NEW! Declare It NOW Video from ACG in New York City. Not quite finished, but within hours we will begin circulating this everywhere.
The war and torture go on, and on, and we must make a choice to go along, or to stop all this.
JENA 6 Support yesterday was thrilling….500 some buses converged on Jena Louisiana. We’ll have reports from World Can’t Wait activists who were there!
Last night’s Steven Colbert “The Word” challenged students to do more than sit silently when someone is tasered. Millions of people have viewed the video of Andrew Meyers being tasered after asking John Kerry pointed questions Monday. Here’s more to the story, a march of 200 students in protest the next day at the University of Florida.

When General Petraeus testified before Congress this month, he did nothing but uphold the unjust and murderous war in Iraq, praise the Bush administration's surge, and argue for keeping the US military in Iraq and in the Middle East as a whole. This outraged millions of people in this country who want to see an end to this war. published an ad with the headline "GENERAL PETRAEUS OR GENERAL BETRAY US?" In response, Bush and Congress have declared this kind of criticism completely out of order.
Thursday, Bush called the ad "disgusting" and said, "I felt like the ad was an attack not only on General Petraeus but on the U.S. military."
And, on cue, yesterday, the Senate passed a resolution condemning the MoveOn ad. Only 24 Democrats voted against resolution.
When Bush speaks at the United Nations Tuesday, to tell the world the United States is a permanent presence in the Middle East and to drum up support for attacking Iran, there must be a powerful and defiant resistance out in the streets that makes clear our intent to stop the whole disastrous course Bush is taking the world.
Make sure to WEAR ORANGE to the protests, and cover NYC in orange that day to show a sea of visible opposition to Bush and everything he represents.
IF YOU LIVE IN NYC: Spend the next days organizing everyone you know and people you don't know to come out on Tuesday to show the world that we refuse to go along with what Bush has in store for the Middle East and the rest of the world, and we intend to stop it! Call the World Can't Wait office at 866-973-4463 to hook up with organizing efforts, get flyers, etc.
Join with: World Can’t Wait-Drive Out the Bush Regime, the Center for Constitutional Rights, the War Resisters League, Code-Pink, Granny Peace Brigade, National Lawyers Guild, Students for Democratic Society, Iglesia San Romero de Las Americas, Movement for a Democratic Society-NYC and many more in a broad range of bold and determined actions. And that evening at Judson Memorial Church, to hear Chris Hedges, Cindy Sheehan, and Sunsara Taylor.
Join an orange jumpsuit contingent that will act throughout the day on the 25th. E-mail your commitment to wear a jumpsuit to
Sincerely,Debra Sweet, Director, The World Can’t Wait – Drive Out the Bush Regime
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