Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Baseball fans greet Bush with boos

Baseball fans greet Bush with chorus of boos
Bush finds mass rejection wherever he goes

Impeachment supporters were out in force at the Washington Nationals' home opener, where Bush threw the ceremonial first pitch. So too were thousands of others who roundly booed Bush when he came out of the dugout. There stood Bush before a crowd of 40,000, unable to hide from the real sentiment of the people. Millions more watched the spectacle on television.

Everywhere Bush goes -- from the Washington Nationals home opener to the Ukraine the next day -- people come out to reject the war criminal.

They were booing because the war and occupation of Iraq has taken over a million Iraqi lives and sent 4,000 U.S. soldiers and marines to their graves. They were booing Bush because of the loss of millions of jobs, with nearly two million people facing foreclosure on their homes. They were booing because of the massive secret spying campaign against the American people and the violation of First Amendment rights and other criminal acts.

This is reflective of the enormous pressure the people are placing on their Congressional representatives to introduce and support articles of impeachment. Wherever he goes, Bush is being dogged by protesters. Even at a baseball game, a far cry from an organized demonstration, the sentiment of the people -- the mass rejection of Bush -- is heard loud and clear.

You can help us keep up the pressure by making a donation

With everyone's help, we have now surpassed one million votes for impeachment at The view of the people of the country couldn't be more evident - and we need your help today to support impeachment. Please click here to make a generous donation.

Click here to watch the video of Bush throwing out the first pitch:
Bush booed

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