Sunday July 15 TOMORROW! Join in making plans now. Town Meetings for Impeachment: San Francisco Public Library 2:00 – 4:30 pm with Dennis Bernstein of KPFA Pacifica radio; Sunsara Taylor of WCW & writer for Revolution; Rev. Lennox Yearwood, Hip Hop Caucus who is fighting charges from the Air Force that his conduct is “not consistent with the interests of national security” for opposing the war. Faith Community Church, Greensboro NC3:00 - 6:00 pm Linda Barnes, Grassroots Impeachment Movement, and Scott Trent, World Can’t Wait. ******* Watch Steven Rohde, past President of the ACU of southern CA, at the Thursday July 12 Town Meeting in Los Angeles.  AST NIGHT: The first serious hour long discussion on a network of why Cheney & Bush should be impeached. John Nichols, who has spoken at several of our town meetings, and Bruce Fein, once of the Reagan administration, and now advocating impeaching Bush & Cheney, made the case on Bill Moyers Journal. Watch and read and forward this very substantive discussion! | |
Dear World Can't Wait Supporter,
The world can’t wait, but the people of the world ARE waiting for us to separate ourselves from the crimes of the Bush regime, and to prevent them from being repeated. Once you know you can’t not know, and you can’t not act.
World Can’t Wait is out to change the way the country thinks about what’s wrong and what is possible, and give them ways to act. Here are some of our plans to spread the Declare Yourself campaign in the next 6 weeks:
Ads on key internet sites (Daily Koz, Crooks & Liars, Alternet, Raw Story, Smirking Chimp, Talking Points Memo & MySpace)
Tens of thousands of Orange Bandanas saying “Drive Out the Bush Regime” for distribution at large rock concerts
Banner ads in USA TODAY to reach millions of readers in the middle of the country, designed so that people can cut them out for instant posters.
There is nothing – but money – stopping us from putting ads on MTV or The Daily Show, from printing one million postcards, or sending youth organizers to campuses as schools open.
Look at it this way: ten billion dollars is being spent every month to destroy and control Iraq. Over a billion dollars will be spent by candidates for president who aren’t even addressing the questions of how to change a situation where most people in the world think the US, and George Bush, is the biggest threat to the future. I’ll be writing you much more about how these plans shape up.
But right now, How much will you give to drive out these war criminals?
Readers of this list helped bring 40 youth to the Bay Area from Fresno, L.A., NYC, the University of Connecticut, Seattle, Atlanta, and Chicago for the Mission of a Generation Youth Conference. Along with World Can’t Wait, there are people with the Green Party and Iraq Veterans Against the War, meeting in the Veterans Building, as guests of Veterans for Peace, through Monday. 12 of the youth attending met WCW at the Coachella Music Festival in April.
An organizer writes, “We had a really energetic Orange Friday march from the conference to the New College in the Mission district, where we formed the live radio audience for KPFA Flashpoints. Listen here to the conversation between Sureya Sayadi, an Iraqi Kurd active against “honor killings” of women in the Middle East, Sunsara Taylor from World Can’t Wait, and us.
People on the street really dug the orange bandanas. We are really into the Declare Yourself campaign, working on it as part of a way to make resistance visible, creating a situation on campuses where people can find others who want to remove this regime. Many people have
brought up the Scooter Libby case being commuted and how that is opening up peoples’ eyes and finalizing the deal that this president needs to be impeached. Most people attending got active because of or since the October 5 2006 Drive out the Bush regime rallies”.
Sincerely, Debra Sweet, Director, The World Can’t Wait – Drive Out the Bush Regime
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