Friday, April 18, 2008

Controversial Radio Spot Breaks Out In San Francisco, Listen For Yourself

There is something truly phenomenal going on in San Francisco. A
political novice by the name of Shirley Golub has the Speaker of the
House, Nancy Pelosi, running scared, afraid that if she agrees to
debate the challenger she will not be able to defend her record of
capitulation, afraid the voters of the 8th congressional district
will no longer make excuses for political cowardice . . . just

And that's exactly the way Shirley Golub called it last week, when
she called Nancy Pelosi out for being a political coward, using those
exact words. Listen to the radio ad they are all talking about for

Pelosi Afraid Ad:

And then if you are tired of being lied to, of being told our
representatives are doing the best they can, when you know in your
heart they are doing nothing even such as that, please consider
making a donation to Shirley Golub, who has the courage to call it
just the way she sees it.

With the revelations that directives to torture came straight from
the White House, in excruciating detail, from meeting of the
principals at the highest level, it is a national disgrace that
Congress has not already commenced impeachment hearings, of the Vice
President who presided over it all, and the absentee President who
now admits he knew about the whole thing.

What are we to call this but the most abject cowardice? Why would we
believe that anything would change by electing more cowards cut from
the same cloth? If Congress is incapable of standing up for itself
now, why would be believe that under some subsequent administration
they would acquit themselves with any actual valor?

And yet there are now those trying to make a controversy out of
telling the truth, when the real controversy is all the lies. There
are those who would try to make a scandal out of confronting scandal,
when the real scandal is those who are too frightened to expose it.

So listen to Shirley Golub's new radio spot again, and ask yourself
if there is even a single word she speaks that is not the straight
unadulerated truth. And if her words ring true to your own ears, then
please make a contribution so that Shirley can put this ad on every
radio station in her district.

Pelosi Afraid Ad:

How far must we go down the wrong road before we understand that the
only salvation is to turn back, while there is still time? A
compelling majority want immediate impeachment hearings. But still
Congress will not listen. Nancy Pelosi deludes herself, and tries to
delude us, into thinking that elections can be won on a platform of
running away from the biggest issues of our time. She must be removed
now. And we can do it on June 3, by supporting the one candidate with
true courage in the Democratic party primary, Shirley Golub.

Now that we have proof that the bad apples on torture and everything
else were at the very top of the barrel, those apples must be removed
and swiftly. If such crimes were to come to light on the very last
day of a presidential term, it would be the duty of Congress to act
that very day. The integrity of our Democracy demands, our
Constitution demands it, and WE the people demand it.

And a victory for Shirley Golub on June 3 means that no member of
Congress can every ignore the voices of their constituents again.
Won't you help while there is still so much time left to get it done?

Paid for by Shirley Golub for Congress

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed
to be ours, and forward this alert as widely as possible.

If you would like to get alerts like these, you can do so at

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