Thursday, September 27, 2007
Karl Rove is watching you!
You see I've been watching you and other Democratic activists and let me say I'm a bit concerned. Over the past eight months Democrats in the House have made life for my Republican friends and me difficult -- issuing subpoena after subpoena. This has got to stop.
Democrats have only been able to take these actions because people like you have backing them up.
Well, the end of the quarter is only 72 hours away and from reading your emails over the past week I know that the DCCC has a goal of raising $1 million online and some donors, who clearly hate America, have setup a special 2-TO-1 matching fund so your contributions will effectively be tripled.
On behalf of Dick Cheney, I order you not to contribute to the DCCC by clicking here: Contribute to the Democratic Majority Matching Fund Drive
For six years the Republicans in Congress let George, Dick and me get away with every trick in the book. Making up stuff about weapons of mass destruction, revealing the identity of a covert agent to get revenge on her husband, firing US Attorneys who went after Republicans; we did it all. And if Republicans were in power we'd still be getting away with it.
I wish it could go back to the way it was. I would do some wild and crazy stuff and the media would help me sweep it under the rug. But with committee chairmen like Henry Waxman and John Conyers now leading investigations into our actions, being in the White House just wasn't as fun anymore. That's why I headed home to Texas.
In fact, Democrats have held more oversight hearings in eight months than Republicans held in six years.Democrats are only able to take these actions because they have a committed set of activists standing behind them. That's why it's so vital you NOT contribute to the DCCC by clicking here: Contribute to the Democratic Majority Matching Fund Drive
Karl Rove
Make a 2-to-1 Matched Gift
P.S. This message is obviously a parody. But the sentiment is real -- don't let Karl and his friends go back on the offensive. Make a contribution to the DCCC today by clicking here.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Put These Ads in College Newspapers

Be part of REVERSING the direction where these ads are being refused. Stand up for dissent.
“If we speak the truth, they will try to silence us. If we act, they will try to stop us. But we speak for the majority, here and around the world, and as we get this going we are going to reach out to the people who have been so badly fooled by Bush and we are NOT going to stop.” from the Call to Drive out the Bush Regime.
See Robert Greenwald’s film FOX ATTACKS: Iran
And for more on the Bush regime
And plans to protest Bush at the United Nations 9/25
Dear World Can't Wait Supporter,
Today was a day of cowardice displayed by publishers who would not print these ads in New York City tomorrow as Bush speaks at the United Nations.
Metro NY , the free subway paper, created a new rate for “political ads” that made the price prohibitive on such short notice. And the New York University newspaper, which earlier in the day had scheduled the ad to run, later reversed its decision based on their policy against the publication of any “political” ads.
I argued to the publisher of Metro NY (who got many emails and calls from you over the weekend) that the new policy means that those with deep pockets and support for the status quo will be able to afford to publish, and those of us challenging the official story will be locked out.
I argued to the students who publish the NYU paper that if a liberal urban university paper won’t publish these ads – in a climate where the huge majority here is against Bush – where can they be published? Is NYU going to train journalists to crank out war propaganda such as what is produced in Washington today, or do they want to produce journalists who value the truth?
President Bush has this country in a war that’s widely hated…but dissenting ads can’t be bought? He’s preparing a third war, and those who oppose it are called traitors? The Bush regime’s war plans on Iran hang over all this. See an article today by Larry Everest, U.S. Ramps Up Threats Against Iran
People had better stand up. This is a moment for courage. We will either allow this cowardice to spread, or stop it by our own actions.
CONTEST & CHALLENGE : The ad “Who is the Real Nuclear Threat?” was distributed all over the Columbia University campus today as Ahmedinijad from Iran was speaking there. An enlargement of the ad sparked debate, and support, all day long. We have submitted the ad to The Spectator, the student paper at Columbia, for publication this week, and we’ll hear Wednesday if it is accepted
We are asking you to send these ads to college newspapers you know all over the country, and challenge the editors to publish them. If there are finances involved, we will raise the funds.
Write me about who you are approaching with the ads, and what happens. If you know professors or journalists who will write about this, contact them.
Here’s why college newspapers are important, from Raw Story:
Dave McSwane, editor of Colorado State Univeristy newspaper that ran 'f***' Bush editorial says he'd run it again.
“The editorial board of a Colorado State University student newspaper didn't mince words criticizing President Bush following a free speech debate sparked by the recent tasing of a Florida student.
"Taser this FUCK BUSH," the entirety of a four-word column read in the student-run Rocky Mountain Collegian.
"We felt that maybe four words were more impactful than 250," said Dave McSwane, the paper's editor, in a segment shown on CNN's American Morning. The wording of the editorial was agreed upon by the Collegian's seven-member board.” more
We won’t watch what we say.
Debra Sweet, Director, The World Can’t Wait – Drive Out the Bush Regime
Monday, September 24, 2007
Why It Matters
Dick Cheney, Scooter Libby and Karl Rove knew they could get away with their traitorous acts because the Republicans in Congress refused to do any oversight or hold anyone accountable.
With Democrats in power that all changed.
But, that will only continue if Democrats remain in the majority. The Republicans are determined to regain their power to guarantee that they will never be held accountable for their misrule and abuse of power over that past decade. We cannot permit that to happen.
To finally turn the page on these dark times, and to make lasting change, it will take both a Democrat in the White House as well as a strong Democratic Congress. The single best action you can take today is to contribute to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) before their critical September 30th deadline.
Contribute to help strengthen our Democratic Majority and House Democrats will match you 2-to-1
I never imagined that the Republican Congress would condone the Bush Administration's reckless disregard of our national security. But that is just what the Republicans in Congress did -- and they reveled in it.
Oversight is one of the most important functions Congress performs -- it protects the lives of those serving our nation, saves millions of taxpayer dollars, and ensures that the Executive branch plays by the rules. We must continue to demand accountability in government.
Contribute to help strengthen our Democratic Majority and House Democrats will match you 2-to-1
Finally, after years of Republican dithering and inaction, Democrat Henry Waxman invited Valerie to testify before Congress to deliver a simple message:
"We in the CIA always know we might be exposed and threatened by foreign enemies. It was a terrible irony that Administration officials were the ones who destroyed my cover."
Heroes like Henry Waxman and John Conyers have been holding hearings, issuing subpoenas and shining light on the most deceptive and secretive Administration in our nation's history.
The future of our nation depends on having a Congress that will do its job, making sure that no White House ever again will get away with acting as if it is above the law.
As the third quarter filing deadline approaches, it is vital you give the DCCC the resources they need to keep fighting Republicans.
Contribute to help strengthen our Democratic Majority and House Democrats will match you 2-to-1
Thank you,
Ambassador Joe Wilson
P.S. Oversight makes a difference! If the U.S. Attorney scandal had occurred two years ago, Republicans would have done nothing; the media would have swept it under the rug and Alberto Gonzales would still be the Attorney General. We can't turn back -- we need a strong Democratic Majority. Contribute to help strengthen our Democratic Majority and House Democrats will match you 2-to-1
Saturday, September 22, 2007
World Can't Wait ads censored by Metro NY

“A belligerent President Bush comes to the United Nations to impress upon the world that the U.S. is in the Middle East to stay, that the war on terror will be endless, and to threaten a murderous war on Iran.”
This message is being censored. We’re calling on you to stand up to suppression of political dissent.
On Thursday Metro newspaper in NYC refused to run an ad headlined “Who is the Real Nuclear Threat” from the World Can’t Wait – Drive Out the Bush regime in its September 21 issue. The reason given by the publisher was that the content was “too inflammatory” for the prominent back page. On Friday, a second ad “One Million Dead in Iraq” was first rejected for placement on the September 25 back page explicitly because of its content. Then they offered placement on an inside page at a price almost four times higher than what was originally agreed upon.
This move by Metro is undoubtedly related to the “watch what you say” atmosphere created by the White House. Also on Thursday, George Bush said to the White House press, “I thought the [MoveOn] ad was disgusting. I felt like the ad was an attack not only on General Petraeus, but on the U.S. military. And I was disappointed that not more leaders in the Democrat Party spoke out strongly against that kind of ad. And that leads me to come to this conclusion: that most Democrats are afraid of irritating a left-wing group like -- or more afraid of irritating them than they are of irritating the United States military. That was a sorry deal.”
Hours after Bush’s remarks , the Senate passed a resolution condemning the ad in The New York Times by MoveOn titled “General Betray-Us” (the ad predicted Petraeus would give the White House version in reporting on the troop surge in Iraq). Republican senators are threatening an investigation of The New York Times policy of offering discounts for stand-by advocacy ads.
This Senate condemned MoveOn for a paid ad which dissents from the ongoing war, but won’t censure George Bush, a proven liar, for repeatedly using falsified intelligence to justify the war on Iraq. Now there is another wave of White House propaganda geared to justifying a war on Iran. The major media repeated their lies about Iraq for years. And now they’re doing it all over again on Iran.
We do not know if the Metro publisher opposes in principle the content of these ads, or is reacting with cowardice to defending the principle of freedom of expression. We don’t know, but it doesn’t matter, ultimately, because the effect is the same. One of the few avenues to get the truth into the major media – buying advocacy ads—will be in effect closed down if publishers are afraid to sell space. The White House will be the strong-arm arbiter of what is acceptable in terms of political criticism.
What will the consequences be if publishers and political opinion makers back down on something so fundamental to protecting dissent in society…not to mention stopping the monstrous crimes that are being done by this government in our name? Where is society going if people do what they’re told and allow this?
Dan Rather raised the alarm this week about the danger to news reporting when he announced a lawsuit against CBS for firing him over his story about Bush’s phony military reserve career. He said, “You can't have freedom of the press if you're going to have large, big corporations and big government intruding and intimidating in newsrooms. The chilling effect on investigative reporting is going to be something we don't want to see."
World Can’t Wait has bought many ads in The New York Times, USA Today, and in local weeklies, including NY Metro, aimed at reaching the people who want stop what the Bush regime is doing. This ad focuses on making such opposition visible by organizing millions of people to declare it by wearing orange. We are fighting for space in the public sphere, and all our efforts indicate that there’s the basis to win this battle for ad space, including raising the necessary money. Another indication is the fact that MoveOn raised half a million dollars in one day from people who told them “don’t back down!”
Here is a message for you to send the publisher of The Metro :
We know you are feeling the chill of the threat to publishers because of the MoveOn ad.
1) If your reason for refusing to run the World Can’t Wait ad is just monetary, then shame on you.
2) If you have political objections to the content, we would like to know them.
3) If you are worried about the chill Bush is trying to send through the advertising world, and you want to stand up to it, there are thousands of us ready to support you.
Call the Metro Publisher Daniel Magnus 212-952-1500 to ask that they publish on Tuesday 9/25.
You can reach World Can’t Wait at 866 973 4463.
And, donate generously to get these ads published in more newspaper. Write me if you have ideas and can help.
Debra Sweet, Director, The World Can’t Wait – Drive Out the Bush Regime
HELP get these ads published in local weeklies. You can DONATE to help pay for them.
Contact METRO NY Publisher to demand that they not cave in to the White House, and print the ads.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Amazing outpouring
Yesterday, an amazing thing happened. After the Senate's shameful vote, and after President Bush called MoveOn "disgusting,"1 our email started to fill up with messages like this one:
I'm currently in Iraq. I do not agree with this war, and if I did support this war, it would not matter. You have the RIGHT to speak the truth. We KNOW that you support us. Thank you for speaking out for being our voice. We do not have a voice. We are overshooted by those who say that we soldiers do not support organizations like MoveOn. WE DO.
YOU ARE OUR voice.
And then came the donations. By midnight, over 12,000 people had donated $500,000—more than we've raised any day this year—for our new ad calling out the Republicans who blocked adequate rest for troops headed back to Iraq.
The message from MoveOn members was loud and clear: Don't back down. Take the fight back to the issues that matter.
So today we're shooting for a very ambitious goal: Reach $1 million so we can dramatically expand the campaign we launched yesterday going after politicians who support this awful war. Can you chip in $10 toward our goal?
All day, messages from vets and military family members kept pouring into our email, many of them aimed at the Senate:
I have given a son to this country. My brother, my father, my uncle have all served honorably and bravely. I am a loyal American. I am outraged and sick to death of the tactics this administration uses to try to silence dissent to a war that is unjust, built and maintained on lies, political power, and greed. I was content to let others fight more loudly, but no more.
–Sharyn W., NC
I am a prior soldier who served in Iraq for 13 months, and am now an expecting mom with a husband who is deployed in Baghdad. I don't think I can ever forgive the Bush administration for the lies that tricked America into this war and hurt my family so badly. I am ashamed of those American politicians who would condemn an organization for practicing the Freedom of Speech that so many soldiers have died for.
–Danielle B., OH
As a US Navy veteran and an Iraq war veteran of over a year I want to ask, What has happened to us? What has happened to our voice? Where is this country going with stopping free speech and free press? ... Every time I think of the long nights I had in Anbar remembering what I was fighting for, well here it is....
–Ahmad H., LA
These folks have made sacrifices many of us can't imagine. Their charge to us was clear: keep speaking the truth about how President Bush and the Republicans have betrayed our trust.
So we're going to expand our ad campaign—keep it on the air longer and run it against other politicians who helped block adequate rest time for our troops. Can you chip in $10 to do it?
And still the messages kept coming ...
I've had three nephews serve since 2002, one of whom was killed in Anbar Province. I have a fourth nephew at Quantico training. I want this war over before he is deployed and before any more of our soldiers are sacrificed.
–Michele R., NE
Three members of my family are military. Two Marines have served in Iraq and an Army Lt. is deploying in November. If we had all spoken out when the administration used General Powell perhaps we would not be in this mess.
–Carol B., PA
As a Marine I served for many reasons but one of them was to allow people the freedom of speech, whether I agreed with it or not. Wearing a uniform does not mean someone isn't a shill, is spewing propaganda, and downright lies. MoveOn has every right to buy an ad and say what they want about a public figure. This administration has lied to us, deceived us, misled us and when posed with a challenge this is how they respond?
–Keith G., VA
The Senate won't pass a policy to end the war or even to make sure our troops in the field have enough rest time between deployments, but they hold votes to crack down on millions of Americans who are upset about the war?
Well—it isn't going to work. We put together a hard-hitting ad that highlights how Republicans failed our troops and if we can raise enough money today, we'll air it across the country. Please help if you can:
For all of us on the MoveOn staff, this week was a bit of a rollercoaster—MoveOn was attacked by nearly the entire Republican party, while too many Democrats ran for the hills. But what kept us going were messages like these—and the incredible privilege we feel to serve all 3.2 million Americans in
When the story is written of how the Iraq war ended, you will be the heroes. Thank you.
–Eli, Adam G., Adam R., Anna, Carrie, Daniel, Erik, Ilyse, Jennifer, Joan, Justin, Karin, Laura, Marika, Matt, Natalie, Nita, Noah, Tanya, Tom & Wes Political Action
Friday, September 21st, 2007
1. "Bush: ad on Petraeus 'disgusting'," CNN, September 20, 2007.
Moveon Threatened & Sanctioned
NEW! Declare It NOW Video from ACG in New York City. Not quite finished, but within hours we will begin circulating this everywhere.
The war and torture go on, and on, and we must make a choice to go along, or to stop all this.
JENA 6 Support yesterday was thrilling….500 some buses converged on Jena Louisiana. We’ll have reports from World Can’t Wait activists who were there!
Last night’s Steven Colbert “The Word” challenged students to do more than sit silently when someone is tasered. Millions of people have viewed the video of Andrew Meyers being tasered after asking John Kerry pointed questions Monday. Here’s more to the story, a march of 200 students in protest the next day at the University of Florida.

When General Petraeus testified before Congress this month, he did nothing but uphold the unjust and murderous war in Iraq, praise the Bush administration's surge, and argue for keeping the US military in Iraq and in the Middle East as a whole. This outraged millions of people in this country who want to see an end to this war. published an ad with the headline "GENERAL PETRAEUS OR GENERAL BETRAY US?" In response, Bush and Congress have declared this kind of criticism completely out of order.
Thursday, Bush called the ad "disgusting" and said, "I felt like the ad was an attack not only on General Petraeus but on the U.S. military."
And, on cue, yesterday, the Senate passed a resolution condemning the MoveOn ad. Only 24 Democrats voted against resolution.
When Bush speaks at the United Nations Tuesday, to tell the world the United States is a permanent presence in the Middle East and to drum up support for attacking Iran, there must be a powerful and defiant resistance out in the streets that makes clear our intent to stop the whole disastrous course Bush is taking the world.
Make sure to WEAR ORANGE to the protests, and cover NYC in orange that day to show a sea of visible opposition to Bush and everything he represents.
IF YOU LIVE IN NYC: Spend the next days organizing everyone you know and people you don't know to come out on Tuesday to show the world that we refuse to go along with what Bush has in store for the Middle East and the rest of the world, and we intend to stop it! Call the World Can't Wait office at 866-973-4463 to hook up with organizing efforts, get flyers, etc.
Join with: World Can’t Wait-Drive Out the Bush Regime, the Center for Constitutional Rights, the War Resisters League, Code-Pink, Granny Peace Brigade, National Lawyers Guild, Students for Democratic Society, Iglesia San Romero de Las Americas, Movement for a Democratic Society-NYC and many more in a broad range of bold and determined actions. And that evening at Judson Memorial Church, to hear Chris Hedges, Cindy Sheehan, and Sunsara Taylor.
Join an orange jumpsuit contingent that will act throughout the day on the 25th. E-mail your commitment to wear a jumpsuit to
Sincerely,Debra Sweet, Director, The World Can’t Wait – Drive Out the Bush Regime
Thursday, September 20, 2007
BREAKING: Senate ignores war, goes after MoveOn.
Click here to add your name:
I will keep speaking out until Congress forces an exit plan for this awful war."
Sign the statement
Every day, our brave men and women are dying in a bloody civil war this Senate has done nothing to stop. Yesterday, they couldn't even pass a bill to give soldiers adequate leave with their families before redeploying.2 But they're spending time cracking down on a newspaper ad?
So, we're making clear where America stands. We're releasing a statement from MoveOn members—and anyone else who feels the same way—saying, "We will not be quiet, we will fight back. We will keep speaking out until Congress forces an exit plan for this awful war."
Clicking here will add your name:
Maybe you liked our General Petraeus ad.3 Maybe you thought the language went too far. But make no mistake: this is much bigger than one ad.
It's part of a larger campaign by Fox, the right-wing echo chamber, and Republicans like John McCain (who said we should be "thrown out of the country").4
They're doing it because they're hurting: Polls show last week's Bush Administration PR blitz increased the number of Americans favoring withdrawal5 and vulnerable Republicans are sinking lower and lower in the polls (or announcing their retirement).
And it has one purpose: to intimidate all of us. To send a message that anyone who speaks unpleasant truths about this war will pay. To make everyone—especially politicians—think twice before they accuse the administration of lying.
If it looks like we're on the run, people will think twice before they speak out. Will you send a message today to Dick Cheney, Fox, Bill O'Reilly, John McCain, Rudy Giuliani, Karl Rove—and the Democrats without the guts to vote against this—that it's not working?
We've changed our home page to just run the names of people who sign on. We'll report the totals to the media all day. And if we can find an electronic billboard in Washington, D.C., we'll run the names there, too.
And after you add your name, you can go one step further. We've put together a fair but hard-hitting ad that highlights how, yesterday, Republicans blocked a bill to give our troops adequate family leave before going back to Iraq. If we can raise enough money, we'll air this ad across the country and take the fight back to the real issues—this terrible war and its impact on our troops and the Iraqi people.
Clicking here will add your name to our statement:
This morning, the Senate didn't pass an exit strategy for Iraq. They didn't pass a bill to cover millions of uninsured Americans or combat the climate crisis. Nope—they condemned 3.4 million Americans for speaking out against the war.
Let them know them it's not going to work.
Thank you for all you do, every day, to get the truth out.
–Eli, Aaron, Adam G., Adam R., Anna, Carrie, Daniel, Erik, Ilyse, Jennifer, Joan, Justin, Karin, Laura, Marika, Matt, Natalie, Nita, Noah, Tanya, Tom & Wes Political Action
Thursday, September 20th, 2007
PS. I will join MoveOn members tonight for a live webcast at 8:30 EST/ 5:30 PST. We'll update this situation, talk about next steps, and answer your questions. To join in, click here:
1. You can see the resolution text here and the roll call of who voted for it here. Absurdly, it claims that MoveOn "impugns the honor and integrity of ... all the members of the United States Armed Force"—despite the fact that MoveOn includes hundreds of thousands of veterans and military family members, who've led our campaign to bring our troops home.
2. "Effort to Shift Course in Iraq Fails in Senate," New York Times , September 19, 2007.
3. You can read the ad text and why we ran it here:
4. "McCain To MoveOn: Get Out," CBS News, September 14, 2007.
5. "Poll: Most Say Bush Iraq Plan Falls Short," CBS News, September 17, 2007.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Monday, September 17, 2007
100,000 March for Impeachment, Against the War
September 15: 100,000 march for impeachment, against the war
Keep the pressure on! Write a letter to Congress demanding impeachment!
On Saturday, nearly 100,000 people from all walks of life, young and old, of all nationalities and creeds, marched together, united by a single purpose, determined to end the war. The impeachment movement was a huge part of this demonstration and the call for impeachment resounded from the White House to the Capitol. People took buses, trains, vans, and planes from all over the country to make it to Washington DC for the March, and it was reflected in the massive turnout.
The protest included one of the anti-war movement's largest collective acts of civil disobedience. Around 5,000 people laid down in mass as part of a dramatic die-in at the foot of the Capitol steps to symbolize all those lives that have been lost in this destructive war. Another two hundred were arrested when they tried to take an anti-war message to the Congress and were stopped by riot police.
As those that were in attendance on Saturday know: the message of impeachment was everywhere. There were impeachment banners, signs, t-shirts, buttons everywhere you looked.
In his speech at the rally at the White House, Ramsey Clark called for a three-month push for Congress to introduce Articles of Impeachment. He called on all impeachment supporters to rededicate themselves to the cause. Congressional representatives don't have the right to take impeachment off the table. The Constitution -- of, by and for the people -- puts impeachment on the table out of legal necessity. Now it is the time for the people to exercise that right.
Following Ramsey Clark's call, is initiating the fall campaign to flood Congress with the demand for Impeachment. After Saturday's success, we do not want to wait or waste even a day. Impeachment supporters in every state are organizing to target their local representatives in their home towns and in Washington.
You can take an immediate step now. Congress has returned from vacationing while more and more soldiers and Iraqis have died in this criminal war. Now they are planning to capitulate once again and fund this war with no end in sight. Tell them vote No on war funding, vote Yes on impeachment. has set up an easy-to-use mechanism for impeachment supporters to write a letter to their Congressional representatives and instruct them in no uncertain terms to follow their constitutional obligations. Now is the time to introduce articles of impeachment.
Send a message to your representative, and by doing so, send a message to Bush and all the presidents to come. A war of aggression is the supreme violation of international law, and war crimes will not go unpunished.
To send your letter, click on this link.
Make a donation -- we can't do it without you
Saturday's dramatic march and die-in could not have happened without the undying commitment and important contributions of donors. It was the money of donors that printed the signs, reserved the buses, built the stage, and created the petitions on September 15. These are the unsung heroes of the impeachment movement, the people who are giving what they can, in donations large and small, to keep us moving forwards.
It takes significant funds to keep this type of movement growing. From the mass rallies, to the costs of printing petitions, signs, banners, and buttons, it takes thousands and thousands of dollars to make the impeachment movement a truly national phenomenon. Please take a moment and make your generous contribution right now by clicking this link.
Giuliani's Iraq scandal
This weekend, Rudy Giuliani launched a series of attacks on us for exposing the White House spin on the "surge."
Giuliani is hoping to scare war critics into staying silent. But that isn't going to happen. We've put together a rapid-response ad which demonstrates that Giuliani doesn't have a leg to stand on when it comes to leadership on Iraq: He was booted from the Iraq Study Group after missing meeting after meeting so he could make millions of dollars giving speeches.
We want voters to know that Giuliani can't be trusted on Iraq. Can you help with $10 to get this ad on the air in Iowa? Click here to see the ad and contribute:
The facts are very clear: When it really mattered, Giuliani chose to make big money from speeches rather than helping figure out a strategy for Iraq.
The Iraq Study group (ISG) was a bipartisan panel appointed by Congress in March of 2006 to evaluate the situation in Iraq and make policy recommendations on the war. Sometimes it's referred to as the Baker-Hamilton commission.
Giuliani originally said that he looked forward to participating in the group,1 but then he never showed up to any of the meetings.
Newsday reported earlier this year that, "Rudolph Giuliani's membership on an elite Iraq study panel came to an abrupt end last spring after he failed to show up for a single official meeting of the group, causing the panel's top Republican to give him a stark choice: either attend the meetings or quit, several sources said."2
Giuliani later said that he couldn't participate in the group because of "time constraints." A close look at his financial records shows that those time constraints actually consisted of a series of speeches that he made millions of dollars on.3
- In April of last year. Giuliani skipped a meeting and made $200,000 giving a keynote speech at an economic conference in South Korea.4
- The next month he skipped another meeting to give a $100,000 speech on "leadership" in Atlanta. Later that day, he attended a $100-a-ticket political fundraiser for conservative activist Ralph Reed.5
For Giuliani to claim any authority on handling the war in Iraq when he abdicated his responsibilities to the Iraq Study Group is a plain betrayal of the nation's trust. In fact, Stephen Hess, who served on the panel and has served in Republican and Democratic administrations, said, "Leaving that study group was not exactly an act of courage."6
While the media spotlight is on Giuliani and MoveOn, we've got an opportunity to remind voters about his real record on Iraq. Can you chip in $10 to help us get this ad on the air?
Giuliani's ad against us is in response to the ad we ran in the New York Times last Monday. The ad really got under Republicans' skin—Senator John McCain even called for MoveOn to be "thrown out of the country."7(His campaign later conceded that we have the right to free speech.)
But Republicans are right to be nervous about the facts that ad brought to light. As cognitive scientist George Lakoff said, "The ad worked brilliantly to reveal, via its framing, an essential but previously hidden truth: the Bush Administration and its active supporters have betrayed the trust of the troops and the American people."8
With your help we can make sure we continue to highlight these important truths.
Thanks for all you do.
–Nita, Eli, Justin, Jennifer and the Political Action Team
Monday, September 17th, 2007
This weekend, Rudy Giuliani launched a series of attacks on us. We put together an ad showing that Giuliani doesn't have a leg to stand on when it comes to Iraq: He was booted from the Iraq Study Group after missing meeting after meeting to make millions of dollars giving speeches. Can you help with $10 to get this ad on the air in Iowa?
Watch the ad and Contribute
1. "Rudy missing in action for Iraq panel," Newsday June 18,2007,0,7996765.story?wc
2. Giuliani on panel to study Iraq policy, Newsday March 16, 2007,0,6948113.story?coll=ny-nationalnews-print
3. Ibid
4. Ibid
5. Ibid
6. Ibid
7. "McCain To MoveOn: Get Out," CBSNews, September 14, 2007
8. "Whose Betrayal?" Huffington Post, September 15, 2007
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
END this war now!
Thursday night, Bush will speak to announce the small troop reductions Petraeus recommended today. What did we learn from hearing Petraeus in Congress? There was no mention of the hundreds of thousands of Iraqi dead. There was no discussion in these hallowed chambers of the torture at Abu Ghraib at the hands of U.S. military personnel. There was no discussion of the estimated 4 million Iraqi people – 13% of the entire population – displaced since the American invasion and occupation. There was no discussion of the destruction of the Iraqi city of Fallujah. There was no discussion of the criminal lies that had been used as a pretext for the U.S. invasion in the first place. There was no discussion of the endless atrocities perpetrated against the people of Iraq by the Bush Regime and the U.S. military, and there was definitely no mention of Congressional complicity in these crimes. more
THIS WEEKEND Protests in Washington DC and elsewhere will call for an end to the Iraq war, and the impeachment of Bush & Cheney. World Can't Wait will be calling on everyone to Declare It Now: Wear Orange! Drive Out the Bush Regime!
Meet at Lafayette Park, at the corner of H Street and 16th Street. Look for orange balloons and the WCW banner. We'll start gathering there from 8am – noon. Speakers at 12pm and march to the Capitol. Wear Orange & help spread it. Email to join the World Can’t Wait team in Washington.
IF you can’t get to DC, have your own protest on Orange Friday or Saturday and tell the press we are outraged at the continuation of the war.
Sincerely,Debra Sweet, Director, The World Can’t Wait – Drive Out the Bush Regime
Yesterday, the report from General Petraeus was repeatedly interrupted with verbal protests and signs by Cindy Sheehan, Ann Wright, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Code Pink and other opponents of the war. The New York Times featured a large photo of Adam Kokesh of IVAW with a sign saying "GENERALS LIE! SOLDIERS DIE!"
Rev. Lennox Yearwood, who stood in line to get inside the hearings wearing a button saying "I Love the Iraqi People", was refused admittance to the hearing. When he argued that he had been in line all morning and had the right to enter, he was quickly tackled by 6 Capitol police, injured, sent to the hospital, and arraigned today for "assault on a police officer". See footage here.
Earlier this summer, Rev. Yearwood’s honorable discharge from the Air Force Reserves was threatened. Many people wrote the authorities to protest the charge that his anti-war statements were "behavior clearly inconsistent with the interest of national security." Those charges have been now dropped, and the military has backed off. Support those who resist an illegitimate war!World Can't Wait
305 W. Broadway #185
New York, NY 10013
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
General Petraeus and the Truth
He used faulty statistics and cherry-picked intelligence to argue that American troops should stay in Iraq for the foreseeable future. The general said we're making major progress1—and we have to stay the course. Sadly, independent assessments show that things in Iraq have gone from bad to worse (see below for more on how Petraeus stretched the truth).
Some of you have emailed to say it reminds you of the day four and a half years ago when President Bush sent General Colin Powell to the U.N. to make a trumped-up case for war.
Powell's WMDs helped justify the invasion of Iraq, and Petraeus' version of "progress"—if it goes unchallenged—will justify keeping troops there for years. Can you take a few minutes to write a letter-to-the editor reminding folks that the "surge" didn't work—and that the responsible thing to do is bring our troops home?
Petraeus based much of his assessment on the claim that violence in Iraq is dropping.2 That just isn't true:
- Petraeus is using "funny math." According to the Washington Post, Petraeus and the Pentagon are using a bizarre formula for measuring violence in the country. For example, deaths by car bombs don't count.3 And assassinations count only if you're shot in the back of the head—not in the front.4
- Iraqis believe the surge has failed. According to a massive new ABC/BBC poll, every single Iraqi polled in Baghdad, the primary target of the "surge," said it had made security worse. Iraqis themselves overwhelmingly think the situation in Iraq is deteriorating, in terms of security, political cooperation, the economy, and other measures. Overall, 70% think the escalation worsened rather than improved security conditions. 5
- The independent GAO report found that violence is up. A comprehensive Government Accountability Office report ordered by Congress found that "average number of daily attacks against civilians have remained unchanged from February to July 2007."6 In August, things got worse, with civilian casualties rising according to the Associated Press7 and the Los Angeles Times.8
- For our troops, it's the bloodiest summer yet. More U.S. troops died every month this year compared to the same month last year.9
We would all like to see life improving in Iraq. But it's not—it's getting worse. And if US forces stay in Iraq both Americans and Iraqis will pay a terrible price.
Today is the anniversary of the worst terrorist attack in American history. The wounds of 9/11 are still fresh for many of us. After 9/11, President Bush used fear, lies and trumped-up intelligence to stampede us into Iraq. Now, America is bogged down in an unwinnable civil war, and Al Qaeda has regained enough strength to once again menace the United States.11
It would be a tragic irony if, six years later, the administration used skewed intelligence to head off the growing momentum for an exit strategy from Iraq.
Please write a letter reminding America and Congress not to fall, ever again, for White House lies—we need a timeline to bring our troops home.
Thanks for all that you do,
–Nita, Karin, Laura, Eli, and the Political Action Team
Tuesday, September 11th, 2007
P.S. Yesterday, MoveOn members sponsored an ad in the New York Times debunking Petraeus' claims. Click here to see the ad—and the evidence to back it up:
The ad stirred a controversy on Capitol Hill—it accuses Petraeus of "cooking the books." And it charges that Petraeus is betraying the American peoples' trust by spinning the facts to support the White House. Some Democrats were uncomfortable with such strong language, and Republicans attacked MoveOn.
We're sure if we'd run an ad debunking Colin Powell's testimony in 2003, they would have done the same thing—but sometimes it's important to set the facts straight.
Yesterday, General Petraeus distorted the facts to sell the Iraq "surge." Can you write a letter to the editor of your newspaper to set the record straight? Click here:![]() Write a Letter The effect of Petraeus' "funny math" on the violence in Iraq is clear if you put his numbers side-by-side with the Associated Press' numbers: Civilian deaths in Iraq: Petraeus numbers:![]() Associated Press: ![]() |
Monday, September 10, 2007
Tell Congress No More Iraq Funds Based On The PHONY Baloney Petraeus Report
Please make a special point of making at least one toll free phone
call to Congress this week, opposing any more Iraq funding except to
GET OUT. Here are three tested working numbers 800-828-0498,
800-614-2803 or 866-340-9281, and to make sure your voice is heard
also submit the action pages below.
But first, there is still time for us to get you extra "IMPEACH
CHENEY?" caps to sell if you are attending a Sept 15 event, or if you
want to be a distributor activist in your Congressional district. We
have participants making money all over the country to support their
own work with these and you can do the same thing.
Eight months ago, when Congress lacked the fortitude to reject the
"surge" scam cooked up by the White House, we knew how it would all
turn out.
The administration sent out all its stooges to try to lull anyone who
lacked the capacity for critical thinking by saying, "Just wait until
we see the results, in a couple months, and a couple months more
after that."
Instead, the situation continues to deteriorate the more money and
bodies we throw at it. And now that the inevitable and damning
results are in, the same White House fraudsters are doing everything
they can to hide and downplay them. The GAO report, that only 3 of 18
of the so-called benchmarks have been met, has been "edited" like
just like all those science reports that did fit their political
agenda. Even the Petraeus report itself has been doctored by the
resident spin team.
And don't expect anything from Petraeus himself in his testimony but
the Stepford party line. Remember this is the same General Petraeus,
who vouched for the lie that we had found the WMD biological labs way
back in 2003. He has floated to the top of the administration scum
pond precisely because he was practically the last military man of
rank who would parrot according to the administration's bidding. They
might as well have Tony Snow deliver the report to Congress.
Not one more dime except to get out. It's time to END the fraud on
the American people called the war on terror in Iraq.
If you have not done so already, get your own snappy,
custom-embroidered "IMPEACH CHENEY?" cap, to help mobilize more and
more people to speak out on this issue. We've already shipped 12,000
of them, and we will still send you one for no charge if you just
email us back with your mailing address. If you CAN make a donation,
please do so using the form below, and remember that it is only your
kind donations that make it possible for us to send free caps to
those you truly cannot afford anything.
So after they've run our military into the ground running fools
errands in Iraq for the last 5 years, who pops his head up again this
week but the REAL terrorist, the man who Bush said he wasn't worried
about and not spending any time on? The Cheney gang is not the least
bit interested in stopping the real bad guys. They did NOTHING to
stop 9/11 despite warnings from people with their hair on fire.
Instead they need to keep them around to keep the rest of us hiding
under our beds, or as justification for their own evil deeds.
The one thing we know for sure is that occupying Iraq is making
things worse. Bombing civilians is NOT going to root out Bin Laden.
We leave you with a very interesting quote from the end of an MSNBC
article on the latest Bin Laden tape. The speaker was Asad Durani,
retired head of Pakistan's spy agency.
Durani said U.S. Bombing campaigns along the Afghan-Pakistani border
had thoroughly alienated civilians who otherwise might help root out
Al Qaeda commanders. "The first instinct you Americans have is
military power - - dropping bombs," he said. "This was absolutely 100
percent guaranteed not to succeed, and it's continued that way for
the past 6 years."
Who else out there has had more courage to speak the truth, or more
wisdom to question the insanity of our Iraq policy since day one. If
you can, why don't you make a donation to Dennis to tell him you
appreciate his stands on the issues.
Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed
to be ours, and forward this message to everyone else you know.
If you would like to get alerts like these, you can do so at
an appeal from Ramsey Clark
A volunteer prepares ImpeachBush signs for this Saturday's March on Washington.
The largest possible turnout at the demonstration in Washington on September 15 is an essential part of the struggle. Major demonstrations have temporarily stayed the hand or altered the course of the government time and time again. Remember the Civil Rights rally in front of the Lincoln Memorial in 1963 where Dr. King described his dream, or the March on the Pentagon in October 1967 that was the turning point for public opinion toward opposition to the War in Vietnam.
President Bush has unlimited resources with which to confuse, mislead, divert, deceive and overcome the real interests and will of the people. The disadvantage at which we work is revealed by the mere $15 million a handful of his former Ambassadors (all rich, including a multi-billionaire named the third-richest American) have contributed for TV ads in the weeks before September 15 to support a continued Surge in Iraq.
But organized, the power of the people is Supreme. For $150,000—only one hundredth of what was spent on this single TV Campaign supporting the U.S. occupation of Iraq—we can place ads in newspapers across the country calling for impeachment of the Bush cabal that will reach millions who rarely hear the word, and may ignite a movement that can finally overcome.
There are just over 950,000 persons who have voted to Impeach George Bush, Dick Cheney and others on the website. It would be wonderful to be able to announce that One Million have signed on at the September 15 rally. Individual efforts and newspaper ads in the next week could do it. I hope you can lend a hand in this effort.
Will you help us raise these funds and persevere in the struggle to liberate America from its militarism to become a friend of humanity and champion of peace?
Please make an urgently needed donation by clicking this link.
Ramsey Clark
To read the full message from Ramsey Clark click this link.
Saturday, September 8, 2007
White House caught lying about Iraq
We're working on an emergency project for Monday to respond to the White House report on Iraq. You're one of our most steadfast supporters and we could use your help right now.
With a report due Monday on whether the "surge" worked, there are new revelations that the administration is cherry-picking facts, re-writing reports and using misleading data to claim progress. We're working on an emergency New York Times ad to get the facts out there in advance of Monday's report. Can you chip in $10?
Click Here
There are new revelations that the administration is cooking the books on Iraq—they're cherry-picking facts, re-writing reports and using misleading data to claim progress.1 We need to make sure Congress and the American public sees this evidence. If the administration can create a consensus that the escalation is working, they can justify continuing the war—and we could end up stuck in Iraq for another 10 years.
We're working on an emergency full-page ad in the New York Times to get the facts out there in advance of Monday's report. This is true "rapid response" and we're scrambling to make the ad and raise the money to run it. Can you chip in $10?
The White House keeps claiming progress, but the truth is that the escalation made things worse, not better. The fact is that independent reports show that the escalation has been a total failure. Violence in Iraq has gone up. This has been the bloodiest summer in Iraq for US troops.2 Iraqi casualties are running at double the pace of last year3 and there is evidence of ethnic cleansing in Iraq.4
But the White House won't tell us that. They actually came up with their own bizarre formula for measuring violence in the country. For example, deaths by car bombs don't count.5 The Washington Post reported that assassinations only count if you're shot in the back of the head—not the front.6
By gaming the numbers this way, they're able to claim that violence has dropped because of the escalation. It's a bald-faced lie but if they get away with it we'll end up staying in Iraq for another decade.
We're ready to fight back with the facts—can you help?
Thanks for all you do,
–Nita, Justin, Daniel, Natalie and the Political Action Team
Saturday, September 8th, 2007
1. "Experts Doubt Drop in Violence in Iraq," Washington Post. September 6, 2007
2. Iraq Coalition Casualties, icasualties
3. "Violence Appears to Be Shifting from Baghdad." The Associated Press, August, 25, 2007
4. "Baghdad's New Owners," Newsweek, September 9, 2007
5. "Time to Take a Stand," New York Times, September 7, 2007 (subscription required)
6. "Experts Doubt Drop in Violence in Iraq," Washington Post. September 6, 2007
Ben Marble, M.D. to Nancy Pelosi: IMPEACH NOW!
Cheney is a Creep
This is the home video of the guy down in Gulfport, Mississippi who had the unique opportunity to shout the obscene gesture that Vice President Dick Cheney used on the Senate floor himself: "Go Fuck Yourself!"
So this New Orleans local said it right back to him. WHAT BALLS!!! My hat's off to this guy.
His name is Dr. Ben Marble and he has a YouTube account.
Friday, September 7, 2007
Bush's outrageous assault on free speech
Bush's police suppress Sept. 15 press conference
Plus, read an AFP wire story and see the video
![]() Above, a NPS policeman on horse disrupts today's Sept. 15 press conference. Below, Adam Kokesh, Iraq war veteran while legally putting up a poster for September 15th. ![]() |
Less than 18 hours ago, National Park Service Police turned a September 15 Press Conference, held in front of the White House, into a chaotic scene. On the pretext that there was no permit for a three foot long folding table that the media placed their microphones on, the police intervened in the middle of the press conference to announce that it was an unpermitted activity. Three people were arrested and are still being held in jail. They include Adam Kokesh, an Iraq war veteran; Tina Richards of Grassroots America; and Ian Thompson an ANSWER Coalition organizer.
The Parks Police even rode a horse directly into the crowd of reporters and shocked onlookers. The National Parks Police is an agency in the Interior Department whose Secretary is a member of George W. Bush's cabinet. In recent weeks September 15 organizers have been fined more than $30,000 for putting up posters promoting the September 15 March on Washington.
We encourage members to circulate this email and the important story from the AFP wire story that documents this outrageous assault against Free Speech rights by the Bush Administration. See the video on YouTube that shows some part of the suppression of the September 15 press conference yesterday.
Bush and company want to prevent people from coming out for a mass action led by Iraq war veterans and their families that will expose his war propaganda as a lie. The Administration wants to suppress the growing movement for impeachment. This is a showdown of great magnitude.
Please make every effort to come to Washington DC on September 15. We will not be intimidated. Join the tens of thousands who are coming to Washington, DC on September 15. Buses, car caravans and vans are coming from more than 100 cities.
If you cannot personally come you can help by making a generous donation. The buses, literature, posters, stage, sound and other expenses are immense. Many have already contributed. Please do your part and make a contribution today by clicking this link.
If you have made a donation today please consider doing so again today by clicking this link.
Youtube video
Click this link to see a video of the police suppression
Police break up anti-war meeting in Washington
![]() AFP Photo: Tina Richards of Grassroots America being arrested. |
"The police suppressed the press conference. In the middle of the speeches, they grabbed the podium" erected in a park in front of the White House for the small gathering, Brian Becker, national organizer of the ANSWER anti-war coalition, told AFP.
"Then, mounted police charged the media present to disperse them," Becker said.
The charge caused a peaceful crowd of some 20 journalists and four or five protestors to scatter in terror, an AFP correspondent at the event in Lafayette Square said. No one appeared to have been hurt.
Three people -- Tina Richards, the mother of a marine who did two tours of duty in Iraq; Adam Kokesh, a leader of the Iraq Veterans Against the War group; and lawyer Ian Thompson, who is an organizer for ANSWER in Los Angeles -- were arrested, Becker said.
"A petition calling for the impeachment of President George W. Bush, allegedly carrying one million signatures and endorsed by former US attorney general Ramsey Clark, will also be submitted to officials during the week's activities." |
Last month, the movement was threatened with a fine of at least 10,000 dollars unless it removed posters in the city announcing the September 15 march.
Washington city authorities have said the posters had to come down because they were stuck on with adhesive that did not meet city regulations.
"At our demonstration today we were showing the media that the paste we use conforms to the rules," Becker said.
"One of our activists was making a speech when the police barged in and grabbed the podium. At that point, Tina Richards started to put up a poster, so they arrested her and two others."
"This strategy of suppression has not worked. We expect many tens of thousands of people" in Washington for the September 15 anti-war demonstration, he said.
The march has been timed to coincide with the release of a report by the US military commander in Iraq, General David Petraeus, and will be part of a week of protests led by veterans of the Iraq war.
A petition calling for the impeachment of President George W. Bush, allegedly carrying one million signatures and endorsed by former US attorney general Ramsey Clark, will also be submitted to officials during the week's activities, ANSWER has told AFP.
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Democrats in Name Only
This fall, we face a pivotal series of votes on Iraq. We've made phone calls. We've run ads and written letters to the editor. But now we have an important decision to make together. Should we support primary challengers against some Democrats who side with the President on Iraq?![]() Click Here |
Hundreds of thousands of us worked to get Democratic majorities elected. So why don't they have the votes? One reason is that there are a set of weak Democrats who side with the president—especially on Iraq. They're too scared to fight for what's right and what they were elected to fight for.
This fall, we face a pivotal series of votes on Iraq—votes that, if we win, could spell the end of the Iraq war. MoveOn members have made phone calls. We've held town meetings. We've run ads and written letters to the editor. But now, given this big moment, we have an important decision to make together.
Should we support primary challengers against some Democrats who side with the president on Iraq? It's a tough question, and one we need everybody's input on. Click below to fill out our survey and let us know what you think:
Polls show that a majority of voters everywhere support an exit from Iraq. That means that there isn't a single Democratic member of Congress whose constituents don't want to bring our troops home. Representatives who vote with President Bush on Iraq are voting against their districts.
But deciding to support primary challenges is a big step—some folks have argued that we should keep our focus on Republicans, the primary architects and supporters of the war.
There are a few key things to keep in mind. We would only get involved in a primary race if MoveOn members in the district or state wanted to—and a majority supported that primary challenger. And we'd focus on races where a progressive had a good chance of beating the sitting Democrat and also winning the general election.
Why now? There are a lot of Democrats in Congress who are Democrats In Name Only (DINOs)—they don't represent their constituents, a lot of them have been in office for years and they think that they can vote however they want. That's just wrong. Their job is to represent their constituents.
Back in January, many of us were excited about the new Democratic Congress and all the progress we could make. And together, we have made real progress on minimum wage, children's health care and even renewable energy.
But in some critical issue areas the Democrats have failed us—usually because too many of them were afraid to fight. Just last month, Congress capitulated to President Bush and politics of fear over wiretapping. And we've all been disappointed and frustrated by the way Iraq policy has been handled.
We have to work together to make sure that Democrats are held accountable to their voters. But the question is, should we use primary challenges as a way to hold them accountable?
This is a really big decision, and we need your input before we go forward. Please click below to tell us what you think:
We'll report back to you next week on the results of the survey. Thanks for taking the time to think through this important question and for all you do.
–Nita, Eli, Justin, Jennifer and the Political Action TeamThursday, September 6th, 2007
Support our member-driven organization: Political Action is entirely funded by our 3.2 million members. We have no corporate contributors, no foundation grants, no money from unions. Our tiny staff ensures that small contributions go a long way. If you'd like to support our work, you can give now at:
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

Monday, September 3, 2007
418 Days of Vacation
President Bush likes to talk about staying "on course." And right now he's on course to become the most-vacationed president in history.
Last chance to help us meet our $15,000 Labor Day Challenge.
In the seven years Bush has been president, he's spent a whopping 418 days on vacation at his ranch in Crawford, Texas!
In the meantime, his administration presided over an unprecedented rollback of workers' rights.
Luckily, American Rights at Work isn't taking any time off.
President Bush is busy outsourcing the federal government and letting his cronies bust federal employees' unions. But we're even busier, making sure his misdeeds don't go unnoticed.
With the President returning to Washington this week, we're launching a major effort to:
- Expose anti-union decisions of the National Labor Relations Board.
- Produce original, hard-hitting research to mobilize community groups and members of Congress alike.
- Meet with editorial boards and place media stories in support of workers' rights.
- Take politicians and lobbyists to task when they threaten workers' rights.
We have the passion and the know-how to shine the public spotlight on our nation's leaders. All we need are the resources - please, don't wait any longer to give.
Before Bush kicks up his feet for another vacation, help us expose his anti-union tactics for the world to see!
Thanks for all you do,
Liz Cattaneo
American Rights at Work