Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Karl Rove frosts and fumes at Sheryl Crowe - People
Republican strategist and often referred to as the brain behind the Bush throne, Karl Rove, had a run-in with Green queen Sheryl Crowe and her partner in cause, Laurie David, at the Correspondents' dinner.
The White House Correspondents Dinner had an array of guests from Sanjaya to Sheryl.
When the songstress was introduced to Rove, she asked him about Global warming issues, and according to Crow and David on their posted Huffington Blog, "he immediately got combative. And it went downhill from there."
Said David and Crow:"We reminded the senior White House advisor that the US leads the world in global warming pollution and we are doing the least about it. Anger flaring, Mr. Rove immediately regurgitated the official Administration position on global warming which is that the US spends more on researching the causes than any other country."
"We felt compelled to remind him that the research is done and the results are in (www.IPCC.ch). Mr. Rove exploded with even more venom. Like a spoiled child throwing a tantrum, Mr. Rove launched into a series of illogical arguments regarding China not doing enough thus neither should we."
David and Crowe write that they became "heartbroken" over the President of the United States and his top advisers deluding themselves that global warming as not being real.
According to David, "Sheryl reached out to touch his arm. Karl swung around and spat, 'Don't touch me.' How hardened and removed from reality must a person be to refuse to be touched by Sheryl Crow?"
David claims Crowe retorted: "You can't speak to us like that, you work for us."
Karl, according to David, replied: "I don't work for you, I work for the American people." Adding Sheryl stated, "We are the American people."
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Bomb Iran?
Have you seen the video?
At a campaign stop on Wednesday, Sen. John McCain was asked what to do about Iran. His response? He sang "bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran" to the tune of the Beach Boys' "Barbara Ann."
He says it was a joke, but the bottom line is that it is reckless saber-rattling against Iran at a time when tensions are high. Will you help us counter his message on TV?
War with Iran would be a disaster. The best way to stop this idea in its tracks is to make sure politicians who talk loosely about war pay a political price.
Even under normal circumstances, it's unusual for a presidential candidate to casually call for bombing another country. But this behavior is really out of line now when tensions with Iran are so high.
McCain's song gave us a glimpse of what we can look forward to if we don't draw the line now. That's why, overnight, MoveOn.org has put together a powerful ad that calls out Sen. McCain for his statement and reminds people that this kind of recklessness is what got us into the war with Iraq. To see it, CLICK HERE
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Enough, IMPEACH Them Already
ACTION PAGE: http://www.millionphonemarch.com/impeach_already.php
It doesn't matter what rock at the White House we turn over. There's nasty stuff under them all. And now just as the subpoenas of accountability are finally starting to fly, they tell us that millions of White House emails, required to be preserved and archived by federal law, have up and disappeared. Or so they now claim. And isn't this yet ANOTHER admission of administration law breaking.
Was it not enough that they lied us into a war that has killed more of our citizens than 9/11 and as many as a million in foreign countries? Was it not enough to conduct illegal wiretapping of our personal communications, while simultaneously swearing they were doing no such thing? Was jeopardizing our national security by outing a key figure in tracking down the REAL weapons of mass destruction, was that not enough? Was an official government policy of torture, to our shame around the world, not enough?
It's just one high crime after another, and either the president is totally not in charge of anything, in which case he should be impeached for that dereliction alone, or all this pipes right through Karl Rove into the Oval office. And whether Cheney is in charge of everything or just half the treason, he's got to go to.
Rosie O'Donnell was speaking for a lot of people when she exclaimed recently, "What do you have to do to get impeached in this country?" But what will make it really happen is when each one of us speaks for ourselves, and we contact our members of Congress to finally demand Constitutional responsibility, and keep doing it again and again.
ACTION PAGE: http://www.millionphonemarch.com/impeach_already.php
We don't believe for one second that the Bush administration hasn't now on top of everything else totally corrupted our federal justice system by requiring selective and wrongful prosecutions of members of the other party as a CONDITION for continued employment as an attorney general. The corruption goes completely to the core of everything our country is supposed to stand for. The last time we checked the Pledge of Allegiance ended with the words "justice for all". You got that, George? ALL! And that means you don't just prosecute non-Bushies and let yourself and your cronies off the hook.
But of course he doesn't get it. He's never going to get it. Instead Bush is going even deeper into tantrum and denial mode, demanding even more and more power to grossly abuse, without any accountability whatsoever, as if the results of the last election had not even taken place. They think they're just going to plow ahead with new proposed laws to expand domestic surveillance even further, as if all those rubber stamping Senators voted out in November were still around.
He's not going to stop on his own folks. He's incorrigible. And the only force that can stop him is the pressure of public opinion, coming from our individual voices to our members of Congress, to call on them to honor the Constitution and do what should have been done years ago already. We can't wait until 2008 to be rid of them. Impeach the president and vice president now.
Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this message to everyone else you know.
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Friday, April 6, 2007
Bloggers...Spread word about an unprecented online event!

Can you help us spread the word about an unprecedented online event? Next Tuesday—April 10th—at 7:15pm Eastern, MoveOn is using the Internet to connect presidential candidates directly to the people.
Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, John Edwards, Bill Richardson, Dennis Kucinich, and Joe Biden will answer questions from MoveOn.org's 3.2 million members in the first of three unprecedented virtual town hall meetings. The topic: Iraq.
MoveOn members are asking candidates the tough questions about their Iraq plans, and we're gathering in living rooms from coast to coast to hear the answers directly. The mass media won't be filtering our questions or filtering the answers—-MoveOn will be connecting candidates directly to the people.
Right after the virtual town hall meeting, MoveOn will survey our members to see which candidate they believe will do the best job of leading us out of the war in Iraq. We will also let MoveOn members know how they can get involved with the candidate of their choice.
Spreading the word about our virtual town hall on your blog will make this democratic experience that much more effective. We thank you in advance for your help—and as always, thanks for all you do.
–Eli, Laura, Jenn, Karin, Ilyse, Anna, and the MoveOn.org Political Action Team
Friday, April 6th, 2007
Sunday, April 1, 2007
Losing Faith in the GOP
I grew up in one of the most Republican districts in the country, so I\'ve always been kinda slanted towards the Republican way of thinking. I was so excited way back when, when the Republicans took control of the Congress after 30-something years of Democratic control. But gosh...my Republicans have left me "dissappointed" after all these years. Seems that absolutely NO ONE represents me anymore. Not the Democrats, not the Republicans.
Makes ya kinda wonder if things would be different now if Ross Perot had stuck with it years ago, and maybe got a third party rolling. Heck, I even voted for Kinky Friedman for Texas Governor, just because he was different than the usual Washington BS. Oh yeah, he actually wanted to DO SOMETHING about our southern border too!
I\'ll just do what I\'ve been doing and support the one candidate (whoever it is) that will stand up for my big issue of the time, whether it be immigration, income tax reform, etc.
I keep hearing that one day, eventually, the American people will stand up and boot out all these slackers from Washington someday, but I hate to say it, but I\'m losing faith in the American public. Everyone thinks "well, my crook is ok, it\'s the OTHERS that need to go," so nothing changes. I sure would like to see term limits on EVERYONE in Washington! I can dream, can\'t I? lol
Thanks for letting me rant!