to all of you that real trouble is here, I suspect I am safe from any reprisals for the time being. It's a gamble with enormous consequences, but saving our Republic from a tyrannical government is worth my risk.
It is clear to me that very serious things are on the horizon here in America. It will be up to us, citizen-patriots, to step up to defend our liberty. I am ready. Are you?

Monday, May 5, 2008

Demand answers – a “media Trojan horse”!?

Over a week ago, the New York Times published a major investigative article, detailing a secret Pentagon program the Times said was designed to recruit and cultivate the "military analysts" you see on the major news networks in an attempt to create coverage favorable to the Bush Administration's policy in Iraq.

The Times described an extensive program, with dozens of television analysts involved, some of whom had extensive business ties to the Defense Department -- in fact they called it "an effort to transform the analysts into a kind of media Trojan horse -- an instrument intended to shape terrorism coverage from inside the major TV and radio networks."

Since that story ran, there's been a virtual news blackout, and we haven't gotten any closer to finding out the real story.

You can change that. I sent a letter to the Government Accounting Organization requesting an investigation, and I'd like you to show your support by virtually "co-signing" the letter with me. Only with an overwhelming display of grassroots energy can we put this story in the spotlight and press for answers.

Click here to co-sign the letter with me:

The Pentagon quickly issued a statement that they've ended the program, but I still believe that we need to have a complete accounting of exactly what was happening, who was involved, and what it accomplished. I don't think that's too much to ask -- do you?

If you believe, as I do, that we as citizens have a right to know the real story, please co-sign the letter demanding answers:

We know the life-or-death consequences of policy decisions in Iraq and Afghanistan -- and we know that these policies should be debated and defended without secret programs designed to tailor the news for the Administration's goals. This is too important to brush aside.
We must demand answers.

Thank you,
John Kerry

P.S. -- If you'd like to read the original New York Times article for more information on the Pentagon pundits program, click here.