Saturday, June 23, 2007

Cheney says US law doesn't apply to him

Cheney says US law doesn't apply to him
Cheney says US law doesn't apply to him
June 22, 2007

Washington, D.C. - Vice President Cheney's office tried to abolish the National Archives' office after catching him circumventing the system for overseeing classified documents, House Oversight Committee Chairman Henry Waxman reported Thursday.
Vice President Cheney's office tried to abolish the National Archives' office after catching him circumventing the system for overseeing classified documents, House Oversight Committee Chairman Henry Waxman reported Thursday.

According to letters released by the committee, the vice president's office said it was not an "entity within the executive branch" and was therefore exempt from rules established in a presidential order for the National Archives to oversee classified information.

After receiving repeated requests to comply by the oversight office at the National Archives, and a follow-up request to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales asking that he help resolve the matter, Cheney's office instead retaliated, recommending the National Archives office be disbanded, the Waxman letter said.

William Leonard, head of the National Archives office in question, told the Oversight Committee that Cheney's team attempted to get a provision in the presidential order -- which is currently being revised -- that would have prevented the National Archives from appealing to the attorney general.

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