Saturday, March 22, 2008

Solidarity on Impeachment, The On The Table Movement Spreads

Hot News! Thanks to you and your magnificent generosity, Shirley
Golub, who is seriously challenging Nancy Pelosi for the June 3
Democratic party nomination in San Francisco, hit number one as the
hottest candidate on ActBlue, at the height of the Take Back America
Conference. Her prominent display ad will be in this Sunday's San
Francisco Chronicle, calling out the speaker of the House on the
impeachment issue, just like we promised. Ya think the impeachment
movement is visible? You bet it is.

And the "On The Table" movement is spreading to other states with
early primaries. Oregon is coming fast on May 20, just two months
off. And there are now three impeachment now candidates running in
Districts 1, 3 and 5 of that state. Your donations helped Joe Walsh
in Congressional District 3 get his campaign off the ground last
week. He's already buying banners and on line ads.

Now check this out . . . we're planning on something really cool. All
three districts share a part of Portland, arranged sort of like at
three piece pinwheel centered there. Normally it would be hard to buy
radio in that city that would make financial sense for just one
candidate, BUT the idea is to have all three of the impeachment
candidates to chip in and run joint ads on impeachment, in essence
and Impeach Team.

All we need to do is now put a couple bucks in the pockets of the
other two valiant impeachment advocate candidates, Mark Welyczko in
OR-01 and Nancy Moran in OR-05, and we can make this happen. So here
is a joint page, where with just one click you can make a donation to
both Mark and Nancy together and they can share in it.

Impeach Team Donations:

And we are also setting up Nancy and Mark with a supply of the new
bright orange "IMPEACH BOTH!!!" caps. On the page above you can see
Nancy and Mark wearing theirs. And if you can donate just $100 to be
split between them, they'll make sure you can one of the new caps for
no extra charge.

The impeachment movement is breaking out big time in these primary
challenges. Oregon is especially fertile ground for activists, and
with their very early primary we still have plenty of time to set the
tone for other state yet to come, and really put the pressure on
Congress to act now.

And we've got something planned for San Francisco that is so
spectacular, nobody has done anything like it for any other campaign
ever before in history. We can't wait to tell you what's going to
happen next. So please stay tuned. Keep forwarding the alerts to
everyone you know, and we will make history together.

Paid for by Nancy Moran for Congress and Committee to Elect Mark

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed
to be ours, and forward this alert as widely as possible.

If you would like to get alerts like these, you can do so at

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