Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Impeachment PROGRESS Update: Kucinich News, Google Words and More


dear Friends and Activists,

We have huge news. Dennis Kucinich, the man who had the courage to
call for the impeachment of Cheney when nobody else would raise their
hand, has now FURTHER stepped up to the plate to add an action button
for the National Cheney Impeachment Poll to his own presidential
campaign web site in a prominent position on ALL pages. So many of
you have written us to ask if there wasn't more we could do to
support Dennis, and so at our end we have set up a donations page
dedicated specifically for his campaign.


This special page will send you directly the Kucinich Act Blue
gateway, or you can simply and easily print out a page to make a mail
donation from the same form. We're asking all our participants who
can to really step up themselves and support the campaign of this man
who is fighting so hard for the policy change we want. Let's show
Dennis how much we appreciate someone who is standing up for what we
all believe.

For our part we want to continue to run the blog ads which have given
this initiative so much visibility so far. There are now more than
70,000 votes in the poll, of which 99.22 percent say YES, Cheney
should be impeaced. And we want to add Google ads into the mix to
reach an even wider audience. They are quoting us 10 cents a click,
which at that price means we need $1,000 for each additional 10,000
votes done that way. If some of you can kick in a little something
extra, please do so now so we can keep moving the numbers up.


We would also like to thank the more than 200 sites and blogs who
have responded to our call to add action buttons for the National
Cheney Impeachment Poll to their own pages. We're sure we have at
least a thousand more participants who could follow the lead of
Dennis Kucinich and do the same thing too. If it's good enough for
his site, what about YOUR page? Please get the code for the action
buttons from this page and you can even display a dynamic count of
the votes as they come in.


Let's make the National Cheney Impeachment Poll a prominent feature
of the political landscape by putting it on all our pages, and you
will automatically get a link BACK to your site from the main action


Some of you have been very active collecting votes in your local
communities in person. But we have had feedback that some of the
people you approach may not have email addresses, and some have
suggested they could get more votes if that were not required. As a
result we have decided to greatly simplify the process. With the new
voting gathering sheet you can get a street address instead. Or if
the previous version is working for you keep up with that.


By the way, you may have heard it reported that Cheney is himself
even now pressuring Bush to pardon Scooter Libby, to keep him from
spilling the beans on the rest of their constitutional crimes. Well,
John Dean, who ought to know a little something about impeachment,
says THAT interference standing alone constitutes an impeachable
obstruction of justice, whether the president has the technical power
to grant a pardon or not. It is still an obstruction of justice to
exercise that power to frustrate an ongoing investigation.

Wow, that's a lot of news in just one week. And we're just getting
warmed up folks.

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed
to be ours, and forward this message to everyone else you know.

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