Thursday, August 30, 2007

You chose the winning script in our Roadblock Republican Radio Contest. Now, it's up to you to air it.

That's the bottom line: this entire campaign is run by you. The ads were written by you, the final script was chosen by you, and now you choose where we air it.

So go here to make a contribution and turn up the heat on the Roadblock Republicans.

Normally, an organization puts out a contribution page to fund the airing of a spot and then chooses where to spend the money. But since this is your project from start to finish, we set it up so you can choose where your dollars are spent. If you want to target a specific state, give to the fund for that state. If you want to target them all, just give to the general fund. You make the call.

Only you can guarantee that this heartfelt, powerful message - this script from Edwin Walker in Tennessee - gets heard by voters and gets through to the Roadblock Republicans:

"I volunteered for the Army in 1968. Now, when I'm in Washington, I go to the Wall, and look for the names of my friends, and try not to weep. Someday they will build an Iraq Wall. Some of those names will be there because Senator _______ put Party above country and wouldn't make George Bush change course. Well, I'm not willing to be a voter who sat by while the number of names on that Wall grew and grew. Ask yourself -- are you?"

This couldn't come at a more important time. Just last week we learned that a group fronted by ex-White House spokesman Ari Fleischer is raising millions of dollars from big dollar Republicans to air pro-Bush, pro-escalation ads targeting some of the very same Republicans we are targeting. They aim to spend $15 million dollars. They'll be heard - it's up to you to decide whether Edwin Walker's message breaks through their propaganda campaign.

They have their deep pocketed donors; we have you.

So do what you can to make sure our message is heard above the manufactured, ever-distorting din of the other side.

Thank you,
John Kerry


Thousands of submissions, tens of thousands of votes. Now we have one powerful ad.

Please contribute to make sure we air this as often as possible in the states of the Roadblock Republicans. They have to know their support of the Bush Iraq policy will have consequences next year.

John Kerry For U.S. Senate
129 Portland Street, Suite 500, Boston, MA 02114-2014

Thank You For Not Voting - Asian Pacific Islander Americans

Thank You For Not Voting - Asian Pacific Islander Americans

Add to My Profile | More Videos

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Driving Out Gonzales & the Bush Program

KATRINA! August 29 2005

Another reason to drive out the Bush regime and repudiate its program of intolerance & greed. You’re against the Bush program? Declare IT NOW!

Two years - since the names Katrina and Lower Ninth Ward seared into the world’s vocabulary, along with Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib, and Falluja, as one of the monstrous crimes of the Bush Regime.

Two years - since the world watched in horror as bodies floated in the streets of New Orleans.

Two years – since the Bush Regime allowed tens of thousands of people – overwhelmingly Black people – to suffer, starve, dehydrate and die in the unbearable heat and humidity and toxic sludge of a flooded city.

Two years – since entire swaths of a city known for the joyous and unique culture it has given as a gift to the world were allowed to be overwhelmed and destroyed. more

What’s up with a country where a torturer -- and let’s call a spade a spade -- an architect of a police state and fascist laws can be forced to resign and no one in a position of power calls for the reversal of everything he’s done and for his and his boss’s indictment for war crimes?

What’s up is a system that is so hellbent on extending and preserving its empire that a police state that tortures is the program of the whole lot of them. That’s why the Democrats grandstand and garner political advantage over Gonzales’s resignation but have not and will not oppose the essence of his program.

And it is why the people must.

We do not have to -- nor should we want to -- live under a system that enforces its rule through waterboarding (near-drowning) and locking people away without charge or trial. A system that sets this as its norms is one that cries out for revolutionary change!

And right now, while the regime is in disarray -- with first Rove and now Gonzales resigning -- is the time for an "orange uprising," an outpouring of resistance across this country by everyone who doesn‘t want to condemn future generations to a fascist police state. Orange, because this is the color forced on the Guantanamo detainees and torture victims. And this "orange uprising" must not stop until the Bush regime and its program is driven from power. Whether you’re a revolutionary or not, you have to confront the fact that if the Bush regime is not driven from power, then everything Gonzales was part of will remain -- the legalization and institutionalization of wire-tapping, torture, indefinite detentions and so much more -- no matter who becomes the next president.

Far from being defanged, George Bush is still commander in chief and he is still pushing forward new horrors by the day. The Democrats -- the majority in Congress and the line up of viable presidential contenders: Hillary, Barack and Edwards -- are not challenging his fascist program in any of its essential features.

Gonzales called the Geneva Convention ban on torture -- a crime against humanity!! -- "quaint" and is rightly hated for this. But the Democrats and Republicans in Congress came together to approve the Military Commission Act last October giving George Bush the right to decide when the Geneva Conventions apply. This came after the photos of Abu Ghraib. This came after the conscience of the world was shocked by the photos of human beings stripped naked, stacked up in pyramids, terrorized by dogs, raped and forced to perform sexual acts on each other, religiously violated. These photos were snapped with the sportsmanship and brazenness of southern Good Ol’ Boys who knew the law would never come for them -- and for good reason. Even Hitler never came out and openly admitted, and made legal, torture!

In a recent New Yorker, Jane Mayer quotes an expert familiar with C.I.A. interrogation protocol, "It’s one of the most sophisticated, refined programs of torture ever… At every stage, there was a rigid attention to detail. Procedure was adhered to almost to the letter. There was top-down quality control, and such a set routine that you get to the point where you know what each detainee is going to say, because you’ve heard it before. It was almost automated. People were utterly dehumanized. People fell apart. It was the intentional and systematic infliction of great suffering masquerading as a legal process. It is just chilling."

Gonzales is leaving, but this torture continues as you read, and will continue until the people drive out the Bush regime. If you’re against this, you’ve got to visibly Declare It Now by wearing orange -- spreading loud, visible, resistance to the Bush regime's program. [more]

Sunsara Taylor writes for Revolution newspaper and sits on the Advisory Board of The World Can't Wait / Drive Out the Bush Regime.

Debra Sweet, Director, The World Can’t Wait – Drive Out the Bush Regime

World Can't Wait

305 W. Broadway #185
New York, NY 10013

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Monday, August 27, 2007

The mad dash to flee Bush's sinking ship

The mad dash to flee a sinking ship

Gonzales Joins Rove in Heading for the Exit
100 Cities Mobilizing for September 15 Peace and Impeachment March

September 15
Please make a donation today.

At the very moment that people from around the country are preparing to descend on Washington DC for a massive march for peace and impeachment, Alberto Gonzales announced today that he is joining Karl Rove in the mad dash to flee Bush's sinking ship.

Gonzales, like Rove, is under scrutiny for lying to Congress. Under direction from Bush and Cheney, Gonzales will be remembered in history as the infamous guardian and legal “justifier” for a regime of torture, massive secret spying of the American people and the suspension of Due Process and other cherished rights.

The crumbling of Bush’s inner circle is a sure sign that those who participated in the criminal acts of the administration are seeking to avoid the hard glare of a country that has turned against the Iraq war and the administration itself.

A Special Appeal

The September 15 March on Washington will be led by Iraq war veterans and their families. Veterans from other conflicts will also join them in the very front ranks of the demonstration that will begin at noon at the White House and be followed by a march to Congress.

We are making a special appeal to all ImpeachBush members to make a donation today to help us provide a special transportation subsidy for the Iraq war veterans who are trying to come to the September 15 march in Washington. We are hearing from veterans and the family members of soldiers and marines from throughout the land who want to join the protest. Please make a donation and help an Iraq war veteran make it to the demonstration by clicking this link.

Veterans are coming cross-country from as far away as San Francisco, Portland, Phoenix, Chicago and from scores and scores of cities from every state. Their biggest need is financial assistance. It is expensive to travel, especially from far-away places. For example, the cost of a single bus ticket from Chicago on our chartered buses is $95. The ANSWER Coalition has provided thousands of dollars already to Iraq war veterans to come to Washington DC.

Please make a special donation today. If you cannot come to Washington DC but would like to help someone else attend you can make a huge difference with a generous donation. We can’t do it without everyone’s help.

If you need a ride to DC it is urgent that you contact a volunteer transportation center in your area now and buy your bus ticket on one of the many chartered buses coming to Washington DC. Click this link to find a transportation center near you. The buses have to be paid for now so it is important that you make a reservation and get your ticket.

If you would like to be a transportation contact for your area, click this link.

Spread the word and we will see you on September 15 at the White House.

From all of us at

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Trump: Bush is the Worst President in History

What a shock to hear Donald Trump say this!!!!!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Hey Democrats: Throw the Bums Out

John Edwards '08

Enough is Enough. Sign the Petition Dear Friend,

If anyone had any doubt what this election is about, they won't after hearing what John Edwards said this morning:

"It is caution versus courage. Old versus new. Calculation versus principle. It is the establishment elite versus the American people.

"Instead of serving the people and the nation, too many play the parlor game of Washington— trading favors and campaign money, influencing votes and compromising legislation. It's a game that never ends, but every American knows — it's time to end the game."

You know he's right — you've seen the lobbyists throwing cash at the politicians. You've heard the politicians walk away from their easy promises. But nobody calls them on it — because go-along-to-get-along is the rule in Washington, D.C.

Well, John Edwards is calling them on it right now, and they hate it. So they're coming after him with everything they've got.

When insiders from both parties are personally attacking John Edwards, you can bet on one thing — he's making waves, and the establishment doesn't like it when you rock their boat.

But here's the thing — it's not their boat. It's ours.

So join our call to take our democracy back and fix the broken system in Washington — sign our petition today, and send a powerful message to the Democratic Party.

Enough is enough — it's time to tell the big corporations and the lobbyists who have been running things for too long that their time is over. It's time to challenge politicians to put the American people's interests ahead of their own calculated political interests, to look the lobbyists in the eye and just say no.

John's right — we don't need to wait for Congress or the president. We can reform our party today.

Two weeks ago, he called on all Democrats to reject contributions from federal lobbyists. He repeated that challenge today.

We can reform our party and truly be the party of the people. And we can expose for all time who the Republicans in Washington are really working for.

Join our campaign to fix this broken system in Washington, D.C. and show America exactly whose side we're on — add your voice to our petition today.

The American people deserve to know that their presidency is not for sale, the Lincoln Bedroom is not for rent, and lobbyist money can no longer influence policy in the House or the Senate.

We need real change in America — universal health care, a halt to global warming and an end to the war in Iraq — but to get that change we have to fix the broken system in Washington.

As John said earlier today, "We cannot triangulate our way to real change; we cannot compromise our way to real change. But we can lead to real change. And with your help, we can start today."

This is what it means to be a Democrat. Not baby steps or happy talk — but to stand, up, be counted, and fight with everything we've got for what we believe.

So join us today — and thanks for everything you do.


--Jonathan Prince
Deputy Campaign Manager
August 23, 2007

How You Can Take Action
Join the Campaign Make a Contribution Spread the Word

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Help Young People Resist the Bush Regime

Dear World Can't Wait Supporter,

Are you outraged by the future the Bush Regime is offering to young people?

Can’t take any more of the war, torture, spying, and dark age rule being dished out by the Bush regime?

Want to see young people defying and resisting the Bush Regime like this?

Then donate today to make campuses & high schools orange epicenters of resistance. Young organizers are ready to go out there and spread this resistance. But funds are needed to send them out to campuses nationwide, and to advertise on MySpace and FaceBook where kids find online community.

There is strong sentiment against the direction Bush is taking society among students, but most don’t know there is vehicle through which to express their outrage, much less to change anything through doing that.

The movement to drive out the Bush regime needs to connect with young people as they go back to school in the coming weeks, putting the mission to them to drive out the Bush Regime. Young people can take the needed stand by boldly Declaring It Now and wearing and creatively spreading orange everywhere they go.

Make a $25, $50, $100, $500 or more contribution to start this school off with waves of youth rising to the challenge to drive out the Bush Regime. Your donation will subsidize:

  • Declare It Now! organizing kits for students which include the Bush Record DVD for use in classes, bandanas and stickers to spread orange, copies of flyers, and an organizing guide.
  • Online ads on popular websites to reach students and youth. DONATE HERE.

If you are a student, get your Back To School Organizer kit. Contact World Can’t Wait YOUTH with your plans to get orange out at your school.

Debra Sweet, Director, The World Can’t Wait – Drive Out the Bush Regime

Children may lose out on insurance

New US rules, state plan linked

Thousands of Massachusetts children from low-income families could be denied health insurance under new rules imposed by the Bush administration late last week. The rules could cut federal matching funds for a state-run program that is a key component of the state's health insurance initiative.

But congressional leaders, including Senator Edward Kennedy, a Massachusetts Democrat, said yesterday that they would fight the changes, which are the latest volley in the national battle over the future of the State Children's Health Insurance Program, or SCHIP.

Using a combination of state and federal funds, the program covers some 6.6 million children nationally and 90,500 in Massachusetts in low-income families.

As part of its health insurance reform, Massachusetts expanded eligibility to children in families earning up to 300 percent of the federal poverty level, or $61,950 for a family of four. The change was made last year with federal approval and brought coverage to about 14,000 more Massachusetts children.

In Massachusetts, the program is the main means of insuring children in families above the poverty level who do not qualify for Medicaid and who frequently cannot afford private insurance. The state's health insurance initiative did not include any other effort to cover children.

The new federal rules could block enrollment of more children above 250 percent of the poverty level and could make it tougher for the state to continue covering about 4,500 already enrolled. State officials said they do not yet have a count of the number who are eligible but not enrolled.

"We need to do further analysis to determine how these new requirements translate for Massachusetts," Stephanie Anthony, the state's deputy Medicaid director, said in a prepared statement. Healthcare advocates said the requirements would hurt the Massachusetts insurance initiative.

"It would result in more kids in Massachusetts going without needed health insurance," said Brian Rosman, research director for Health Care for All. "It would . . . take away one of the essential components of comprehensive reform."

At least 17 other states similarly expanded their coverage in recent years, and five more are considering these changes, according to Families USA, a healthcare advocacy group.

But the Bush administration has become concerned about those expansions, and on Friday, the office that oversees the program sent a letter to state officials across the country imposing rules that would make it extremely difficult for most states to enroll new children from families with incomes above 250 percent of the federal poverty level.

Children already enrolled in the program should not be cut off, according to Dennis Smith, the federal official who sent the letter, although Kennedy's staff and Massachusetts advocates suggested it might have that effect.

"SCHIP was created for children in low-income families," said Smith, director of the federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. "We want to make sure those kids are covered before we go to the higher-income kids."

Smith said the administration is enforcing rules designed to ensure that the program is not substituting for private insurance.

But supporters of the coverage expansion said the requirements were an attempt to circumvent congressional plans to extend the program and expand its funding. Both the House and Senate have passed bills to continue the SCHIP program for five years and allow enrollment of children from higher-income families, although Congress recessed for a summer break before resolving differences between the two bills. President Bush has previously threatened to veto the measures.

"Once again, the Bush administration has shown itself to be out of touch and out of step with the priorities of working Americans," Kennedy said yesterday in a prepared statement. "The administration's action denies the promise of good health to thousands of children in communities across America."

The federal government is requiring states to take a number of steps over the next year if they want to continue to cover children at higher incomes, and Anthony said Massachusetts meets only some of these requirements.

Under the requirements, children must be without insurance for a year before they can be enrolled, and families of children in the program must pay fees for care similar to those paid by families with private insurance. In addition, the state must show that it has enrolled at least 95 percent of children below 200 percent of poverty and that the number of children insured through private companies has not dropped more than 2 percentage points over five years. The latter requirement is supposed to ensure that employers aren't dropping family coverage.

The new requirements were first reported yesterday by The New York Times.

In Massachusetts, a national survey from 2005 showed that 94.4 percent of children below 200 percent of poverty were insured, she said, close to the 95 percent requirement.

But the state only imposes a six-month waiting period. She said the state will have to analyze whether its policies comply with the other rules.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

How Rove Directed Federal Assets for GOP Gains

By John Solomon, Alec MacGillis and Sarah Cohen
The Washington Post

Sunday 19 August 2007

Bush adviser's effort to promote the president and his allies was unprecedented in its reach.

Thirteen months before President Bush was reelected, chief strategist Karl Rove summoned political appointees from around the government to the Old Executive Office Building. The subject of the Oct. 1, 2003, meeting was "asset deployment," and the message was clear:

The staging of official announcements, high-visibility trips and declarations of federal grants had to be carefully coordinated with the White House political affairs office to ensure the maximum promotion of Bush's reelection agenda and the Republicans in Congress who supported him, according to documents and some of those involved in the effort.

"The White House determines which members need visits," said an internal e-mail about the previously undisclosed Rove "deployment" team, "and where we need to be strategically placing our assets."

Many administrations have sought to maximize their control of the machinery of government for political gain, dispatching Cabinet secretaries bearing government largess to battleground states in the days before elections. The Clinton White House routinely rewarded big donors with stays in the Lincoln Bedroom and private coffees with senior federal officials, and held some political briefings for top Cabinet officials during the 1996 election.

But Rove, who announced last week that he is resigning from the White House at the end of August, pursued the goal far more systematically than his predecessors, according to interviews and documents reviewed by The Washington Post, enlisting political appointees at every level of government in a permanent campaign that was an integral part of his strategy to establish Republican electoral dominance.

Under Rove's direction, this highly coordinated effort to leverage the government for political marketing started as soon as Bush took office in 2001 and continued through last year's congressional elections, when it played out in its most quintessential form in the coastal Connecticut district of Rep. Christopher Shays, an endangered Republican incumbent. Seven times, senior administration officials visited Shays's district in the six months before the election - once for an announcement as minor as a single $23 government weather alert radio presented to an elementary school. On Election Day, Shays was the only Republican House member in New England to survive the Democratic victory.

"He didn't do these things half-baked. It was total commitment," said Rep. Thomas M. Davis III (Va.), who in 2002 ran the House Republicans' successful reelection campaign in close coordination with Rove. "We knew history was against us, and he helped coordinate all of the accoutrements of the executive branch to help with the campaign, within the legal limits."

In the past few months, revelations about a few dozen political briefings that Rove's team conducted at federal agencies and several election-related slides from those briefings have touched off investigations into whether the White House improperly politicized federal workers or misused government assets to win elections.

Investigators, however, said the scale of Rove's effort is far broader than previously revealed; they say that Rove's team gave more than 100 such briefings during the seven years of the Bush administration. The political sessions touched nearly all of the Cabinet departments and a handful of smaller agencies that often had major roles in providing grants, such as the White House office of drug policy and the State Department's Agency for International Development.

The U.S. Office of Special Counsel and the House Government Reform and Oversight Committee are investigating whether any of the meetings violated the Hatch Act, which prohibits government employees from using federal resources for election activities. They also want to know whether any Bush appointees pressured government for favorable actions such as grants to help GOP electoral chances.

"What we are seeing is the tip of a whole effort to make the federal government a subsidiary of the Republican Party. It was all politics, all the time," Rep. Henry A. Waxman (D-Calif.), chairman of the oversight committee, said last week.

The White House has repeatedly said that Rove's team stayed within the confines of federal law and that the meetings were an effort to ensure the president's agenda and those who supported it were fully promoted.

But the Office of the Special Counsel, which protects whistleblowers, has concluded that the Hatch Act was violated during one such briefing, conducted for General Services Administration political appointees by J. Scott Jennings, the White House's deputy director of political affairs. Special Counsel Scott J. Bloch said he hopes his investigation of political briefings will have "an educational benefit and a deterrent effect" in reminding federal employees about their legal obligations. "Yes, people have their political parties, and that is good. But they have to check those affiliations at the door when you do the people's business," he said in an interview last week.

"How We Can Work Together"

An invitation to a March 12, 2001, political briefing for federal officials - one of the Rove team's earliest - framed the mission this way: "How we can work together."

In practical terms, that meant Cabinet officials concentrated their official government travel on the media markets Rove's team chose, rolling out grant decisions made by agencies with red-carpet fanfare in GOP congressional districts, and carefully crafted announcements highlighting the release of federal money in battleground states.

"We did that from Day One of the administration, strategically utilizing the president's appointees to sell his agenda," Drew DeBerry, the Agriculture Department's liaison to the White House between 2001 and 2005, recalled in an interview last week.

The Scope of Rove's Ambitions Was Unprecedented

"Karl's ability to see the chessboard and deploy all of the various pieces to the maximum effect is flat-out unrivaled," said Mark Corallo, a longtime GOP operative who worked with Rove as a top Justice Department communications official and later as a private consultant. "At the same time, he was always thoroughly aware of the limits and of the boundaries."

To lead the charge, Rove had his "asset deployment team." It comprised the chief White House liaison official at each Cabinet agency. The team members met - sometimes as often as once a month - to coordinate the travel of Cabinet secretaries and senior agency officials, the announcement of grant money, and personnel and policy decisions. Occasionally, the attendees got updates on election strategies.

White House officials say Rove had two basic rules: the first was to avoid meddling with grant and contract decisions made by career government employees; the second was to make sure they complied with the Hatch Act. "What was surprising was how adamant Karl and his whole team was that we involve the lawyers in our discussions to make sure we didn't come up with things that ran afoul of the law," DeBerry said. In March 2002, then-White House lawyer Brett Kavanaugh gave such a briefing on the "do's and don'ts regarding your participation in politically related activities," according to the invitation.

Most of the political briefings, officials said, were held at the White House or Old Executive Office Building for the liaisons or the agency chiefs of staff. But once or twice a year, Rove's team sought to spread the message beyond this core team. Attendees were presented a slide show with the latest polling data, election talking points and maps identifying competitive media markets, congressional races and presidential battleground states.

The subjects for such meetings - which involved at least 18 agencies - ranged from "a political update" and "mid-term election trends" to "outreach" and "coalition activities/organization," according to invitations gathered by congressional investigators.

DeBerry requested one such meeting at the Agriculture Department about five months before the 2004 election.

"We would like to hold a briefing for our political appointees on the strategy we should focus on over the next several months," he wrote on June 15, 2004, to Barry Jackson, the White House chief of strategic initiatives. "The briefing you gave the Asset Deployment team about a year ago would be perfect."

DeBerry's e-mail captures what administration officials said was the essence of Rove's approach: making sure that political appointees at every level of government pushed a uniform agenda in key media markets and on behalf of White House-backed candidates. That meant resisting the natural tendencies of the federal bureaucracy to cater just to congressional purse-string holders, officials said.

"I feel like people need to hear the message about resisting the urge to travel to the districts of the key committee chairmen and members for the sake of building relationships ... that the White House determines which members need visits and where we need to be strategically placing our assets," DeBerry wrote.

Some briefings targeted political appointees because of their race or ethnicity. On Aug. 11, 2006, for instance, Hispanic political appointees were summoned to a meeting with Rove's team to discuss the administration's accomplishments for Hispanic Americans.

Even agencies traditionally considered to be above the elections fray sent representatives to such briefings. A White House-arranged meeting that year for Justice Department appointees at the Old Executive Office Building included "a presentation about what the Department of Justice is doing for Hispanic American citizens," the department recently told Waxman's committee.

During the Clinton administration, White House officials made their own attempt to harness the federal bureaucracy's grant announcements and travel, but they were far less systematic. The White House political office held two or three meetings in the 18 months before the 1996 election with each Cabinet secretary and one or two top aides, deeming some agencies such as Justice and State as off limits to politics, former Clinton officials said.

"It was not a full-scale agency briefing. There were no targets; we were not calling them in and giving them lists of who to take care of and punish," said Douglas Sosnik, White House political director in 1995 and 1996. "It was an overview of where we were headed with the campaign."

Helping Endangered Republicans

Politically embattled Republicans such as Shays were frequent beneficiaries.

Between April 2006 and Election Day, Shays was able to announce at least 25 new federal grants or projects totaling more than $46 million, including a new veterans medical facility and a long-awaited installment of federal money for ferry service, according to a Post analysis of his news releases. Seven different Bush administration officials, including two Cabinet secretaries and the chief of the highway administration, visited his district during that time.

In contrast, Shays announced just $39 million in grants and got just one visit by a federal official in the prior 15 months, the analysis shows.

No federal generosity was too small to tout. A top official of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration was on hand with Shays when the NOAA awarded a single severe-weather alert radio, valued at $23, to an elementary school in Norwalk, Conn., two months before Election Day.

Shays wrote Bush on Sept. 8, 2006, to seek the early release - before the election - of heating assistance money for low-income residents in his state. Just four days later, the White House released $6 million. Asked to comment on the administration's help, Shays's campaign manager Michael Sohn said, "Chris was grateful to be returned to office based on his record of hard work and accomplishment."

Similar efforts to promote grants in key states took place across the government. When the Department of Health and Human Services, for example, released 22 grants totaling $35.7 million for community health and disease-prevention programs in late September 2004, The Post analysis found, half the awards went to targeted election states or congressional districts, the rest to noncompetitive areas that included Democratic strongholds such as Boston and New Orleans.

The agency's news release about those grants, however, detailed at the top just four recipients - in Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania and an Oklahoma congressional district - that Rove's team identified in earlier 2004 briefings as key to the GOP's reelection strategy.

The White House briefings also frequently identified key media markets where Republicans most wanted their message out. A Post review of trips announced by several Bush Cabinet members during the 2004 election showed that their travel fell neatly into the markets listed on a slide included in briefings that year.

Labor Secretary Elaine L. Chao made 13 official visits in the last two months of the election, never straying more than 50 miles from the media markets on Rove's office list, the analysis showed. That August, she attended three local Fraternal Order of Police meetings in the battleground states of Pennsylvania, Ohio and Michigan to tout new overtime rules that would soon go into effect. Likewise, she traveled to Tampa - another targeted media market - to announce grants for recipients who actually lived in Jacksonville, Fla., a less competitive area.

Aside from her home town of Denver, Interior Secretary Gale A. Norton visited just five cities in the first two months of 2004, according to the public announcements. But that pace changed between June and November, when - in visits to 37 cities - she hit the target election markets 32 times, the announcements show.

Those visits occurred after Interior liaison William Kloiber wrote to White House political affairs aide Matt Schlapp to thank him for a briefing about the political landscape. In an e-mail obtained by congressional investigators, Kloiber wrote, "Sometimes these folks need to be reminded who they work for and how their geographic travel can benefit the President."

Friday, August 17, 2007

Fox News caught editting wiki pages!!

rotflmao pwnd noobs!!
Body: From Crooks and Liars

An embarrassed Fox News hits Wikipedia

It’s been a rough week for our friends at Fox News. Thanks to some IP-address based research, the political world learned that FOX was responsible for "touching up" Wikipedia pages, editing content that didn’t fit with the partisan network’s political agenda.

For example, embarrassing content from Media Matters about FOX personalities was quietly removed. Criticism of Keith Olbermann and Al Franken was accentuated. The network that specializes in on-air propaganda had taken its usual shtick to Wiki pages.

With that in mind, it shouldn’t surprise anyone that FOX News’ Chris Wallace sought to undermine Wikipedia’s credibility with a report tonight. (Watch the video here)

The irony is rich. Pay particular attention to the references to "self-serving agendas" and businesses desperate to "improve their public image."

Fox News tried to exploit Wikipedia, and got caught, so naturally it’s time to undermine the source of the network’s embarrassment. Typical.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

How To IMPEACH A Cheney: The End Run


Your emails of protest arriving on Capitol Hill are numbering in the
hundreds of thousands and we can push those numbers into the
millions, and here is how we're going to do it.

We must do an end run around the corporate media which is
monolithically conspiring to try to keep serious talk of impeachment
off the table. We heard another chucklehead beltway pundit on the
radio the other day, for the umpteenth cowardly time, argue that
Democrats would hurt their 2008 chances by standing up for the
Constitution. LIES and more lies on top of LIES! Therefore, what we
must do is reach out directly and PERSONALLY to our friends and
neighbors, to mobilize our communities to speak out in numbers like
never before.


To aid in this mass movement we have already produced 10,000 custom
embroidered "IMPEACH CHENEY?" caps, and we're shipping them as fast
as we can. We are told that the largest promotional cap run in
history was about 50,000, so we are well on our way to breaking that.
It's a way for you to engage people in a conversation on the issue,
and then to invite them to vote in the National Cheney Impeachment
Poll, which itself has more than 100,000 submissions.

Can you collect votes for the poll without a snappy new cap? Sure you
can. Just go to the page next page below, print out some vote
gathering sheets and get out there, like we've been doing all along.


But we have found, and people tell us, that the caps make it so easy,
people will literally take the initiative to talk to you to express
their opinion, which is exactly how we are going to win, by getting
EVERYONE to speak out. And more than that, you can demonstrate by
wearing one of these caps everywhere that the QUESTION they say is
off the table is in fact very much on the table in our lives and our
own activism.

What we must do is break outside of the circle of people who are
already confirmed activists and reach out to the majority of our
fellow citizens, who know there is something terribly wrong in the
Cheney White House, but still do not appreciate what they personally
can do about it. That is what the caps are designed to do, to
facilitate that initiative.

If someone wants to organize a mass demonstration, all they have to
do is coordinate with us and we will do an alert in support. But we
need to do more as activists than collect signatures of other
activists. As we are mobilizing for these other things, and in
particular to increase participation in these other things, be a
demonstration of ONE, and help to build the base that will feed all
these other things.

We are in high gear even as we speak with the second bulk run of cap
shipments. Huge sacks pre-sorted by zip code are going out to the
East Coast right now and we will we working our way west throughout
the coming week. So especially if you are an eastern seaboarder,
please get you cap request in ASAP so we can get you in the
logistical shipping stream.


And remember, if you cannot make a donation in support of the
enormous manufacturing, packing or shipping cost of this project, we
will send you one for no charge whatsoever, not even shipping, and
all you have to do is email us with your mailing address and request
it. But if you CAN make a donation by submitting the form above, also
remember that it is only your donations that are making it possible
to make these caps available to everyone who wants one and will wear

We are estimating it will take 2 million voices to actually initiate
impeachment proceedings against the real White House kingpin, Dick
Cheney. If we can get 100,000 people in the streets wearing these
caps (and we have that many votes already in the National Cheney
Impeachment Poll itself), there is no force on earth that will keep
you from collecting 20 additional votes yourself for the poll. And we
will be there.

Also continue to spread the word about the cell phone voting option,
where all you need to do to vote Yes to impeach Cheney is to text the
word "IMPEACH" to the cell phone number 30644, what's called a short
code to send text messages. Especially if you like to call into
progressive radio shows, PLEASE push this particular option as hard
as you can.

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed
to be ours, and forward this message to everyone else you know.

If you would like to get alerts like these, you can do so at

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

People are losing jobs for criticising Bush

Well, this has got to come to an end soon! This whole ugly Bush-Cheney dictatorship. People- good honest hard-working people like you and me are actually being FIRED for making jokes about Bush at work!! Don't believe me? I could give you the name of my employer but then I would end up fired, too. A friend of mine got fired and I got a written warning- only because I am one of their best sales people.

It is time for a REVOLUTION in this country!!! Shake off the dust of apathy and let's get going on IMPEACHING this corrupt regime- even worse than Richard Nixon.