Dear Friend,
If anyone had any doubt what this election is about, they won't after hearing what John Edwards said this morning:
"It is caution versus courage. Old versus new. Calculation versus principle. It is the establishment elite versus the American people.
"Instead of serving the people and the nation, too many play the parlor game of Washington— trading favors and campaign money, influencing votes and compromising legislation. It's a game that never ends, but every American knows — it's time to end the game."
You know he's right — you've seen the lobbyists throwing cash at the politicians. You've heard the politicians walk away from their easy promises. But nobody calls them on it — because go-along-to-get-along is the rule in Washington, D.C.
Well, John Edwards is calling them on it right now, and they hate it. So they're coming after him with everything they've got.
When insiders from both parties are personally attacking John Edwards, you can bet on one thing — he's making waves, and the establishment doesn't like it when you rock their boat.
But here's the thing — it's not their boat. It's ours.
So join our call to take our democracy back and fix the broken system in Washington — sign our petition today, and send a powerful message to the Democratic Party.
Enough is enough — it's time to tell the big corporations and the lobbyists who have been running things for too long that their time is over. It's time to challenge politicians to put the American people's interests ahead of their own calculated political interests, to look the lobbyists in the eye and just say no.
John's right — we don't need to wait for Congress or the president. We can reform our party today.
Two weeks ago, he called on all Democrats to reject contributions from federal lobbyists. He repeated that challenge today.
We can reform our party and truly be the party of the people. And we can expose for all time who the Republicans in Washington are really working for.
Join our campaign to fix this broken system in Washington, D.C. and show America exactly whose side we're on — add your voice to our petition today.
The American people deserve to know that their presidency is not for sale, the Lincoln Bedroom is not for rent, and lobbyist money can no longer influence policy in the House or the Senate.
We need real change in America — universal health care, a halt to global warming and an end to the war in Iraq — but to get that change we have to fix the broken system in Washington.
As John said earlier today, "We cannot triangulate our way to real change; we cannot compromise our way to real change. But we can lead to real change. And with your help, we can start today."
This is what it means to be a Democrat. Not baby steps or happy talk — but to stand, up, be counted, and fight with everything we've got for what we believe.
So join us today — and thanks for everything you do.
--Jonathan Prince Deputy Campaign Manager August 23, 2007 |
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