Monday, September 10, 2007

Tell Congress No More Iraq Funds Based On The PHONY Baloney Petraeus Report

Please make a special point of making at least one toll free phone
call to Congress this week, opposing any more Iraq funding except to
GET OUT. Here are three tested working numbers 800-828-0498,
800-614-2803 or 866-340-9281, and to make sure your voice is heard
also submit the action pages below.

But first, there is still time for us to get you extra "IMPEACH
CHENEY?" caps to sell if you are attending a Sept 15 event, or if you
want to be a distributor activist in your Congressional district. We
have participants making money all over the country to support their
own work with these and you can do the same thing.



Eight months ago, when Congress lacked the fortitude to reject the
"surge" scam cooked up by the White House, we knew how it would all
turn out.

The administration sent out all its stooges to try to lull anyone who
lacked the capacity for critical thinking by saying, "Just wait until
we see the results, in a couple months, and a couple months more
after that."


Instead, the situation continues to deteriorate the more money and
bodies we throw at it. And now that the inevitable and damning
results are in, the same White House fraudsters are doing everything
they can to hide and downplay them. The GAO report, that only 3 of 18
of the so-called benchmarks have been met, has been "edited" like
just like all those science reports that did fit their political
agenda. Even the Petraeus report itself has been doctored by the
resident spin team.

And don't expect anything from Petraeus himself in his testimony but
the Stepford party line. Remember this is the same General Petraeus,
who vouched for the lie that we had found the WMD biological labs way
back in 2003. He has floated to the top of the administration scum
pond precisely because he was practically the last military man of
rank who would parrot according to the administration's bidding. They
might as well have Tony Snow deliver the report to Congress.

Not one more dime except to get out. It's time to END the fraud on
the American people called the war on terror in Iraq.

If you have not done so already, get your own snappy,
custom-embroidered "IMPEACH CHENEY?" cap, to help mobilize more and
more people to speak out on this issue. We've already shipped 12,000
of them, and we will still send you one for no charge if you just
email us back with your mailing address. If you CAN make a donation,
please do so using the form below, and remember that it is only your
kind donations that make it possible for us to send free caps to
those you truly cannot afford anything.


So after they've run our military into the ground running fools
errands in Iraq for the last 5 years, who pops his head up again this
week but the REAL terrorist, the man who Bush said he wasn't worried
about and not spending any time on? The Cheney gang is not the least
bit interested in stopping the real bad guys. They did NOTHING to
stop 9/11 despite warnings from people with their hair on fire.
Instead they need to keep them around to keep the rest of us hiding
under our beds, or as justification for their own evil deeds.

The one thing we know for sure is that occupying Iraq is making
things worse. Bombing civilians is NOT going to root out Bin Laden.
We leave you with a very interesting quote from the end of an MSNBC
article on the latest Bin Laden tape. The speaker was Asad Durani,
retired head of Pakistan's spy agency.

Durani said U.S. Bombing campaigns along the Afghan-Pakistani border
had thoroughly alienated civilians who otherwise might help root out
Al Qaeda commanders. "The first instinct you Americans have is
military power - - dropping bombs," he said. "This was absolutely 100
percent guaranteed not to succeed, and it's continued that way for
the past 6 years."


Who else out there has had more courage to speak the truth, or more
wisdom to question the insanity of our Iraq policy since day one. If
you can, why don't you make a donation to Dennis to tell him you
appreciate his stands on the issues.


Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed
to be ours, and forward this message to everyone else you know.

If you would like to get alerts like these, you can do so at

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