Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Breaking News: Articles of Impeachment Being Introduced in Congress Right Now

Breaking News:
Articles of Impeachment Being Introduced in Congress Right Now

Make a donation

Please take a brief moment right now to donate to support the impeachment effort - together we can make impeachment a reality.

Right now, Monday night, Rep. Dennis Kucinich is on the floor of the House of Representatives introducing articles of impeachment against George W. Bush. He is presenting a 35 count indictment which is being broadcast on C-Span. We will provide a more detailed update, but wanted to be sure to let everyone know right away.

The intense work of the ImpeachBush.org/VoteToImpeach membership is forcing impeachment on the table. During ImpeachBush.org's National Call In Day for Impeachment held just one week ago, the offices of Rep. John Conyers were flooded with calls demanding impeachment. We have received reports that there were more calls than could even be answered.

Your work and perseverance is making the difference!

Please take a brief moment right now to donate to support the impeachment effort - together we can make impeachment a reality.

-- All of us at ImpeachBush.org/VoteToImpeach

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