Military Recruitment Keeps the Illegitimate War Going - PROTEST
More and more military recruitment centers have recently opened to pull high school students into the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan. Stop the business as usual of dragging youth into the war machine!
With righteous indignance, ridicule, and reality, we will gather youth, grannies, anti-war protesters, and public office holders to say NO! We're going on FIVE years of this immoral, unjust war. The people must stop it.
Berkeley CA
FRIDAY Feb. 15 Military Recruitment Keeps the Illegitimate War Going -- PROTEST! World Can't Wait calls on people everywhere to widen the national story of resistance to military recruiters!
Join World Can't Wait, Code Pink, high school and college students, anti-war veterans and many others. Nonviolent Civil Resistance all day.
7AM - 7PM demonstration & action led by WORLD CAN'T WAIT and joined by others
3PM Rally and Convergence. Waterboarding re-enactment. 64 Shattuck Sq. at University Ave, Berkeley (2 blocks from downtown Berkeley BART).

New York City:
1:00 PM Press Conference Manhattan City Hall Steps (between Park Row and Broadway)
Join World Can't Wait, CodePink, Women for Peace NYC, Students for a Democratic Society, Campus Anti-War Network (CAN) - Fordham Chapter, the Granny Peace Brigade, American Friends Service Committee (with their Cost of War Exhibition), MDS-SI, invited City Council members.
Take Action / No Business As Usualat Army Recruitment CenterEast Harlem / "El Barrio"
3:00 PM, 126 East 103rd Street (near corner of Lexington Avenue, 6 train to 103rd)
This new recruitment center in East Harlem / "El Barrio" is an example of how the recruiters particularly target Black and Latino youth and immigrants with their lies and to steal more lives for the U.S. war machine. Join us.347-678-5905
Chicago: Evict Army Recruiters from our campus!
12 noon at the Army Recruiters in the University Center (at State and Harrison)/ Students from surrounding campuses will deliver a letter of eviction to the military recruiters in the "superdorm" downtown. Acting in support of the Berkeley protesters and the city council, students will announce that the recruiters, as agents of an illegal and immoral war, are an unwanted and unwelcome intruder.
Monday March 3, 2008 4:00 pm
Students will counter-recruit at the recruiter's outpost. Rather than signing up to carry out war rimes with the lying representatives of the army, students will be invited to join the resistance.
Evict the War Criminals! Shut them Down ! Thursday March 20, 2008 at 7a.m.

Take Action / No Business As Usualat Army Recruitment Center
12 PM, U.S. Military Recruiting Center, 23rd Ave East and E Jackson Street (2301 S Jackson St, Seattle, WA )
This recruitment center in the Central District is an example of how the recruiters particularly target Black and Latino youth and immigrants with their lies and to steal more lives for the U.S. war machine. Join us.
Los Angeles:
What: World Can't Wait calls for national resistance against military's aggressive targeting of youth to fight this illegal and immoral war.
Where: Military Recruiting Station, 7080 Hollywood Blvd.@La Brea in Hollywood.
When: 3:00 p.m. Friday, Feb. 15th - Iraq Moratorium Day
Why: In solidarity and support of World Can't Wait and Code Pink's successful shutting down of the Marine Recruitment Center, and the Berkeley's City Council request for Marines to leave their City. Support and spread this resistance!
endorsed by:
Code Pink-LA
Frank Dorrel/Addicted to War
Contact: World Can't Wait-LA,

Washington DC:
Join World Can’t Wait and Code Pink
Take Action / No Business As Usual at the US Armed Forces Recruiting Center
8202 Georgia Avenue Silver Spring, MD 4:00 - 6:00 PM
The Center is located three blocks from the Silver Spring Metro at the intersection of Silver Spring Avenue and Georgia Avenue. From the South Side Metro Exit, walk one block east on Bonifant Street to Georgia Avenue, then south (right) two blocks to the recruiting station on the right. Driving on Georgia Avenue from DC, the recruiting station is on the left, about two blocks past East-West Highway (Rt. 410).

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Wow, a National Day of Action and the lead event on Georgia Ave had less than two dozen folks? Literaly tens of thousands of moonbats in the DC metro area and you draw less than two dozen and NOBODY makes it into the recruiting center.
No wonder Abbie Hoffman committed suicide in a chicken coop in New Hope. He saw this coming and Lost Hope.
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