Sunday, April 27, 2008

We can't wait

No matter who you're supporting in the primary, if you're like a lot of folks, you're probably ready for it to be over already. Well, we're right there with you.

Let's face it: This is a once-in-a-lifetime election and it's time to start focusing on the Republicans.

And while the spotlight is firmly fixed on the fighting around the Democratic primary, John McCain is set to go into the general election with a serious advantage. Right now he's building up his team—meaning there's a good chance he'll run up a big lead before our team even gets on the field.

That's why we're working so hard on our groundbreaking election program. If we can do everything we've got planned, we'll not only put a Democrat in the White House, we'll give him or her a decisive majority to work with in the Senate.

Here's the thing: We can't wait until there is an official Democratic nominee to put these plans into motion—John McCain and the Republicans certainly aren't. So far 15,530 MoveOn members are helping build this program up by kicking in a few bucks every month. We need 4,470 more. Can you chip in $15 a month between now and the election? It's easy and you can cancel anytime.

For the last year we've been furiously engaged in building our biggest voter-turnout program ever, drawing on everything learned in 2004 and 2006. Here are just a few of the things we're working on:

  • Microtargeting: We're taking one of Karl Rove's famous field tactics to the next level. We'll ensure that we find every progressive voter, even those in conservative neighborhoods or households with Republicans.
  • Persuasion: We're working on a new effort where we'll target independent and "swing" voters well before Election Day, to give them more information on the issues and persuade them to vote our way.
  • Innovation: We're also creating a number of new online organizing tools—to share with the broader progressive movement—to increase voter registration, education, and turnout.

We have a historic opportunity this fall, and we can't afford to sit around and wait until there's a nominee to get to work—there is too much at stake. Can you chip in a few bucks a month between now and the election to help make sure progressives hit the ground running when the election season gets started in earnest?

Thanks for all you do

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