Friday, February 29, 2008

Over $150,000 for Freedom of Speech!

Only a limited number of grants are awarded through this foundation, which is dedicated primarily to conducting and supporting national, international, and community programs that foster the First Amendment freedom of press, speech, assembly, petition, and religion and the free exercise thereof by all peoples. Contact Freedom Forum, Inc., 1101 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA 22209-2248; 703-528-0800; Fax: 703-284-3770;; Email:
Income Eligibility: Determined on a case-by-case basis.

Must See Kucinich Fight Back TV Spot, Will Knock Your Socks Off, Please Link Widely

In this last week before the primary election in Ohio, Kucinich is
putting out a TV ad that will absolutely knock your socks off, and
you can see it on this page.

Kucinich Fight Back Video:

This is the Dennis we will always remember. This is the Dennis we
love. This is the Dennis we must KEEP in the U.S. House of

And Dennis needs your help right now, to put this spectacular new TV
spot on the air in this district in heavy rotation, to demonstrate
that he can fight back against the big corporate money trying to
unseat him . . . and he will win.

There are only six days left, and your contribution right now can
shine the light of truth on just what Dennis stands for, and blow
away all obfuscation like it was so much the smoke that it is.

Some bandy about the word "change" as if all change were good. But we
say, if it ain't broke don't fix it. And Dennis does not need to be
fixed. He has consistently been the strongest voice in all of
Congress for every progressive policy initiative. And that is why the
corporate special interests are so desperate to knock him out.

That's not going to happen.

Just so long as we do everything we could have possibly done to stand
with him and support him now, when he himself is so wrongfully under
attack. Please send the link below to absolutely everyone who cares
about saving our democracy.

Kucinich Fight Back Video:

And just you watch. As soon as the distraction of the mean-spiriting
primary challenge is dispensed with, he'll be leading the charge once
again on impeachment and everything else. After all he has already
done, the man deserves a couple weeks off to take care of election
business at home.

And to thank you for your valiant support, Dennis wants you to have
as his gift to you a copy of his special Kucinich commemorative
edition pocket constitution, with your donation of $100 or more. And
if you are one of the few who have not be blindsided by Cheney's
gut-the-economy agenda, Dennis Kucinich will personally autograph
your copy with your donation of $1,000 or more.

Please note that even if you had already donated the full legal limit
to his brave presidential run, which had a real impact in shifting
the debate, you can donate another $2,300 for his congressional seat

But even if you can't make a donation right now, there is still
something incredibly important you can do to help, and that is to
send links to the video to anyone you can. So ask all your friends to
visit the page below too.

Kucinich Fight Back Video:

So please do what you can to spread the word that this is a must win,
must-keep situation. It is only because of the courage of Dennis
Kucinich in standing strong to protect and defend the Constitution
that we are where we are now, with more and more members of Congress
clamoring for meaningful impeachment hearings, and the House still
holding the line against that craven telecom immunity thing.

Let us not be complacent. Let us not take anything for granted just
because Dennis is so amazing on every issue. We have to make sure
that we empower Dennis to remind his constituents what a magnificent
job he has been doing for them and for us all. And nothing would push
impeachment forward more than the most clearcut victory for Dennis in
his primary.

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed
to be ours, and forward this alert as widely as possible.

Monday, February 25, 2008

See Dennis Kucinich Still Standing Strong, We Must Win In OH, Please Link This Video

We just saw one of the mostly sleazy, smarmy negative attack ads we
ever saw on Cleveland TV, deliberately lighting our hero Dennis
Kucinich like something out of a Halloween fright movie. His hometown
corporate controlled newspaper is on a vendetta to try to run him out
of town, and they have it on their web site as well.

This is what we need to fight back:

Thank You Dennis Video:

In this video, grateful union workers remind their fellow
constituents how hard Dennis Kucinich fought for them, saving the
local steel mill, and with it thousands of good paying union and
support jobs. Please make a contribution if you can now to run more
of these spots in the critical last week of the OH primary campaign,
to remind Cleveland of the truth.

Because neither let us forget how hard Dennis has fought for us, by
his sheer force of personal courage bringing impeachment of the most
diabolical Vice President in our history to the floor of House, and
to the Judiciary Committee, where even now it is gathering more and
more support.

Let us stand now with Dennis, just as he has stood for us, so that he
can continue to fight the good fight not only on Cheney impeachment,
but once that is surely underway, on Bush impeachment as well. Let us
not wake up on March 5th and wish we had done just a little more to
save the man who may well have saved our entire Democracy by keeping
the Constitution on the table.

Thank You Dennis Video:

And to thank you for your valiant support, Dennis wants you to have
as his gift to you a copy of his special Kucinich commemorative
edition pocket constitution, with your donation of $100 or more. And
if you are one of the few who have not be blindsided by Cheney's
gut-the-economy agenda, Dennis Kucinich will personally autograph
your copy with your donation of $1,000 or more.

Please note that even if you had already donated the full legal limit
to his brave presidential run, which had a real impact in shifting
the debate, you can donate another $2,300 for his congressional seat

But even if you can't make a donation right now, there is still
something incredibly important you can do to help, and that is to
send links to the video to anyone you can. So ask all your friends to
visit the page below too.

Thank You Dennis Video:

So please do what you can to spread the word that this is a must win,
must-keep situation. It is only because of the courage of Dennis
Kucinich in standing strong to protect and defend the Constitution
that we are where we are now, with more and more members of Congress
clamoring for meaningful impeachment hearings, and the House still
holding the line against that craven telecom immunity thing.

Let us not be complacent. Let us not take anything for granted just
because Dennis is so amazing on every issue. We have to make sure
that we empower Dennis to remind his constituents what a magnificent
job he has been doing for them and for us all. And nothing would push
impeachment forward more than the most clearcut victory for Dennis in
his primary.

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed
to be ours, and forward this alert as widely as possible.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Bush and Cheney Should Be Arrested: Vermont Rising Up

Impeachment call spreads to local and state legislatures
Vermont to vote on arresting Bush and Cheney

Sept15 White House VTI"Bush and Cheney: arrested for gross violations of international and U.S. law!" A new proposal in the township of Brattleboro, Vermont -- authorizing local law enforcement to arrest Bush and Cheney -- would make this headline a reality, should either of them step inside the town's jurisdiction. The Brattleboro proposal is to be voted on in the coming weeks at a town hall meeting. The proposal is up for discussion thanks to the hard work of community activists, who petitioned citywide to have the motion put to a vote. Fearful of the indictment, Bush and Cheney are mounting a counteroffensive. But in town after town in Vermont, the people have voted to support impeachment recognizing that Bush and Cheney have committed high crimes and misdemeanors.

The Brattleboro indictment of Bush and Cheney is reflective of the tide of opposition to the current administration. The people of this country are refusing to let Bush leave office without facing charges for his criminal deeds. Just yesterday, the New Hampshire State House held an impeachment hearing, which was flooded by activists and community members insisting that the state legislature take action. Hollywood actor Ed Asner wrote a letter for the hearing expressing his support for the resolution, which indicts Bush for "invading Iraq without just cause or provocation."

We are keeping the pressure on and "impeachment" has become a household word. We are mobilizing the impeachment movement for the anti-war actions on the 5th anniversary of the war. We are lobbying Congress. We are taking out impeachment advertisements. We are telling the courageous people of Brattleboro that they speak for millions more. We are telling the New Hampshire activists who filled the State House yesterday that people from the other 49 states stand with them.

We can seize upon this historic momentum only with your help. Please take a momentum to click on this link and make a donation for impeachment.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Iraq and the Recession

As long as we keep pouring money down the drain in Iraq, we won't have the money we need to solve our economic woes. Can you take a moment to write a letter to the editor of your local paper about how much we're spending in Iraq, while things go south here at home?

Write a Letter to the Editor

As of today, we've spent over $495 billion in Iraq.1 With the economy in the tank, think about what that money could do here at home: Cover millions of kids who don't have insurance, or help folks who're losing their jobs and homes.

Instead, it's supporting a failed occupation in Iraq.

More and more Americans are making the connection between the billions we've spent over there and the crumbling economy here at home. In fact, a new AP poll shows that most Americans think ending the war is the best way to help the economy.2 But pundits still talk about the war and the economy as two unrelated things.

That's why we're launching our "Iraq/Recession" campaign—our push to make sure that politicians and pundits understand what voters already know: As long as we keep pouring that money down the drain in Iraq, we won't have the money we need to solve our economic woes.

Can you take a moment to write a letter to the editor of your local paper about how much we're spending in Iraq, while things go south here at home? By speaking out together, we can make sure the cost of war is part of the economic equation. Our tool makes writing a letter easy. Click here to get started:

If thousands of us write, we can get the media to stop ignoring the connection between the war and the recession. The opinion pages are the most widely read pages in the newspaper, so we can also make sure voters—who are growing increasingly concerned about the economy—know that any candidate who wants to stay in Iraq has no plan for the economy.

The ongoing occupation in Iraq is sucking up the resources we need to make our economy work again. The tradeoffs are stark: Bombs or unemployment insurance for people laid off as the economy slows? Billions for Halliburton and Blackwater, or help for people on the verge of losing their homes because of the subprime meltdown? Consider these key facts:

  • The recession is going to force states to cut back their budgets. Most likely, the cuts are going to affect the services that working families need and depend on.3
  • Meanwhile, the war is costing Americans more than $338 million a day. 4 That money could be spent to help out the folks who're hurting most now. For less than what we're spending on the war, we could pay for affordable housing for hundreds of thousands of families, health care for children, or scholarships to help folks pay for education. 5
  • Gas prices are close to double what they were before the war began. The cost of oil is still hovering around $100 barrel. 6
  • We're borrowing $343 million every day to finance the war in Iraq. 7 Our skyrocketing debt will be a bigger and bigger drag on the economy—slowing recovery and burdening future generations.

The truth is that economic forecasts are going to continue to be grim as long as we continue to dump billions into a reckless war that has no end in sight. Please write a letter to the editor of your local paper today:

Good News: House Democrats Standing Up to President Bush

Last week, the House of Representatives took two strong stands for the rule of law: They voted to hold two Bush administration officials in contempt of Congress for refusing to comply with subpoenas as part of an investigation into the US Attorneys scandal. They also refused to consider a flawed wiretapping bill that would have let phone companies off the hook for helping the president illegally spy on innocent Americans.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Celebrate President's Day: Help Impeach the President

Celebrate President's Day: Impeach the President!
~telling it like it is: video commentary below~

Let this President's Day serve as a reminder that there is a criminal holding the office of the Presidency who must be held accountable and impeached as required by the Constitution of the United States.

With the fifth anniversary of the Iraq invasion approaching, impeachment activists are in high gear across the country. The war is an ongoing crime against the people of Iraq and the people of this country, but the perpetrators and torturers in chief go unpunished. The violations of civil rights and civil liberties in the United States by the administration are unbounded. At antiwar activities large and small this March, ImpeachBush will be there with our black and yellow signs, calling for the criminals to be brought to justice through impeachment. members have been working successfully to increase the support for impeachment in Congress and raise awareness around the country.

You can help the impeachment movement gain strength and new support all over the country by making a donation right now and clicking this link.

We have attached below a hard-hitting video commentary from Keith Olbermann, MSNBC show host. Because of the courage and honesty of Ramsey Clark and the 994,000 people who have joined the movement the political climate has changed in the United States. It is this movement that dared to tell the truth that has given leadership.

It is now increasingly common to hear people including some in the mass media and in Congress say as Mr. Olbermann does on this video, "As recently ago as 2006, we spoke words like these with trepidation. The idea that even the most cynical and untrustworthy of politicians in our history, George W. Bush, would use the literal form of terrorism against his own people was dangerous territory. It seemed to tempt fate, to heighten fear. We will not fear any longer. We will not fear the international terrorists, and we will thwart them. We will not fear the recognition of the manipulation of our yearning for safety, and we will call it what it is: terrorism. We will not fear identifying the vulgar hypocrites in our government, and we will name them. And we will not fear George W. Bush."

Click here to watch the video

You can help

The people of this country have no reason to fear, and every reason to take the offensive against the administration. We have both the right and the historic obligation to make impeachment a reality.

For this movement to move forward and seize the mood of the country, we need to place newspaper ads, publish impeachment literature, and keep up the Congressional lobbying campaign. But we can't do it without your help. Please take a moment to consider how much you would give to see Bush and Cheney impeached in front of the whole world. Please make a generous donation right now by clicking this link.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Shut Down the War Machine Fri Feb 15

FRIDAY February 15

Military Recruitment Keeps the Illegitimate War Going - PROTEST

More and more military recruitment centers have recently opened to pull high school students into the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan. Stop the business as usual of dragging youth into the war machine!

With righteous indignance, ridicule, and reality, we will gather youth, grannies, anti-war protesters, and public office holders to say NO! We're going on FIVE years of this immoral, unjust war. The people must stop it.

Berkeley CA

FRIDAY Feb. 15 Military Recruitment Keeps the Illegitimate War Going -- PROTEST! World Can't Wait calls on people everywhere to widen the national story of resistance to military recruiters!

Join World Can't Wait, Code Pink, high school and college students, anti-war veterans and many others. Nonviolent Civil Resistance all day.
7AM - 7PM demonstration & action led by WORLD CAN'T WAIT and joined by others
3PM Rally and Convergence. Waterboarding re-enactment. 64 Shattuck Sq. at University Ave, Berkeley (2 blocks from downtown Berkeley BART). 415-864-5153

New York City:

1:00 PM Press Conference Manhattan City Hall Steps (between Park Row and Broadway)

Join World Can't Wait, CodePink, Women for Peace NYC, Students for a Democratic Society, Campus Anti-War Network (CAN) - Fordham Chapter, the Granny Peace Brigade, American Friends Service Committee (with their Cost of War Exhibition), MDS-SI, invited City Council members.

Take Action / No Business As Usualat Army Recruitment CenterEast Harlem / "El Barrio"

3:00 PM, 126 East 103rd Street (near corner of Lexington Avenue, 6 train to 103rd)

This new recruitment center in East Harlem / "El Barrio" is an example of how the recruiters particularly target Black and Latino youth and immigrants with their lies and to steal more lives for the U.S. war machine. Join us.347-678-5905

Chicago: Evict Army Recruiters from our campus!

12 noon at the Army Recruiters in the University Center (at State and Harrison)/ Students from surrounding campuses will deliver a letter of eviction to the military recruiters in the "superdorm" downtown. Acting in support of the Berkeley protesters and the city council, students will announce that the recruiters, as agents of an illegal and immoral war, are an unwanted and unwelcome intruder.

Monday March 3, 2008 4:00 pm
Students will counter-recruit at the recruiter's outpost. Rather than signing up to carry out war rimes with the lying representatives of the army, students will be invited to join the resistance.

Evict the War Criminals! Shut them Down ! Thursday March 20, 2008 at 7a.m.


Take Action / No Business As Usualat Army Recruitment Center

12 PM, U.S. Military Recruiting Center, 23rd Ave East and E Jackson Street (2301 S Jackson St, Seattle, WA )
This recruitment center in the Central District is an example of how the recruiters particularly target Black and Latino youth and immigrants with their lies and to steal more lives for the U.S. war machine. Join us.

Los Angeles:

What: World Can't Wait calls for national resistance against military's aggressive targeting of youth to fight this illegal and immoral war.
Where: Military Recruiting Station, 7080 Hollywood Blvd.@La Brea in Hollywood.
When: 3:00 p.m. Friday, Feb. 15th - Iraq Moratorium Day
Why: In solidarity and support of World Can't Wait and Code Pink's successful shutting down of the Marine Recruitment Center, and the Berkeley's City Council request for Marines to leave their City. Support and spread this resistance!

endorsed by:

Code Pink-LA
Frank Dorrel/Addicted to War

Contact: World Can't Wait-LA, 323.462.4771,

Washington DC:

Join World Can’t Wait and Code Pink

Take Action / No Business As Usual at the US Armed Forces Recruiting Center

8202 Georgia Avenue Silver Spring, MD 4:00 - 6:00 PM

The Center is located three blocks from the Silver Spring Metro at the intersection of Silver Spring Avenue and Georgia Avenue. From the South Side Metro Exit, walk one block east on Bonifant Street to Georgia Avenue, then south (right) two blocks to the recruiting station on the right. Driving on Georgia Avenue from DC, the recruiting station is on the left, about two blocks past East-West Highway (Rt. 410). 202-536-4313