Monday, August 27, 2007

The mad dash to flee Bush's sinking ship

The mad dash to flee a sinking ship

Gonzales Joins Rove in Heading for the Exit
100 Cities Mobilizing for September 15 Peace and Impeachment March

September 15
Please make a donation today.

At the very moment that people from around the country are preparing to descend on Washington DC for a massive march for peace and impeachment, Alberto Gonzales announced today that he is joining Karl Rove in the mad dash to flee Bush's sinking ship.

Gonzales, like Rove, is under scrutiny for lying to Congress. Under direction from Bush and Cheney, Gonzales will be remembered in history as the infamous guardian and legal “justifier” for a regime of torture, massive secret spying of the American people and the suspension of Due Process and other cherished rights.

The crumbling of Bush’s inner circle is a sure sign that those who participated in the criminal acts of the administration are seeking to avoid the hard glare of a country that has turned against the Iraq war and the administration itself.

A Special Appeal

The September 15 March on Washington will be led by Iraq war veterans and their families. Veterans from other conflicts will also join them in the very front ranks of the demonstration that will begin at noon at the White House and be followed by a march to Congress.

We are making a special appeal to all ImpeachBush members to make a donation today to help us provide a special transportation subsidy for the Iraq war veterans who are trying to come to the September 15 march in Washington. We are hearing from veterans and the family members of soldiers and marines from throughout the land who want to join the protest. Please make a donation and help an Iraq war veteran make it to the demonstration by clicking this link.

Veterans are coming cross-country from as far away as San Francisco, Portland, Phoenix, Chicago and from scores and scores of cities from every state. Their biggest need is financial assistance. It is expensive to travel, especially from far-away places. For example, the cost of a single bus ticket from Chicago on our chartered buses is $95. The ANSWER Coalition has provided thousands of dollars already to Iraq war veterans to come to Washington DC.

Please make a special donation today. If you cannot come to Washington DC but would like to help someone else attend you can make a huge difference with a generous donation. We can’t do it without everyone’s help.

If you need a ride to DC it is urgent that you contact a volunteer transportation center in your area now and buy your bus ticket on one of the many chartered buses coming to Washington DC. Click this link to find a transportation center near you. The buses have to be paid for now so it is important that you make a reservation and get your ticket.

If you would like to be a transportation contact for your area, click this link.

Spread the word and we will see you on September 15 at the White House.

From all of us at

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