House Votes on Impeachment Today!
Three important updates
ImpeachBush will be delivering you action alerts and updates on the impeachment struggle in Congress. Today, we have three things to report, but first we want to send a thank you! to all those who have made a donation to allow the movement to go into high gear. Funds are critical at this stage, click here to donate.
1) House members are expected to vote Wednesday (today) on sending articles of impeachment against President Bush to the Judiciary Committee. The 35 articles introduced by Dennis J. Kucinich, D-Ohio, on Monday are pressuring the Democratic Party to make good on a promise many of them made before the 2006 elections: to impeach! Just one week ago, members flooded Judiciary Chairman John Conyers offices with the demand for impeachment during the National Call-In Day for Impeachment. We must continue to let Rep. Conyers and every other Congressperson know that the people demand action!
2) Calling it "a sworn duty" of Congress to act, U.S. Rep. Robert Wexler of Florida signed on yesterday to Dennis Kucinich's 35 Articles of Impeachment. "President Bush deliberately created a massive propaganda campaign to sell the war in Iraq to the American people and the charges detailed in this impeachment resolution indicate an unprecedented abuse of executive power," Wexler said in a statement.
3) At 1pm, June 11, members of Veterans for Peace will hold a news conference at the Capitol to display the 22,000 names they collected on a petition to impeach Bush, which they will deliver to the office of John Conyers, Chair of the House Judiciary Committee. VFP Vice-President Elliott Adams wrote, "Having taken an oath to defend the Constitution 'from all enemies foreign and domestic,' our members take the obligation to impeach George W. Bush most seriously. We must hold this administration accountable for waging a war of aggression against Iraq."
What we are doing
We are going into overdrive with volunteers in DC and around the country putting pressure on Congress to act on impeachment now. We are also doing massive outreach to bring more and more people into the impeachment movement at this critical moment. We are printing thousands of leaflets, organizing door-to-door outreach for volunteers, phone banking, and exploring the possibilities for internet advertising and more newspaper ads. What we can achieve depends on the level of financial support provided by those who believe that the impeachment of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney is necessary. Click this link to make your donation.
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