That's the bottom line: this entire campaign is run by you. The ads were written by you, the final script was chosen by you, and now you choose where we air it.
So go here to make a contribution and turn up the heat on the Roadblock Republicans.
Normally, an organization puts out a contribution page to fund the airing of a spot and then chooses where to spend the money. But since this is your project from start to finish, we set it up so you can choose where your dollars are spent. If you want to target a specific state, give to the fund for that state. If you want to target them all, just give to the general fund. You make the call.
Only you can guarantee that this heartfelt, powerful message - this script from Edwin Walker in Tennessee - gets heard by voters and gets through to the Roadblock Republicans:
"I volunteered for the Army in 1968. Now, when I'm in Washington, I go to the Wall, and look for the names of my friends, and try not to weep. Someday they will build an Iraq Wall. Some of those names will be there because Senator _______ put Party above country and wouldn't make George Bush change course. Well, I'm not willing to be a voter who sat by while the number of names on that Wall grew and grew. Ask yourself -- are you?"
This couldn't come at a more important time. Just last week we learned that a group fronted by ex-White House spokesman Ari Fleischer is raising millions of dollars from big dollar Republicans to air pro-Bush, pro-escalation ads targeting some of the very same Republicans we are targeting. They aim to spend $15 million dollars. They'll be heard - it's up to you to decide whether Edwin Walker's message breaks through their propaganda campaign.
They have their deep pocketed donors; we have you.
So do what you can to make sure our message is heard above the manufactured, ever-distorting din of the other side.
Thank you,
John Kerry
Thousands of submissions, tens of thousands of votes. Now we have one powerful ad.
Please contribute to make sure we air this as often as possible in the states of the Roadblock Republicans. They have to know their support of the Bush Iraq policy will have consequences next year.

John Kerry For U.S. Senate
129 Portland Street, Suite 500, Boston, MA 02114-2014
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