Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Halt the Assault!

For Earth Day...

HALT the Assault on the Environment

Inflicted by the Bush Regime:

* Suppression of Science
* Denial of Overwhelming Evidence Confirming Threat of Climate Change
* Spurred Poaching Pandemic of Gray Wolves, Coyote, Deer, Seals and Other Native Animals
* Scrapped Fire Management Plans for Southwestern National Forests
* Pushing Private Development Threatening National Parks
* Defying Federal Court Decision to Protect National Forests from Logging
* Surveillance and Spying on Greenpeace Activists
* Failure to Protect more than 280 Species at Risk of Becoming Endangered or Extinct
* Radiating the Planet with Depleted Uranium
* Unregulated Drilling at National Parks and Forests
* Underfunding the EPA to Support War for Empire

It may sound like a horrific sci-fi movie? It isn't. It's reality under the Bush regime!

And it's going to get worse as the Bush regime is now planning last-minute giveaways to its corporate allies which will eliminate protections for the planet, and all those who inhabit it. Your Government has been running roughshod over agencies, scientists, lawyers and activists who share your values of environmental sustainability.

This EARTH DAY do something profound for the planet. Join and fund the movement determined to bring the whole package to a halt, and protect what we love - our families, our friends, our fellow creatures, and our planet!

Donate online or send by mail. World Can't Wait 305 W. Broadway #185 New York NY 10013. See website for tax deductible info.

Donate online or send by mail. World Can't Wait 305 W. Broadway #185 New York NY 10013. See website for tax deductible info.

Every donation of $25 or more will receive a copy of the DVD The Bush Record, featuring:

Destruction of the Global Environment: 1. Denial and Distortion of Scientific Consensus and Findings on Global Warming. 2. Obstructionism on International Efforts to curb the emissions of greenhouse gases. It has withdrawn from any international efforts that would impose binding restrictions, however minimal. It has done this with full knowledge of the catastrophic effects of global warming and the disproportionate U.S. share of world greenhouse gas emissions, the leading cause of global warming.

Become an official World Can't Wait member

Drive Out the Bush Regime

Repudiate the Entire Bush Program

The Earth Can't Wait!

World Can't Wait
Visit our website

305 W. Broadway #185
New York, NY 10013

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