Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Impeachment is Up to the People

What do you think it will take to remove Bush & Cheney from office?
I'm polling again. Hello to all those new on the list. We read & value your comments. Write me!

July 23, Marching to Impeach Bush & Cheney, war criminals.

Full page ad in The Progressive

Impeachment Talk Still Spreading: Michael Moore to Chris Matthews:
Impeach Them, and Put Them on Trial for War Crimes ... Watch Video


Do You Want to See the Bush Regime Impeached & Driven Out? Do You want to See the War End?
Declare It Now!
Wear Orange
Launch Friday July 27

Union Square 5-9 pm New York City
West Hollywood Park 4-7pm LA
Fisherman’s Wharf 1-7 pm SF
The White House 5pm Wash DC
10 th & Peachtree 5pm Atlanta
Wells Park 5pm Chicago
15 th & Market 5pm Philadelphia
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Dear World Can't Wait Supporter,

Ray McGovern, retired CIA analyst turned peace activist, delivered a letter to Rep. John Conyers yesterday, as part of the delegation with Cindy Sheehan and Rev. Lennox Yearwood demanding that impeachment start.

He wrote, “We each have our favored crime for which President Bush and Vice President Cheney should be impeached. Many of us have several.

But the real challenge is to look AHEAD. What are Bush/Cheney likely to do in the coming months if the impeachment process does NOT begin?” read more

300 people marched from Arlington Cemetery to Conyers office, while 50 people gathered at his Detroit office. Conyers told the delegation that impeachment is not going to happen because the Democrats don’t have 218 votes needed for it, and more importantly, the way to end the Bush regime is by electing Democrats in 08.

Many standing for hours in the hall outside hoped that progress towards impeachment would be announced. Cindy and Rev. Yearwood were visibly angered as they left the meeting. About 30 people squeezed into Conyer’s office lobby and began chanting for impeachment. They were quickly arrested, along with 16 others in the hallway, and taken away for disorderly conduct. More than a few people have mentioned the irony of Conyers’ a champion of Rosa Parks, having people arrested for sitting in over a cause – impeachment – he promoted two years ago.

In the Town Hall Meetings to Impeach Bush & Cheney for War Crimes, we’ve had a variety of speakers, some arguing that impeachment is part of the Constitution, a perfect remedy for the crisis gripping the government, and therefore people should not view it as a disruptive problem, but rather part of the “cure”. I’ve argued that even to get impeachment, much less removal from office of Bush and Cheney, will take an unprecedented movement from below, causing enough upheaval to force the “deciders” to respond.

“People that steal elections and believe they’re on a mission from God won’t go without a fight… This will not be easy. If we speak the truth, they will try to silence us. If we act, they will try to stop us”. These parts of our Call were in my head yesterday as we confronted those realities. The vast reservoir of people angry and outraged at the what the Bush regime has done is what is, still, waiting to be formed into a political force that can’t be denied.

That need is what’s behind our call for people to Declare It Now! Wear Orange. As we launch “ Orange Fridays” this week, it should be with a renewed knowledge that, as Cindy Sheehan said yesterday, “It’s up to the people”.
Sincerely, Debra Sweet, Director, The World Can’t Wait – Drive Out the Bush Regime

World Can't Wait

305 W. Broadway #185
New York, NY 10013

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