TRUE CRIMES - The Untold Story Behiind the Devastation of Iraq
Tonight, go to for an exciting live webcast of the event "True Crimes: The Untold Story Behind the Devastation of Iraq." The event, which will take place at New York City's Town Hall, features bestselling author JEREMY SCAHILL, Pulitzer Prize-winning writer CHRIS HEDGES, journalist LAILA AL-ARIAN, and The New Yorker's SEYMOUR HERSH, as they go behind the headlines to tell the untold story of the occupation of Iraq, the daily plight of Iraqi civilians, and the ongoing role of private mercenaries in America's so-called "war on terror."
The webcast will stream live at 7 p.m. EST. This event marks the book launches of Collateral Damage: America's War Against Iraqi Civilians by Chris Hedges and Laila al-Arian and the updated paperback edition of Blackwater: Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army by Jeremy Scahill.
As the director of The World Can't Wait - Drive Out the Bush Regime, I get many substantial messages from supporters on the crimes of the Bush regime, with proposals, events, thanks, and people continually urging me to see that the Bush & Cheney get brought to justice. BUSH: "We are Not Blinking!" Tom Engelhardt writes about a memoir from a Bush insider, General Ricardo Sanchez. "Let me briefly set the scene, as Sanchez tells it on pages 349-350 of Wiser in Battle. It's April 6, 2004. L. Paul Bremer III, head of the occupation's Coalition Provisional Authority, as well as the President's colonial viceroy in Baghdad, and Gen. Sanchez were in Iraq in video teleconference with the President, Secretary of State Colin Powell, and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. (Assumedly, the event was recorded and so revisitable by a note-taking Sanchez.) The first full-scale American offensive against the resistant Sunni city of Fallujah was just being launched, while, in Iraq's Shiite south, the U.S. military was preparing for a campaign against cleric Muqtada al-Sadr and his Mahdi Army militia. There is a huge and
Debra Sweet, Director, The World Can't Wait - Drive Out the Bush Regime | ||
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