Sunday, January 6, 2008

RE: Fox News Gets Dropped by the GOP - Fox Stock Plummets AH

Thanks to:
Sensible Citizens Association for Reefer Education
§ Lori §

FOX Stock numbers feeling the wrath of RON's America

listen at 3:06....'how do we know he won't be president' and Susan replies....'Oh we'll fix that'.

NewsWire / New York / 1-5-08 // Fox News parent company NewsCorp (NWS/NYSE) has lost over $3 billion in market capitalization in less than a week as the stock plummeted to a 52 week low amid electioneering charges against Fox for excluding a major presidential candidate from a nationally televised forum. Many feel Fox is trying to rig the election.

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How do we know it isn't just a general slump? Look at the volumes in this chart, they jumped massively at the start of boycott.

Weapon Shop

NH GOP drops sponsorship of FOX debate

The New Hampshire Republican Party dropped their affiliation with a Republican debate sponsored by Fox News tomorrow night because they have limited the number of candidates that can participate.

The first-in-the-nation New Hampshire primary serves a national purpose by giving all candidates an equal opportunity on a level playing field," said Republican chair Fergus Cullen. "Only in New Hampshire do lesser known, lesser funded underdogs have a fighting chance to establish themselves as national figures."

The Fox debate is excluding Texas Congressman Ron Paul even though he polls higher in New Hampshire and has raised significantly more money, and is campaigning more in New Hampshire than Fred Thompson who is invited.

Weapon Shop

Feel free to use this logo, get a smaller one that doesn't distort in top friends lists from our pictures. --Weapon Shop

Dear Ron Paul Supporters,

Ron Paul will appear on the ABC GOP debate this evening. Please check local listings for exact times.

Warmest Regards,
Greg Chamberlain
MySpace Moderator for Ron Paul

Must See Ron Paul Video

Lesson Learned in Iowa - what the 1 county RP won did

I would like to draw your attention to an important lesson that should be learned from the Iowa caucus: Ron Paul won 1 county in the entire state. How did his supporters in that county do that? They bought cheap ads in local newspapers and ran them week after week, changing the ads regularly. If there is one lesson we should learn from Iowa and what is most effective, it is that. Every Meetup group in the country should emulate that strategy


The Only Peace Candidate - Ron Paul

Fox starting to backtrack

listen at 3:06....'how do we know he won't be president' and Susan replies....'Oh we'll fix that'...

The New Hampshire Republican Party dropped their affiliation with a Republican debate sponsored by Fox News tomorrow night because they have limited the number of candidates that can participate.

“The first-in-the-nation New Hampshire primary serves a national purpose by giving all candidates an equal opportunity on a level playing field," said Republican chair Fergus Cullen. "Only in New Hampshire do lesser known, lesser funded underdogs have a fighting chance to establish themselves as national figures."

The Fox debate is excluding Texas Congressman Ron Paul even though he polls higher in New Hampshire and has raised significantly more money, and is campaigning more in New Hampshire than Fred Thompson who is invited.

On Becoming A GOP Delegate To Support Ron Paul

Ron Paul NEEDS 1,191 (a majority) of 2,380 DELEGATES to WIN

Cut and Paste The Following Links into your browsers Location Bar to reach these pages.

Thanks Musicians and Hotties for Ron Paul
London Laidlaw
lastlady loves Ron Paul
Republican Liberty Caucus Of Texas
Pamela's Protest
Jimmy Ron Paul 2008
Weapon Shop
in His king D om
Ron Paul 2008
Erin - Ron Paul 08'

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