I urge you to make your special economic stimulus donation as soon as possible. Now, more than ever, World Can't Wait depends on your continued support to move these vital initiatives forward.
Pledge or donate your tax rebate online or mail check payable to "World Can't Wait" to:
World Can't Wait
305 W. Broadway #185
New York, NY 10013
To make a tax-deductible donation of $100 or more in support of WCW's educational activities, please make checks out to "The Alliance for Global Justice," a 501(3)(c) organization, and designate "for WCW" in the check memo line.
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Today George Bush announced to the world that Iran is the "single biggest threat" to peace in the Middle East. What country surrounds Yesterday I was on Iranian TV sending a message that we reject Bush's threats. See the PressTV show on May 12. Wednesday the Chicago City Council will vote on a resolution against a US attack on Iran. See more at NoWarOnIran-chicago.org. World Can't Wait has set out to RESIST and MOBILZE TO STOP the Bush program. We will concentrate on these issues: PROTEST in DENVER at the DEMOCRATS; CONVENTION. The Democratic nominee in 2008 will not speak for us. Stay tuned for plans. Debra Sweet, Director, The World Can't Wait - Drive Out the Bush Regime WE PLEDGE NO ATTACK ON IRAN: We should do all we can to raise the alarm to people living in this country that the Bush regime is threatening a catastrophic military strike on Iran. Your tax rebate is needed to reach out with this urgent message. Attacking Iran would be wrong!
FIRE/DISBAR/PROSECUTE JOHN YOO: World Can't Wait is spreading the public outcry that John Yoo, infamous author of the "torture memos" be fired from University of California Berkeley Boalt Hall Law School. He helped the Bush principals hide behind the law to carry out . He should be disbarred and prosecuteds for war crimes and crimes against humanity as a way of bringing down the TORTURE State. Your tax rebate can help us get word to the one million lawyers and thousands of law students to make this demand.
STOP MILITARY RECRUITING: What are they recruiting for? Murder, torture, rape and war! Everyone in the US military has the responsibility to decide where they stand, just as Americans do when their government is waging an unjust war, and refuse to commit such crimes. Help fund students to spend their summer organizing other students to resist the recruiters.
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