Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Let's show Dick Cheney what service really means

Want a reminder of why we still need more people in Congress who know what war really is, and the obligations we owe those who bore the burden of battle?

Just last week, Vice President Cheney was asked about the burden of the Iraq War on our military. His answer? George Bush bears the greatest burden of the war.

4,000 American troops who gave their lives? The Vice President summed it up: "They volunteered."

When I read the Vice President's comments, I was reminded of what Marine Corps 3-star General Gregory Newbold, the former Operations Director at the Pentagon, said about the war in Iraq:

"The commitment of our forces to this fight was done with a casualness and swagger that are the special province of those who have never had to execute these missions - or bury the results."

This is why our work isn't done changing the face of Congress. Dick Cheney doesn't get it, but he'll be gone in January - the question is, who will be coming here to speak up for the troops?

The rubber's hitting the road right now. I need you to help send more people to Washington who did serve, who did volunteer, and who took from that experience a personal commitment to provide for our nation's soldiers and a deep understanding of the magnitude of issues of war and peace.

Here are some more of those people -- so please do what you can to help them today:


In the House, there's been no better or clearer voice on national security than Admiral Joe Sestak from Pennsylvania. The johnkerry.com community went to the mat to help send Admiral Sestak to Congress, and he has been as courageous in Congress as he was in the Navy. His record of standing up and being counted has landed him on the very top of the GOP target list, and he can use our help right now. A good fundraising quarter can signal great strength and put him on the offensive in 2008.

In New York, former Navy Commander Eric Massa is running against Randy Kuhl. Last time, Eric came within a whisker of beating Kuhl, losing by only 2 points. With a little extra effort this time, we can push Eric over the top. Eric's a former top aide to the Supreme Allied Commander in Europe. He understands military and foreign policy in his head and in his gut, and he's committed to a new course in Iraq and to making health care universal for all Americans.

In California, former Air Force helicopter pilot Charlie Brown is running to fill another GOP open seat vacated by a Republican one step ahead of scandal. Now he's facing two career politicians who didn't even live in his district. Charlie's son is active-duty Air Force and has served four tours in Iraq; believe me, Charlie doesn't need any lectures about who bears the burden in the military today. And Charlie isn't waiting to get to DC to start helping; he's donating 5% of everything he raises in this campaign to help veterans' service organizations around the country.

And we also have an incredible veteran running to break the Republican roadblock in the Senate. In Tennessee, my friend Bob Tuke is a Marine who served America in uniform, a Democratic soldier who has worked hard for others and, now, a candidate for the United States Senate. He headed up my efforts in Tennessee in 2004, and he's fought for Democrats as head of the TN Democratic Party. He served in Vietnam (yes, he volunteered), and now is answering the call to service once again. In January, I want to see Bob sworn in to the United States Senate.

So please donate what you can to help these great veterans turn our Congress into a force for change:


It is profoundly wrong to think that fighting for your country overseas and fighting for your country's ideals at home are contradictory or even separate duties. They are, in fact, two sides of the very same patriotic coin. So this year, let's send more of these great Democratic patriots to Congress.

John Kerry

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