Saturday, April 19, 2008

Do Some Good with Your Tax Refund/Rebate

MANY of you wrote to me about Bush himself approving torture methods on specific detainees. War Criminals

The "principals" in the Bush regime tried in insulate the president from future war crimes charges, but George Bush announced Friday that he's known all along and was involved.

Read Malcolm Shore writing on Crimes in Broad Daylight.

World Can' t Wait, the National Lawyers Guild and other people of conscience protested last night when torture memo writer John Yoo spoke at UC Berkeley. Participants report that Boalt Hall (UC Berkeley law school where Yoo is on the faculty) may be becominng a "hotbed" of opposition to torture!

I second the request for financial support. Here's what HOWARD ZINN wrote:

"THE WORLD CAN'T WAIT campaign deserves support, as its director, Debra Sweet, has run out of funds to support her work. THE WORLD CAN'T WAIT has been out in front of everyone else, setting the pace, the mood, the anger, for the national indignation against the war, for impeachment, against all the Bush policies."

You can support this work through becoming a member of World Can't Wait - Drive Out the Bush Regime.

Debra Sweet, Director

• The average family has paid $120,000 each year for the past 5 years to sustain illegitimate, immoral occupation of Iraq!

• BILLIONS of taxpayer dollars spent on war crimes, mortgaging the future to trillions of dollars of debt.

Use this link to find out the real cost of the war

World Can't Wait is giving you the opportunity to invest your tax refund or rebate in something truly worthwhile: Bringing the Bush program to a halt!

Click here to donate your tax refund in whole or in part.

The Bush bribe, a.k.a. the 2007 tax rebate, can also be used to repudiate the disastrous Bush program
in its entirety. Invest in a better tomorrow, today.

Or send your donation by mail to: World Can't Wait
305 W. Broadway, #185
New York, NY 10013

To make a tax-deductible donation of $100 or more in support of WCW's educational activities, please make checks out to "The Alliance for Global Justice," a 501(3)(c) organization, and designate "for WCW" in the check memo line.

Interested in hosting a special event in your city or on your campus? Contact Barbara Zaha at 347 546 5139 or

INVEST TODAY IN Nation magazine's Most Valuable Progressive Crusade of 2007 - World Can't Wait ! Don't HOPE for CHANGE, instead generously pledge or donate your tax rebate or refund to WCW and DRIVE OUT the BUSH REGIME NOW!

Suport this who challenge war criminals and torturers -- and the future presidents who would inheritthe torture state; go into the schools to join with students & teachers in stoping military recruiters, maintain a website second to none in documenting the crimes of the Bush regime and the resistance against it....this is how your money can do some real good.

YOUR action is what the World Has Been Waiting For!

Samantha Goldman, Development Director, The World Can't Wait - Drive Out the Bush Regime

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