Saturday, January 5, 2008

Bush History 12/12: “Buying Puppies”

“Sudden Power is apt to be insolent, Sudden Liberty saucy; that behaves best which has grown gradually.” Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard’s Almanac, 1753

2005: Franklin’s wisdom seems quite timely. In a speech today President Bush says of Iraq “It’s a remarkable transformation for a country that has virtually no experience with democracy”, adding that Iraq today is “buzzing with signs and sounds of democracy in action”. President Bush did not say if the “sounds of democracy in action” include suicide bombers, roadside explosive devices, rocket propelled grenades, and car bombs.

Staff Sgt. Kevin Shangraw, filmed by fellow soldier Mike Moriarty for the documentary ‘The War Tapes’, may not be as convinced as President Bush seems to be about democracy’s chances in Iraq. Shangraw said of the president’s Iraq effort: “Well, I think it’s a fantastic opportunity for the Iraqis to establish a new history in the country and be able to be a free and democratic society, which in turn should stabilize the whole Middle East and create a freer and more stable earth as we know it”. Sgt. Shangraw added, “after that happens, maybe we can buy everybody in the world a puppy”.

“Wait for us to succeed peace. Wait for us to have two states, side by side—is for everybody coming together to deny the killers the opportunity to destroy. And that’s what they want to do.” President Bush, June 15th 2003

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