Hot News! Thanks to you and your magnificent generosity, Shirley
Golub, who is seriously challenging Nancy Pelosi for the June 3
Democratic party nomination in San Francisco, hit number one as the
hottest candidate on ActBlue, at the height of the Take Back America
Conference. Her prominent display ad will be in this Sunday's San
Francisco Chronicle, calling out the speaker of the House on the
impeachment issue, just like we promised. Ya think the impeachment
movement is visible? You bet it is.
And the "On The Table" movement is spreading to other states with
early primaries. Oregon is coming fast on May 20, just two months
off. And there are now three impeachment now candidates running in
Districts 1, 3 and 5 of that state. Your donations helped Joe Walsh
in Congressional District 3 get his campaign off the ground last
week. He's already buying banners and on line ads.
Now check this out . . . we're planning on something really cool. All
three districts share a part of Portland, arranged sort of like at
three piece pinwheel centered there. Normally it would be hard to buy
radio in that city that would make financial sense for just one
candidate, BUT the idea is to have all three of the impeachment
candidates to chip in and run joint ads on impeachment, in essence
and Impeach Team.
All we need to do is now put a couple bucks in the pockets of the
other two valiant impeachment advocate candidates, Mark Welyczko in
OR-01 and Nancy Moran in OR-05, and we can make this happen. So here
is a joint page, where with just one click you can make a donation to
both Mark and Nancy together and they can share in it.
Impeach Team Donations:
And we are also setting up Nancy and Mark with a supply of the new
bright orange "IMPEACH BOTH!!!" caps. On the page above you can see
Nancy and Mark wearing theirs. And if you can donate just $100 to be
split between them, they'll make sure you can one of the new caps for
no extra charge.
The impeachment movement is breaking out big time in these primary
challenges. Oregon is especially fertile ground for activists, and
with their very early primary we still have plenty of time to set the
tone for other state yet to come, and really put the pressure on
Congress to act now.
And we've got something planned for San Francisco that is so
spectacular, nobody has done anything like it for any other campaign
ever before in history. We can't wait to tell you what's going to
happen next. So please stay tuned. Keep forwarding the alerts to
everyone you know, and we will make history together.
Paid for by Nancy Moran for Congress and Committee to Elect Mark
Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed
to be ours, and forward this alert as widely as possible.
If you would like to get alerts like these, you can do so at
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Solidarity on Impeachment, The On The Table Movement Spreads
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
House Dems FINALLY Show Backbone!
Good news! House Democrats stood up to President Bush and defended our Constitution last week.
Here's what happened: As a national security bill moved through Congress, Bush said Democrats would be helping the terrorists if the bill didn't include retroactive immunity for lawbreaking phone companies. Such immunity would mean a "get out of jail free" card for companies that helped Bush illegally spy on the calls and emails of innocent Americans—halting lawsuits currently being heard in court.
These lawsuits may be the only way Americans ever find out how far Bush went in breaking the law. Instead of caving in, House Democrats pushed back hard. Speaker Nancy Pelosi declared, "The president is wrong, and he knows it." And on Friday, House Democrats passed the security bill without immunity for lawbreakers and with new checks and balances on the Bush administration!
MoveOn members and other progressives helped make this victory happen. Tens of thousands of phone calls and emails—and hundreds of thousands of petition signatures—demanded that Democrats stand on principle. Over the course of several months, we kept the pressure on.
The fight's not over. All eyes now turn to the Senate. But when progressives win important fights—and when Democratic elected leaders show backbone after an outpouring of public sentiment—it's important to take a step back and celebrate. Together, our activism made a big difference!
Below are two articles describing our victory in the House last week. One ran this weekend in the New York Times. The other is by former prosecutor Glenn Greenwald, blogging about the victory at Salon.
Thanks for all you do.
–Nita, Adam G., Justin, Tanya, Anna, and the Political Action Team
Monday, March 17th, 2008
P.S. You can see how your representative voted here. A "Yea" vote was for the good bill and against immunity for lawbreakers:
WASHINGTON—After its first secret session in a quarter-century, the House on Friday rejected retroactive immunity for the phone companies that took part in the National Security Agency's warrantless eavesdropping program after the Sept. 11 attacks, and it voted to place greater restrictions on the government's wiretapping powers.
The decision, by a largely party-line vote of 213 to 197, is one of the few times when Democrats have been willing to buck up against the White House on a national security issue.
...The House bill approved Friday includes three key elements: it would refuse retroactive immunity to the phone companies, providing special authority instead for the courts to decide the liability issue; it would add additional judicial restrictions on the government's wiretapping powers while plugging certain loopholes in foreign coverage; and it would create a Congressional commission to investigate the N.S.A. program.
...House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was sharply critical of the president's assessment that the legislation would not make America safer. "The president is wrong, and he knows it," she said on Thursday.
Read the full story here:
As impressive as the House vote itself was, more impressive still was the floor debate which preceded it. I can't recall ever watching a debate on the floor of either House of Congress that I found even remotely impressive—until today. One Democrat after the next—of all stripes—delivered impassioned, defiant speeches in defense of the rule of law, oversight on presidential eavesdropping, and safeguards on government spying. They swatted away the GOP's fear-mongering claims with the dismissive contempt such tactics deserve, rejecting the principle that has predominated political debate in this country since 9/11: that the threat of the Terrorists means we must live under the rule of an omnipotent President and a dismantled constitutional framework.
...It's hard not to believe that there's at least some significant sea change reflected by this. They have seen that they can defy the President even on matters of Terrorism, and the sky doesn't fall in on them. Quite the opposite: an outspoken opponent of telecom amnesty, warrantless eavesdropping and the Iraq War was just elected to the House from Denny Hastert's bright red district, and before that, Donna Edwards ousted long-time incumbent Al Wynn by accusing him of being excessively complicit with the Bush agenda.
Virtually every one I know who has expended lots of efforts and energy on these FISA and telecom issues has assumed from the start—for reasons that are all too well-known—that we would lose. And we still might. But it's hard to deny that the behavior we're seeing from House Democrats is substantially improved, quite commendably so, as compared to the last year and even before that. It's very rare when there are meaningful victories and I think it's important to acknowledge when they happen.
Read the full story here:
Shirley Golub #2 On ActBlue All Weekend, Headed For Take Back America Conference, Carrying Impeachment Primary Challenge to Pelosi
Thanks to the outpouring of your support, Shirley Golub, who is
challenging Nancy Pelosi for the Democratic primary nomination in San
Francisco in June, was number two all weekend long among all hot
candidates and committees in ActBlue fund raising. Thanks to you she
is now empowered to run a prominent display ad in the very next
Sunday's San Francisco Chronicle, calling out the majority speaker on
the issues and challenging her to a serious debate on them.
And Shirley is at this moment winging her way to the Take Back
America conference in Washington, DC, where she cannot be missed in
her orange "IMPEACH BOTH!!!" cap and the first of the bright blue
"I'm On The Table" baseball award jackets off the embroidery line.
Let's make Shirley Golub number one this week for the Take Back
America Conference. Yes, there's something big happening in San
Francisco. Let's show them that when the people get totally ignored
between elections, we have a way to fight back, by supporting
opposing candidates who we can put over the top.
Make Shirley Number One:
Absolutely the most productive thing we can do to compel real policy
change right now is to throw everything we have behind Shirley Golub.
A serious primary change against the speaker herself is the most
powerful message we can send that the people are demanding action on
impeachment now. We could send millions of email (and we have), and
still not have the impact of Pelosi seeing own seat starting to slip
away from her.
Let's pour it on this week, just as we did to give Kucinich his
magnificent comeback victory in his district in Cleveland, when all
the pundits were saying he was in trouble from a corporate financed
out-of-district challenger. And we beat them . . . big time.
Make Shirley Number One:
Please chip in anything you can. But if you can make a contribution
of $100 or more, Shirley will give you one of the new bright orange
"IMPEACH BOTH!!!" baseball caps, embroidered in two colors of blue.
And if you want to be a big time hero, and you can donate $1,000 to
this cause, Shirley will send you one of her brand new, custom
embroidered baseball award jackets, with the "I'm On The Table"
message, AND one of the baseball caps too, a perfectly coordinated
In case you missed the last alert, here is the planned text for the
ad Shirley Golub will be running because you made it all possible:
Exactly what we had feared most, and had predicted, has happened.
Admiral Fallon, the man who famously said that an attack on Iran
would "not happen on my watch" was just "retired". Now, he is
longer on the watch. And they are absolutely planning to start a war
with Iran and World War 3, against all strategic wisdom. And they are
absolutely planning on doing it before the next general election.
Indeed, they will mostly likely do it for the PURPOSE of tilting that
election, unless they are stopped first by impeachment.
We have one and only one hope.
Congress must immediately commence impeachment proceedings against
both Dick Cheney and George Bush, the shadow emperor and his
ventriloquist dummy.
And only one dynamic can force Congress to stand up for itself, the
impeachment based primary challenges now ongoing, and in particular
Shirley Golub's challenge to the speaker of the house herself, the
primary impediment to enforcing the Constitution, who has perversely
declared that impeachment will never happen on HER watch, Nancy
There is an ominous parallel between what is going on now and what
happened in the lead up to the invasion of Iraq. General Zinni
opposed that invasion. He said, "I had grave reservations about this
whole undertaking and I expressed those". And he was forced out.
General Shinseki predicted that it would take at least a couple
hundred thousand troops to stabilize a post invasion Iraq. His
assessment was ridiculed as "wildly off the mark" by Donald Rumsfeld
and Paul Wolfowitz. And he was undercut even before his already
scheduled retirement.
Every time a top military commander who actually knows what they are
doing gets the ax, something very bad happens. And now they are doing
the same thing again, purging the last dissenting voice to an even
more lunatic plan.
Now, Admiral Fallon is the epitome of a good soldier. And he will
always protect his commander in chief, no matter how misguided or
wildly off the mark they are. He will tell you that nobody forced him
out and that this was his decision alone. But anybody capable of
reading between the lines of his painstakingly diplomatic resignation
statement will know that he will be gone because he was standing in
the way of another premeditated strategic disaster, one that again
they are perhaps too blinded by power to foresee, or maybe they do.
But the chain of command at the White House does not extend to the
U.S. Congress, at least it's not supposed to, not according to our
Constitution. So when exactly is Congress going to stand up for
itself, and for us, and put an end to the hideous debacle in the
Middle East and in the White House?
After nearly a year of chattering their knees, the House finally
worked up the nerve to vote to hold Harriet Miers and Josh Bolton in
contempt for refusing, under direct orders from the White House, to
testify in response to congressional subpoenas. If Congress had any
spine at all, even one vertebrae, they would have invoked the power
of inherent contempt and had the two of them arrested on the spot.
Instead, after nearly a year of irresolute vacillation, they
pretended to expect contempt citations would be enforced by the new
attorney general, who the Senate was so ill-advised to confirm in the
first place, who had plainly suggested in his own confirmation that
the president's constitutional powers could override federal law. Fat
chance of getting any redress there.
And now they tell us they are going to file a law suit. Oh, please,
what a sad pathetic joke of a publicity stunt. In the first place,
there is zero chance that such a law suit would even be finally
decided in less than three to five years. It absolutely would go to
the Supreme Court. And what would be the chances there? Take a look
at some of the appointments the Democrats in the Senate have so
gullibly waved through in the last couple years and you can answer
that question yourself.
And in the second place, to even contemplate taking on such a
struggle by way of the courts, they better have the top notch
constitutional litigation experts at the helm. Instead they just
filed something knocked off by a couple of staffers. Our intelligence
can hardly stand any more such insults.
Let us be clear. The president and vice president of the United
States have at least committed treason. The Scooter Libby trial
revealed that the White House was directly involved in leaking the
identity of Valerie Plame, an undisputed undercover CIA agent, which
destroyed perhaps the most effective operation they had to deal with
the proliferation of the very weapons of mass destruction we were
supposed to be so afraid of in the Middle East. And it was done for
political retribution purposes.
The first president Bush said it all, when he said "I have nothing
but contempt and anger for those who expose the names of our sources.
They are, in my view, the most insidious of traitors". And what does
the Democratic majority in Congress do about it?
There is hardly a federal law passed anymore that does not suffer
crippling by a so-called "signing statement" to negate it, signing
statements concocted by Cheney staffers, brazenly defying the
authority of Congress to do anything, referring to that authority as
"purported" compared to the presumed imperial largess of the White
House. And what does the Democratic majority in Congress do about it?
We have traded a rubber stamp Congress for a rubber spine Congress.
What's the difference? Now finally empowered to hold hearings on the
endless constitutional crimes of the Cheney/Bush White House, the
lies that took us to war in the first place, the rampant illegal
wiretaps, the firing of U.S. Attorneys for partisan reasons, an
official policy of torture and all the rest, and what does Congress
Instead they fritter away their hearing time harassing baseball
players, threatening them with long years in prison for not telling
the immaculate truth about using performance enhancers. Well, maybe
Congress needs a performance enhancer, and big dose of it.
A year ago we were promised a "new direction", and we have been
waiting for even a glimpse of it ever since. It is now too late even
for inherent contempt. Congress must impeach. And if you support me
as your representative in the 8th Congressional district, we can put
impeachment back on the table no later that June 3, the day of the
Democratic primary here, by showing Nancy Pelosi herself a new
direction . . . out the door.
---End Proposed San Francisco Chronicle Ad Copy--
So please make a contribution if you can, using the contribution form
below. There also you can see the very video she is running right now
on MSNBC in heavy rotation, talking about making impeachment happen
for real, and rallying her local constituents to come out and
demonstrate with her in front of Pelosi's district office to demand
it. Your contributions are what is making it possible for Shirley to
have a competitive media presence, and let everyone know this a
serious candidacy, and that the impeachment movement is gathering
Make Shirley Number One:
Or if you would, just send this email to other people you know, to
encourage them to visit Shirley's site, you can help her to spread
the impeachment now message, and inspire other candidates to step
forward and do the same thing in their own districts. For if the
speaker of the House can be successfully challenged, why not any
member of Congress who still cannot find their spine with both hands?
Paid for by Shirley Golub for Congress
Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed
to be ours, and forward this alert as widely as possible.
If you would like to get alerts like these, you can do so at
Five years of occupation, five years of war crimes
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Friday, March 14, 2008
Urgent: This Is Serious Folks, Admiral Fallon Fired To Clear Way For WW3, And Only Impeachment Can Save Us Now
Exactly what we had feared most, and had predicted, has happened.
Admiral Fallon, the man who famously said that an attack on Iran
would "not happen on my watch" was just "retired". Now, he is
longer on the watch. And they are absolutely planning to start a war
with Iran and World War 3, against all strategic wisdom. And they are
absolutely planning on doing it before the next general election.
Indeed, they will mostly likely do it for the PURPOSE of tilting that
election, unless they are stopped first by impeachment.
We have one and only one hope.
Congress must immediately commence impeachment proceedings against
both Dick Cheney and George Bush, the shadow emperor and his
ventriloquist dummy.
And only one dynamic can force Congress to stand up for itself, the
impeachment based primary challenges now ongoing, and in particular
Shirley Golub's challenge to the speaker of the house herself, the
primary impediment to enforcing the Constitution, who has perversely
declared that impeachment will never happen on HER watch, Nancy
Shirley Golub taking action now. She wants to run the largest display
ad she can afford in her district's main newspaper, the San Francisco
Chronicle, calling out the speaker of the House on her total failure
to do job number one, to protect and defend the Constitution. And if
Shirley can raise just $16,000 in the next 24 hours, she wants to do
it in the very next possible Sunday paper, in the main news section
Display Ad Donations:
What will this ad say? Besides the specific language above, we will
draw an ominous parallel between what is going on now and what
happened in the lead up to the invasion of Iraq. General Zinni
opposed that invasion. He said, "I had grave reservations about this
whole undertaking and I expressed those". And he was forced out.
Please chip in anything you can. But if you can make a contribution
of $100 or more, Shirley will give you one of the new bright orange
"IMPEACH BOTH!!!" baseball caps, embroidered to two colors of blue.
And if you want to be a big time hero, and you can donate $1,000 to
this cause, Shirley will send you one of her brand new, custom
embroidered baseball award jackets, with the "I'm On The Table"
message, AND one of the baseball caps too, a perfectly coordinated
Here is the rest of the proposed text for the ad we can run with your
General Shinseki predicted that it would take at least a couple
hundred thousand troops to stabilize a post invasion Iraq. He
assessment was ridiculed as "wildly off the mark" by Donald Rumsfeld
and Paul Wolfowitz. And he was undercut even before his already
scheduled retirement.
Every time a top military commander who actually knows what they are
doing gets the ax, something very bad happens. And now they are doing
the same thing again, purging the last dissenting voice to a even
more lunatic plan.
Now, Admiral Fallon is the epitome of a good soldier. And he will
always protect his commander in chief, no matter how misguided or
wildly off the mark they are. He will tell you that nobody forced him
out and that this was his decision alone. But anybody capable of
reading between the lines of his painstakingly diplomatic resignation
statement will know that he will be gone because he was standing in
the way of another premeditated strategic disaster, one that again
they are perhaps too blinded by power to foresee, or maybe they do.
But the chain of command at the White House does not extend to the
U.S. Congress, at least it's not supposed to, not according to our
Constitution. So when exactly is Congress going to stand up for
itself, and for us, and put an end to the hideous debacle in the
Middle East and in the White House?
Display Ad Donations:
After nearly a year of chattering their knees, the House finally
worked up the nerve to vote to hold Harriet Miers and Josh Bolton in
contempt for refusing, under direct orders from the White House, to
testify in response to congressional subpoenas. If Congress had any
spine at all, even one vertebrae, they would have invoked the power
of inherent contempt and had the two of them arrested on the spot.
Instead, after nearly a year of irresolute vacillation, they
pretended to expect contempt citations would be enforced by the new
attorney general, who the Senate was so ill-advised to confirm in the
first place, who had plainly suggested in his own confirmation that
the president's constitutional powers could override federal law. Fat
chance of getting any redress there.
And now they tell us they are going to file a law suit. Oh, please,
what a sad pathetic joke of a publicity stunt. In the first place,
there is zero chance that such a law suit would even be finally
decided in less than three to five years. It absolutely would go to
the Supreme Court. And what would be the chances there? Take a look
at some of the appointments the Democrats in the Senate have so
gullibly waved through in the last couple years and you can answer
that question yourself.
And in the second place, to even contemplate taking on such a
struggle by way of the courts, they better have the top notch
constitutional litigation experts at the helm. Instead they just
filed something knocked off by a couple staffers. Our intelligence
can hardly stand any more such insults.
Display Ad Donations:
Let us be clear. The president and vice president of the United
States have at least committed treason. The Scooter Libby trial
revealed that the White House was directly involved in leaking the
identity of Valerie Plame, an undisputed undercover CIA agent, which
destroyed perhaps the most effective operation they had to deal with
the proliferation of the very weapons of mass destruction we were
supposed to be so afraid of in the Middle East. And it was done for
political retribution purposes.
The first president Bush said it all, when he said "I have nothing
but contempt and anger for those who expose the names of our sources.
They are, in my view, the most insidious of traitors". And what does
the Democratic majority in Congress do about it?
There is hardly a federal law passed anymore that does not suffer
crippling by a so-called "signing statement" to negate it, signing
statements concocted by Cheney staffers, brazenly defying the
authority of Congress to do anything, referring to that authority as
"purported" compared the presumed imperial largess of the White
House. And what does the Democratic majority in Congress do about it?
We have traded a rubber stamp Congress for a rubber spine Congress.
What's the difference? Now finally empowered to hold hearings on the
endless constitutional crimes of the Cheney/Bush White House, the
lies that took us to war in the first place, the rampant illegal
wiretaps, the firing of U.S. Attorneys for partisan reasons, an
official policy of torture and all the rest, and what does Congress
Instead they fritter away their hearing time harassing baseball
players, threatening them with long years in prison for not telling
the immaculate truth about using performance enhancers. Well, maybe
Congress needs a performance enhancer, and big dose of it.
A year ago we were promised a "new direction", and we have been
waiting for even a glimpse of it ever since. It is now too late even
for inherent contempt. Congress must impeach. And if you support me
as your representative in the 8th Congressional district, we can up
impeachment on back on the table no later that June 3, the day of the
Democratic primary here, by showing Nancy Pelosi herself a new
direction . . . out the door.
Display Ad Donations:
So please make a contribution if you can to run this historic
newspaper ad, using the contribution form above. There also you can
see the very video she is running right now on MSNBC in heavy
rotation, talking about making impeachment happen for real, and
rallying her local constituents to come out and demonstrate with her
in front of Pelosi's district office to demand it. Your contributions
are what is making it possible for Shirley to have a competitive
media presence, and let everyone know this a serious candidacy, and
that the impeachment movement is gathering speed.
Or if you would, just send this email to other people you know, to
encourage them to visit Shirley's site, you can help her to spread
the impeachment now message, and inspire other candidates to step
forward and do the same thing in their own districts. For if the
speaker of the House can be successfully challenged, why not any
member of Congress who still cannot find their spine with both hands?
Paid for by Shirley Golub for Congress
Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed
to be ours, and forward this alert as widely as possible.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Flash: The "On The Table" Impeachment Movement Spreads, More Primary Challenges Breaking Out
Inspired by the courageous leadership of Shirley Golub in San
Francisco, challenging the majority leader herself for the Democratic
congressional primary nomination there, we have been told that there
are now primary challenges is most of the districts in the state of
Oregon, running on an impeachment now platform.
And we could not have asked for a more valiant candidate than Joe
Walsh, who has been leading his fellow constituents in their own
weekly rally in front of Earl Blumenauer's district office in OR-03,
demanding action on impeachment, and on ending the indefensible and
ruinous occupation of Iraq.
Joe needs your help this weekend, to put together the filing fee of
$1,000 to pay for the publication of his full platform in the
official Oregon voter pamphlet. This is critical in the state of
Oregon to get our message out, as it is a completely vote by mail
state. This should be so easy for us to do. Please make whatever
contribution you can make now, small or large, and we will certainly
reach this very modest goal.
Joe Walsh is a long time dedicated peace activist, who gave up a Navy
career he already had, by filing as a conscientious objector in 1970
during the Vietnam War, and received an honorable discharge. He has
put his own body on the line many times as a political activist also,
for demonstrations in front of Oregon senator Smith's office last
year, for another example.
But more than that, Joe is well known to his local community for his
generous volunteer work, also donating many hours on a weekly basis
working for Portland's "Fish", who distribute emergency food to
people in serious trouble.
The primary in Oregon is coming up fast on May 20. So your
contribution can have an immediate impact on Congress right now, by
demonstrating that any incumbent who does not get it can, and will,
face a serious primary challenge.
Won't you make a contribution to Joe now if you can, so that he can
carry the banner of impeachment, and all the other issues we are
fighting for, in the official Oregon voter pamphlet. We need his
voice. Without him there would be no challenger in his district, and
people like Blumenauer would just blithely think that they forever
disregard the will of the people.
And even if you can't make a contribution, please spread the word
about the growing "On The Table" impeachment movement, and take heart
that in just the next couple months we can apply enough pressure
through these primary challenges to make impeachment an actual
Paid for by Joe Walsh for Congress
Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed
to be ours, and forward this alert as widely as possible.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
End this war -- invest in America
Click here to host your March 19 New Priorities Vigil on the 5th anniversary of the war.

March 19 is the 5th anniversary of the tragic invasion and occupation of Iraq. And after 5 long years, the war is now creating two tragedies: Nearly 4,000 American soldiers have been killed—along with many more Iraqis. And the economy is sinking, but the resources we need to turn it around are being squandered in Iraq.
So this year, we're marking the anniversary by gathering at hundreds of "New Priorities" Vigils. We'll honor the fallen, and call for an end to the war. But we'll also send a new message to the politicians in Washington: to heal our ailing economy, we need to end the occupation in Iraq.
It's a powerful message—if we can make it heard throughout the country, we'll force our leaders to start bringing our troops home and start investing resources here instead.
Click here to sign up to host your March 19 New Priorities Vigil on the 5th anniversary of the war:
A few days ago, MoveOn joined with other progressive organizations to launch the "Iraq/Recession" campaign to highlight the connections between the war and the looming recession. John and Elizabeth Edwards signed on to help the effort, and the announcement made national news.1 These vigils are so important because they'll bring the local media attention that puts pressure on individual members of Congress to bring the troops home.
Hosting a vigil is easy. All you need to do is find a good place for people to gather, invite your friends, and tell the local media what you're planning. We'll help you recruit attendees and give you the materials and training you need to hold a great event.
And the vigils will be very powerful. These events put a face on opposition to the war and remind local communities of the terrible cost of the occupation of Iraq. And this year, we're teaming up with other progressive organizations so that your vigil is part of a nationwide day of action, calling for a change of course in Iraq.
The 5th anniversary of the Iraq invasion is an important moment—politicians, the media, and the world will be watching. Let's show them that America is ready for new priorities and an end to the war.
Click the link to register your event and get started:
Thanks for all you do,
–Nita, Carrie, Justin, Anna, and the Political Action Team
Thursday, March 6th, 2008
P.S. Last week, John and Elizabeth Edwards joined us on a phone call with reporters to launch the "Iraq/Recession" campaign. Here's part of what Senator Edwards had to say about the link between the occupation of Iraq and the slowing economy:
"There is great concern, anxiety and angst out there among most Americans about their economic security. They are worried about a lot of things. They are concerned about the cost of a health care system that is broken and needs to be fixed. They are worried about how to pay to send their kids to college. The mortgage and foreclosure crisis is now becoming central to the economic insecurity an awful lot of Americans are feeling. All of these things are made much worse due to the war in Iraq. The American public sees a direct connection between the spending in Iraq and the economic anxiety caused by the price of oil and gasoline. They want to see this war brought to an end."