Can you help us spread the word about an unprecedented online event? Next Tuesday—April 10th—at 7:15pm Eastern, MoveOn is using the Internet to connect presidential candidates directly to the people.
Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, John Edwards, Bill Richardson, Dennis Kucinich, and Joe Biden will answer questions from MoveOn.org's 3.2 million members in the first of three unprecedented virtual town hall meetings. The topic: Iraq.
MoveOn members are asking candidates the tough questions about their Iraq plans, and we're gathering in living rooms from coast to coast to hear the answers directly. The mass media won't be filtering our questions or filtering the answers—-MoveOn will be connecting candidates directly to the people.
Right after the virtual town hall meeting, MoveOn will survey our members to see which candidate they believe will do the best job of leading us out of the war in Iraq. We will also let MoveOn members know how they can get involved with the candidate of their choice.
Spreading the word about our virtual town hall on your blog will make this democratic experience that much more effective. We thank you in advance for your help—and as always, thanks for all you do.
–Eli, Laura, Jenn, Karin, Ilyse, Anna, and the MoveOn.org Political Action Team
Friday, April 6th, 2007
1 comment:
I think people should ask the candidates a very tough question. My question to Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, John Edwards, Bill Richardson, Dennis Kucinich, and Joe Biden is, "Why are you appearing at an event hosted by what is arguably an anti-Semitic and anti-Catholic hate organization?"
In 2005, MoveOn.org published a derogatory picture of Pope Benedict waving a gavel outside the U.S. Supreme Court. The theme was identital to Thomas Nast's "The Catholics are taking over America" cartoons of the 19th century. (Google on "MoveOn.org" and "Pope Benedict" in image searches to see this cartoon, mostly yellow in color.)
Until it was taken down in disgrace in September 2006, MoveOn's Action Forum, with the full knowledge and approval of the moderators who were exercising editorial control over it, served as a platform for anti-Semitic, anti-Catholic, and anti-Evangelical hate speech, with prominent (Republican) African-Americans being denounced with racist terms.
Since Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, John Edwards, Bill Richardson, Dennis Kucinich, and Joe Biden would (hopefully) not appear at a Town Hall hosted by the Ku Klux Klan, why are they appearing at one hosted by MoveOn.org?
Furthermore, MoveOn's own credibility is totally shot as far as "ending the war" goes. Antiwar activist Cindy Sheehan says it fabricated a poll that misrepresented its members' views, and that Eli Pariser is a "wannabee power broker." Does MoveOn exist to serve its 3.2 million rank and file members, or the ambitions of Eli Pariser?
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