Wednesday, September 12, 2007

END this war now!

Thursday night, Bush will speak to announce the small troop reductions Petraeus recommended today. What did we learn from hearing Petraeus in Congress? There was no mention of the hundreds of thousands of Iraqi dead. There was no discussion in these hallowed chambers of the torture at Abu Ghraib at the hands of U.S. military personnel. There was no discussion of the estimated 4 million Iraqi people – 13% of the entire population – displaced since the American invasion and occupation. There was no discussion of the destruction of the Iraqi city of Fallujah. There was no discussion of the criminal lies that had been used as a pretext for the U.S. invasion in the first place. There was no discussion of the endless atrocities perpetrated against the people of Iraq by the Bush Regime and the U.S. military, and there was definitely no mention of Congressional complicity in these crimes. more

THIS WEEKEND Protests in Washington DC and elsewhere will call for an end to the Iraq war, and the impeachment of Bush & Cheney. World Can't Wait will be calling on everyone to Declare It Now: Wear Orange! Drive Out the Bush Regime!

Meet at Lafayette Park, at the corner of H Street and 16th Street. Look for orange balloons and the WCW banner. We'll start gathering there from 8am – noon. Speakers at 12pm and march to the Capitol. Wear Orange & help spread it. Email to join the World Can’t Wait team in Washington.

IF you can’t get to DC, have your own protest on Orange Friday or Saturday and tell the press we are outraged at the continuation of the war.

Debra Sweet, Director, The World Can’t Wait – Drive Out the Bush Regime

Yesterday, the report from General Petraeus was repeatedly interrupted with verbal protests and signs by Cindy Sheehan, Ann Wright, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Code Pink and other opponents of the war. The New York Times featured a large photo of Adam Kokesh of IVAW with a sign saying "GENERALS LIE! SOLDIERS DIE!"

Rev. Lennox Yearwood, who stood in line to get inside the hearings wearing a button saying "I Love the Iraqi People", was refused admittance to the hearing. When he argued that he had been in line all morning and had the right to enter, he was quickly tackled by 6 Capitol police, injured, sent to the hospital, and arraigned today for "assault on a police officer". See footage here.

Earlier this summer, Rev. Yearwood’s honorable discharge from the Air Force Reserves was threatened. Many people wrote the authorities to protest the charge that his anti-war statements were "behavior clearly inconsistent with the interest of national security." Those charges have been now dropped, and the military has backed off. Support those who resist an illegitimate war!

World Can't Wait

305 W. Broadway #185
New York, NY 10013

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