Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The Next Step to Impeach Bush and Cheney

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Dear D,

To become an initial sponsor of the Winter Lobbying Campaign, click on this link.

We are writing to you as one of the 22,182 people who have come to the ImpeachBush website in the last few days to flood Congress with letters demanding support for House Res. 333 for impeachment. This is an incredible response in a short period of time. You have taken a critical first step to bolster the impeachment movement. The Democratic leadership has behaved treacherously, keeping impeachment off the House floor -- as if impeachment were a tactical plaything and not a mandate of the U.S. Constitution. They have to know that the impeachment movement is serious, and won't be turned away. The sheer quantity of letters that flooded Congress in the past week have made that clear.

Now we are asking you to help in another way. ImpeachBush has decided to launch an intensive few months to lobby Congress. Bush's approval ratings are at an all-time low, and with intensifying threats against Iran, our mission is needed as much now as ever before. Although we are set to announce this winter lobbying campaign to the rest of impeachment movement in the next few days, we are appealing to you, as one of our most active members, to become an initial sponsor. To become an initial sponsor of the Winter Lobbying Campaign, click on this link.

Your donation will allow us to turn up the heat on Congress, produce impeachment literature, and to run newspaper ads in the major national and regional papers to energize and recruit concerned persons to the lobbying campaign. As a sponsor, you will receive periodic updates from former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark on all latest developments with the campaign.

Of course, it's always powerful when we can announce that the impeachment movement has undertaken a new initiative. But think of how all-the-more powerful it would be if we could announce the launching of the campaign with hundreds or thousands of initial sponsors. Please become a sponsor of this critical campaign right now by clicking this link.

-- All of us at /

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Thank you for your attention to these impeachment efforts. As you well know, Pelosi is one roadblock to the Kucinich resolution on impeachment; and she's not permitting Conyers to review the issues. She says impeachment is off the table; and they have "other things" to do.

Well, there's a solution: There is a credible threat Pelosi will be removed as Speaker, clearing the way for impeachment. Here's what's going on; what's involved; and what information supports this effort.

Thanks for your work and time, and best wishes to you and your friends. Good luck.