Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Mr. Bush, you forgot something

In his speech last night to the Republican National Convention, President Bush talked about a lot of different things: Hurricane Gustav, oil drilling, a painting of a mountain in Texas, and his wife Laura.

But there was something missing from Bush's speech -- any mention whatsoever of the economy.

Of course, he had good reason to avoid this topic. Right now the economy is in shambles for the majority of Americans. Unemployment is way up, wages are down, millions of homes are in foreclosure -- and much of the blame falls on George W. Bush.

Now John McCain is proposing an economic plan that doubles-down on Bush's failed policies. Like the President, McCain probably doesn't want to talk a whole lot about this -- in fact he readily admits the economy is not his strong suit. Last December, McCain told the Boston Globe,

"The issue of economics is not something I've understood as well as I should."

Well, we understand that McCain just wants continue Bush's awful economic policies, and it's up to us to make sure all Americans know just how disastrous McCain's economic proposals are.

Help spread the word about McCain's dangerous economic plan -- use our simple tool to write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper:

As you watch the convention over the next couple days, you'll continue hear very little about the current problems with the U.S. economy.

That's because according to George Bush and John McCain, the economy is doing just fine. As John McCain said in an interview on August 20th,

"I still believe the fundamentals of our economy are strong."

That sounds a lot like what George Bush said just ten days earlier:

"The American economy is the envy of the world, and we need to keep it that way... The fundamentals of our economy are strong."

We've already seen what happens when an out-of-touch president doles out billions in tax cuts to big corporations and the top ten percent. And now John McCain is promising more of the same.

Help make sure all Americans know the true cost of John McCain's economic proposals. Write a letter to the editor right now:

George Bush has refused to acknowledge that our economy isn't working for the majority of Americans, and he's failed to take responsibility for the damage his policies have caused.

Now John McCain is showing that he is equally out of touch, offering more of the same misguided policies and lack of accountability.

If they won't talk about it, then we will:


Jeremy Funk
Americans United for Change

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