"Loyal Bushie" Judge Dismisses Valerie Plame's Lawsuit
Valerie Plame sued Cheney, Libby, and Rove. But of course the case went before a "loyal Bushie" judge named John D. Bates, who made his "bones" with the Bushies as a Whitewater prosecutor under Ken Starr. Bush appointed Bates as a Federal judge in 2001, and a year later he dismissed the GAO lawsuit demanding Cheney's Energy Task Force documents. In 2006, Chief Justice John Roberts put Bates on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to turn a blind eye to Bush's illegal wiretapping of millions of Americans. Today Bates dismissed Plame's lawsuit by claiming the conspiracy against Wilson was "unsavory" but "within the scope of [their] duties." What Cheney, Libby, and Rove did wasn't unsavory - by shutting down a crucial anti-terrorist network, endangering the lives of everyone involved, and undermining the security of the United States, they committed treason. Valerie Plame will never get justice - and our nation will never be safe - by relying on the Bush-controlled Federal courts. It is way past time for Congress to Impeach Dick Cheney. Tell your Representatives to support H.Res. 333, Articles of Impeachment against Vice President Cheney: Tell the House Judiciary Committee and Speaker Pelosi to hold hearings on H.Res. 333: Lots more here: _______________ Cindy Sheehan's March from Texas to Arrive in D.C. on July 23 Cindy Sheehan is leading a march/drive from Crawford, Texas, to New York City. Participants in this Journey for Humanity share the goals of ending the occupation of Iraq, impeaching Cheney and Bush, restoring New Orleans, and funding human needs at home and in Iraq and Afghanistan. The march has already made big news in several states. Watch this video of a heated discussion between Cindy and an Alabama chickenhawk. Here's Cindy's route - show up if you can! July 20 Charlottesville VA rally at 6 p.m. at Downtown Mall _______________ The Orange Revolution Begins July 23 On July 23, 2002, the head of British intelligence reported that Bush and Cheney were intent on invading Iraq and planned to "fix the intelligence and facts around the policy". Five years later a million people have died in Iraq as a direct result of these lies with no end in sight. Torture has been institutionalized, habeas corpus eviscerated, and illegal spying made routine. New Orleans lies devastated along with the Constitution and the rule of law. And Bush and Cheney are making a mockery of the Democrats' feeble gestures towards accountability. Enough is enough, and this July 23rd we will launch a new phase in the movement for peace and justice. We call it the Orange Revolution because starting that day wearing orange will signify that you want Congress to START IMPEACHMENT and STOP THE WAR. The majority of Americans, who want to see Bush and Cheney impeached and want an immediate end to this war, are made effectively invisible by a complicit media. Wearing orange will be our signal to each other, and to the world, about where we stand. Anything orange will do: a t-shirt, a wristband, your shoelaces. Get creative and send us your ideas. Here are a some great items you can wear designed specifically for the Orange Revolution: http://www.democrats.com/orangerevolution The Orange Revolution will be launched with acts of civil disobedience in Washington, D.C., and elsewhere to show Congress that we are serious. In Washington, D.C. on July 23, Cindy Sheehan, Ray McGovern, Rev. Lennox Yearwood, Ann Wright, Debra Sweet, Dave Lindorff, David Swanson, Jodie Evans, Medea Benjamin, Kevin Zeese, Tina Richards, and others will march from Arlington National Cemetery to the office of Congressman John Conyers. They will sit in Conyers' office reciting the U.S. Constitution until they are either arrested or he agrees to start impeachment. You can also come and choose not to risk arrest. Meet at 10 a.m. outside the Arlington National Cemetery Metro stop: http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/sit Similiar actions will take place the same day in the offices of Rep. Howard Berman in California and Rep. Pete Visclosky in Indiana, and at Rep. Conyers' district offices in Detroit. If you are willing to go to jail for justice, you are encouraged to come to Washington to participate in the civil disobedience, or to stage a sit-in at your congress member's district office, either on the 23rd or another day. Using our new tool, you can pledge to take part only if 20 others do the same: http://www.democrats.com/sit If you cannot join in on the 23rd, please wear orange in solidarity, and please phone Congressman Conyers' office that day asking him to please move forward on impeachment: (202) 225-5126. ##### Forward this message to everyone you know! To subscribe, create a free Democrats.com account here: To unsubscribe from Democrats.com Activist Alerts, click here: To unsubscribe from all Democrats.com email lists, click here: |
Friday, July 20, 2007
"Loyal Bushie" Judge Dismisses Valerie Plame's Lawsuit
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