Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Iraq: The beginning of the end?
But since the media have mostly ignored them, I wanted to make sure you saw what's going on.
Here's the scoop:
Iraqis want U.S. Troops out. No one was expecting Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki to speak up in favor of withdrawal—after all, he's close with the Bush administration. But with elections in Iraq coming up, and a great majority of Iraqis opposed to a prolonged U.S. occupation, Maliki can't afford to toe the Bush line. So he's surprised everyone by standing up this week for a timetable for troop withdrawals and a date certain to end the war. The LA Times headline reads, "Iraqi prime minister advocates withdrawal timeline."1
As a result, the "endless war agreement" Bush has been pushing fell through. Since January, hundreds of thousands of us pushed Congress to stand up to President Bush's proposed treaty with Iraq, which would have tied the next President's hands and made it much harder to get out. This week, the Washington Post reported that that agreement has fallen through—Iraqi leaders are putting their feet down and demanding a much shorter agreement.2
And now even the Pentagon is considering faster timelines. According to reporter Michael Hirsh at Newsweek, "a forthcoming Pentagon-sponsored report" will recommend a big drawdown of troops—suggesting "that U.S. forces be reduced to as few as 50,000 by the spring of 2009, down from about 150,000 now."3
In other words, it's now clear: Most Americans are for a timeline, and so are most Iraqis. And even experts in the Pentagon agree.
For his part, Barack Obama is using these developments to hammer home the point that John McCain and President Bush are now isolated in their resistance to any kind of timeline for withdrawal. He wrote an Op-Ed in the New York Times yesterday that reaffirmed his commitment to a timeline that would have all combat troops out of Iraq in 16 months.
It concludes, "Unlike Senator McCain, I would make it absolutely clear that we seek no presence in Iraq similar to our permanent bases in South Korea. . . [F]or far too long, those responsible for the greatest strategic blunder in the recent history of American foreign policy have ignored useful debate in favor of making false charges about flip-flops and surrender. It's not going to work this time. It's time to end this war."4
It's important that we all work to get the word out about these developments. You can even start by just forwarding this email. Most Americans still don't know that the Iraqis want us out. And that may be the single most important fact to share at this point in time.
I'm always shocked when someone points out that it's been six years since we first started working together to prevent an Iraq war. This week, we're turning a corner in that fight. Bush's permanent war agreement has fallen through. The Iraqi politicians are speaking up. And if we keep working together, we just might see the remaining holdouts in Washington coming around as well.
Thanks for all you do,
–Eli Pariser
PS. Minutes ago, Barack Obama finished making a major speech on Iraq and foreign policy. Here's how he described the Bush-McCain approach:
George Bush and John McCain don't have a strategy for success in Iraq—they have a strategy for staying in Iraq. They said we couldn't leave when violence was up, they say we can't leave when violence is down. They refuse to press the Iraqis to make tough choices, and they label any timetable to redeploy our troops "surrender," even though we would be turning Iraq over to a sovereign Iraqi government—not to a terrorist enemy. Theirs is an endless focus on tactics inside Iraq, with no consideration of our strategy to face threats beyond Iraq's borders. You can read the speech here:
1. "Iraqi prime minister advocates withdrawal timetable," Los Angeles Times, July 8, 2008. http://www.moveon.org/r?r=3940&id=13247-7018451-WaT6_ix&t=2
2. "U.S., Iraq Scale Down Negotiations Over Forces," Washington Post, July 13, 2008. http://www.moveon.org/r?r=3941&id=13247-7018451-WaT6_ix&t=3
3. "Who Says Less Troops?," Newsweek, July 21, 2008. http://www.newsweek.com/id/145848
4. "My Plan for Iraq," Barack Obama, New York Times, July 14, 2008. http://www.moveon.org/r?r=3942&id=13247-7018451-WaT6_ix&t=4
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Tell Sens. Nelson and Martinez: It's not just a piece of paper
A blow was struck against our civil liberties this week.
No more bad laws.
Tell Sens. Nelson and Martinez: Never let Bush trample the Constitution again.
On July 9th, sixty-nine senators voted to gut the Bill of Rights. They voted to hand President Bush the power to spy on Americans without warrants, and to grant retroactive immunity to the telecoms who allegedly helped him break the law in the past.
No wonder the Associated Press headline following the bill's passage read, "Senate bows to Bush."
So why does a president with the lowest approval ratings since the advent of polling have the power to eviscerate the Constitution?
Because Sens. Nelson and Martinez gave it to him.
At the signing ceremony in the Rose Garden, President Bush paid "special tribute" (his words) to Democrats like Steny Hoyer, Jay Rockefeller, and Silvestre Reyes for helping to pass the bill.
We can't undo what our senators have done. But we can tell them that we can't believe they'd rather protect President Bush and his law-breaking cronies than the civil liberties of all Americans.
Click here to tell Sens. Nelson and Martinez that you are watching, that you are disappointed, and that you won't sit idly by while our Congress destroys our Constitution.
After you sign the petition, please be sure to tell a few friends.
Michael Kieschnick, President CREDO Mobile from Working Assets
We Need To Keep Making Noise For Impeachment And Not Stop
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Update: FOX smears Obama
More than 428,000 people signed a petition telling FOX to stop their racist and hate-filled smears against Barack Obama—thanks for signing! If we hit half-a-million signatures, we can draw media attention and put pressure on FOX's advertisers.
Can you help us reach half-a-million by forwarding this email to 5 friends today? They can sign the petition—and watch a new video about FOX's smears—by clicking here:Sign the petition
Last week, we kicked off a campaign to stop FOX from launching racist and hate-filled smears against Barack and Michelle Obama.
Good news: Over 428,000 people have signed a message protesting FOX. That's unprecedented—thanks for signing! Early next week, our partners at ColorOfChange.org will hold a major event to deliver boxes and boxes of petition signatures to FOX's headquarters.
Other media outlets will be invited to cover this event. If we can deliver half-a-million signatures, this becomes a much more powerful media story. And when that happens, FOX's advertisers will get the hint that it's not a good idea to associate their products with FOX's hate-speech.
Can you help us get to half-a-million signatures by the time of the big delivery next week by forwarding this message to 5 friends today? They can just click here to sign:
The petition reads: "FOX must stop injecting racism, prejudice, and fear into our political dialogue. We intend to hold FOX, its advertisers, and its personalities accountable for FOX's attempts to smear the Obamas."
You can let your friends know that FOX is shameless: In the last several weeks alone, they've "confused" Obama's name with Osama's, referred to Michelle as "Obama's Baby Mama," and called an affectionate fist bump by Barack and Michelle a "terrorist fist jab."1
This morning, Robert Greenwald's Brave New Films launched a short video called "FOX Attacks: Michelle Obama" showing some of the latest FOX smears on the Obama family. You can see it on our petition page. Greenwald's previous videos documenting FOX's smears on Barack Obama and the black community have been seen millions of times on YouTube.2
Thanks for all you do.
–Adam G., Peter, Anna, Justin, and the rest of the team
P.S. Congressman Robert Wexler (D-FL) has a new book out, and we thought you might be interested. The Nation called Wexler the country's "Most Valuable Congressman," and he's stood with MoveOn on numerous causes, from ending the war to stopping warrantless wiretapping in FISA. Now he's written Fire Breathing Liberal, a fascinating account of life as an outspoken progressive in the House of Representatives. Says comedian Stephen Colbert, "I enjoyed Congressman Wexler's book even more than I enjoy cocaine and prostitutes." You can check it out here:
You can also sign up for Wexler's email list here:
1. "Fox News Jokes About Killing Obama," YouTube video posted May 25, 2008
"Fox News' E.D. Hill teased discussion of Obama dap: "A fist bump? A pound? A terrorist fist jab?" Media Matters, June 6, 2008
2. "Fox Attacks: Obama," Brave New Films at FoxAttacks.com, February 2007
"Fox Attacks: Black America," Brave New Films at FoxAttacks.com, June 2007
"Fox Attacks: Obama, Part 2," Brave New Films at FoxAttacks.com, March 2008
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
A message from Ramsey Clark: Don't let Bush be the 'decider' any longer
This is conditioning for the missile attacks on Iran's nuclear site, some going back to the days of the Shah, which both Bush and Cheney passionately espouse.
There are four major reasons impelling Bush and Cheney to take this new military action in the waning months of their disastrous terms of office.
1. Oil. To keep control of Iraqi oil with Exxon, Chevron, and other major western oil companies, a major purpose of their invasion of Iraq, now forced on the Iraqi government they created.
2. Permanent U.S. Military Bases in Iraq. With Iran retaliating, the U.S. military presence and large diplomatic/economic mission in Baghdad will be assorted to protect U.S. interests in Iraq, its oil, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, Saudi Arabia, and Israel.
3. The Presidential Election. The best chance Senator McCain has to win the November elections is a major escalation in the war on terrorism, the terrorist threat becoming the greatest concern of voters in the November elections. Striking against Iran's nuclear sites in September could accomplish this. McCain's grandfather and father, both full Admirals, the first and only father-son to attain that rank, guided McCain to the Naval Academy and military career, backing for Rear Admiral, before political ambition diverted his career track to the rank of Commander-in-Chief. Obama has no military experience.
4. Bush's legacy. Bush is faced with a failed Presidency. He needs for however short a time to appear as the president who prevented a member of the "axis of evil," from obtaining nuclear weapons, as he proclaimed before. His celebration of some agreement with North Korea is designed to avoid recognition of the fact that it acquired and possesses nuclear weapons on his watch - and that leaves Iran alone on the firing line.
The human disaster and effect on the United States may be beyond all we have experienced so far. The way to prevent nuclear arms proliferation is not by threatening and attacking selected nations, but providing leadership and responsibility to carry out the affirmative obligations on existing nuclear powers, according to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. This would require the few nations that possess nuclear weapons to systematically and openly destroy them while the many nations that do not possess them to abstain from doing so, accompanied by vigorous international inspections and oversight to assure compliance.
For now, the only sure way to prevent President Bush from attacking Iran is impeachment. He believes he is the 'decider' and has told us his decision. For We, the People, impeachment is our highest for life and the Constitution.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
$4 gas for 4 more years?
Sign up to host an event now:

High gas prices have lots of people's blood boiling. But what really makes me angry is $4 gas AND no real progress on alternative energy.
That's what President Bush's leadership has done for us. We need to make sure voters know that John McCain won't be any different. And what better place to communicate that than right at the gas pump?
On July 9th, we are holding a National Day of Action for an Oil-Free President. With local outreach events at gas stations around the country, we'll make sure voters know the facts: John McCain's campaign is run by oil lobbyists,1 it's funded by oil companies,2 his policies are straight out of Big Oil's playbook,3 and he won't solve our energy crisis.
If you're concerned about energy and climate change, will you host a local outreach event in Sebring as part of the Day of Action? Hosting is easy, and we'll help you every step of the way. Start by clicking here:
The Oil-Free President rallies are simple events—people will be holding signs, handing out fliers, and reaching out to the media. Taking the facts right to people at the pump is a powerful way to get the message out: if you want a change in our energy policy, McCain is not for you.
Gas prices have risen to an all-time high—from $1.50 to $4.00 a gallon during Bush's presidency. And the oil industry is making billions on $4.00 gas, while nothing much is being done about oil independence or global warming. Big Oil has made it clear who their candidate is in this race by investing $1 million in John McCain's campaign. And McCain has repaid that friendship by supporting millions of dollars in tax breaks for oil companies4 and pushing gimmicks like offshore drilling and gas tax holidays that provide no immediate relief or long-term solutions.
People need to know Barack Obama represents real change on energy.5 While Obama is presenting substantive plans for reducing carbon emissions, curbing our dependence on oil, and going after oil speculators, John McCain is selling us snake oil.
With voters desperate for relief, McCain's promises could sound pretty good. We have to make sure our neighbors realize McCain is Big Oil's friend—not ours.
Can you help get that message out by hosting a gas station event for the National Day of Action for an Oil-Free President on July 9th?
Hosting the events right after Independence Day is also great timing. People will have gas prices on their minds after holiday travel. And it is just the right time to remind everyone the only way we'll make progress on the energy crisis is if we have a president independent of Big Oil influence, who will stand up for us.
Bush Preparing Attack on Iran
Seymour Hersh h World Can't Wait held 3 programs last week on the responsibility of people living in this country to stop such an attack, attended by hundreds of people. Daniel Ellsberg, Everest, and Gareth Porter spoke in Berkeley. Everest and Porter in Los Angeles, and they were joined by Dr. Ervand Abrahamian in New York.
We'll put full reports on the events up soon on worldcantwait.org. Ken Theisen writes on worldcantwait.org today in The Bush Regime Prepares for War on Iran - What Will You Do to Stop It? that "Keeping nukes out of the hands of the Iranian regime is just the cover for any attack on Iran, just as the so-called weapons of mass destruction were the cover used to invade Iran. No matter what the excuse used to justify an attack against Iran, the war is unjust, against the interests of the people of Iran, the U.S., and in fact the entire world, and must be opposed. Such a war could well be even more destructive of human life and social resources than the Iraq war. Millions could die in Iran and the surrounding region. The war could even lead to a nuclear holocaust. Can you live with yourself if you do not do everything possible to prevent this?" There is a new effort, out of Mayor Bob Kiss's office in Burlington Vermont, which calls on fellow mayors to sign a resolution to avoid military action with Iran. 32 U.S.mayors have signed on. Read more at Mayors Mobilizing Against a War with Iran. Stay tuned for more events and actions opposing a US attack on Iran, including as part of protests at the Democratic National Convention in Denver August 25-28. Debra Sweet, Director, The World Can't Wait - Drive Out the Bush Regime | ||
Cleaning Up After the Worst Presidency in History
by mcjoan
If the government becomes a law breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. To declare that in the administration of the criminal law the end justifies the means 'to declare that the government may commit crimes in order to secure the conviction of a private criminal' would bring terrible retribution.
[From dissenting opinion in Olmstead vs. United States, in which the court upheld the use of wiretaps in a case involving an investigation of bootlegging. Brandeis strongly defended the individual right to privacy from government intrusion.]
-Louis D. Brandeis, 1928
That's what Congress is poised to do, "to declare that the government may commit crimes in order to secure the conviction of a private criminal" with passage of the FISA Amendments Act. Except, of course, that they haven't even secured any convictions through the warrantless surveillance, at least not that they've made public--and believe me, if they had any convictions to justify the program, we'd have heard about it.
The Congress is about to severely expand the already too-extensive authority of the president in surveilling the citizens of this nation. In doing so, it is ignoring the fact that the government has become a law breaker and made the telcos accessories to the crimes.
Which brings us to the next words of wisdom from Justice Brandeis:
Publicity is justly commended as a remedy for social and industrial diseases. Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants; electric light the most efficient policeman.
-Louis D. Brandeis, quoted in Other People's Money and How the Bankers Use It (What Publicity Can Do, Ch 5, p. 92) (Frederick A. Stokes Co. ed.)
For the nation to regain any trust in government and respect for the rule of law, we have to know what happened. We need to know what the administration was asking Qwest to do in February of 2001, well before 9/11. We need to know who was targeted in the illegal surveillance program, and we need to know why. "National security" is not an adequate excuse. If it were, the administration and so many in Congress would not be fighting so hard for immunity for the telcos. For one thing, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act already protects private parties who get a certification from the government that their actions are lawful. This provision is utterly unnecessary, unless the information about Americans intercepted, stored, and turned over to the government doesn't fall under the provisions set out in the existing FISA statute.
It's hard to believe that Congress could actually be less curious and more secretive than than the Bush/Cheney administration in trying to keep this information from ever seeing the light of day. Can it really be that they're quaking in their shoes that the Republicans will call them names in the fall so they have no choice but to capitulate? Don't they get that they're going to be attacked anyway, and gutting the Constitution isn't going to be a preventive for that. That seems to be a lesson that they are just not catching on to, despite Democratic wins in 2006 and in special elections this year. If it hasn't occurred to Barack Obama, who's made it as far as securing the nomination for presidency, then I have little hope for the rest of the current crew.
However, there's a tiny glimmer of hope in the fact that not all--and in fact a majority--of Democratic representatives in Congress have opposed retroactive amnesty. Because of that opposition, a real compromise has arisen: Sen. Bingaman has one of the three amendments that will be considered on July 8 when the Senate brings this back up. EFF, who along with the ACLU is representing plaintiffs in these wiretapping cases, has endorsed the amendment:
The Bingaman amendment would prevent Congress from granting immunity in the dark, as described in the press yesterday, by "stay[ing] pending cases against the telecoms and delay[ing] the effective date of any immunity provisions until 90 days after Congress received a report from the inspectors general of the intelligence agencies on the warrantless surveillance program". By placing a temporary hold on immunity and on the litigation until 90 days after the IG Report is submitted to Congress, the simple amendment would give Congress and the American people an opportunity to revisit the issue of telco immunity next year, in light of the audit's findings.
The likelihood of an IG investigation or report by the Bush administration is so minimal as to mean that the decision on immunity would have to happen next year, under a new administration and Congress. It's a good idea. The bad part here is that this amendment has to meet a 60 vote threshold to pass. That threshold is going to be as hard to meet as the simple majority the amnesty stripping amendment will have to achieve. But it does hold out the possibility that these crimes will be examined, and that it can happen with a new president, a new Congress. It's the kind of amendment that could garner support from moderate and conservative Dems and those few moderate Republicans who are really hoping to hold onto their jobs this cycle.
Which is, of course, where we come in.
Again, Justice Brandeis:
The most important political office is that of private citizen.
-Louis D. Brandeis
That means us. Our job here is be the citizens that our elected representatives all too often fail to be. That means holding our representatives, and our nominee, to do their damn job of supporting and defending the Constitution.
One option for fulfilling your duty as a private citizen is Ben Masel's Operation Read the Bill. Print a copy of the bill, find your Senators while they are home during this recess--the 4th of July recess, no less--and ask them if they've done their duty of reading the bill. Ask them if they know that they're about to redefine the term "WMD" to possibly include many weapons that the U.S. military uses. Ask them if they know they are about to cede even more of their power--the power of protecting us, their constituents, from unlawful surveillance--to the executive.
When you're done quizzing them on the bill, ask them to support the Feingold/Dodd amendment to strip immunity from the bill and to support the Bingaman amendment. Ask them to do their job.