Today a judge ruled that Scooter Libby must begin serving his prison sentence while his appeals are being heard. Libby, of course, participated in the outing of covert CIA operative Valerie Plame -- thus endangering our national security -- and was convicted and sentenced to thirty months in jail for perjury and obstruction of justice.
Well, we have a special suggestion. Why shouldn't Scooter Libby serve his sentence at the Guantanamo Bay prison? After all, the Bush Administration asserts that things are just fine there, and Libby -- unlike many at Guantanamo -- has in fact been convicted of a crime that endangered our national security.
Let's ALL tell the Senate to send Libby to Guantanamo -- or shut down the 'American gulag' for good.
Many conservatives would argue that conditions at Guantanamo just wouldn't be right for Libby. If that's the case, why the double standard? Why not shut it down and give the prisoners there access to a fair trial in our judicial system?
When it's clear that the U.S. is responsible for the torture and abuse of prisoners -- including many who have been detained for years without being charged with any crime -- our standing in the world community is irreparably harmed. If it's not good enough for Libby, it ought to be shut down.
Please share this message with all your friends who want to see Scooter Libby sent to Guantanamo.
Thank you for working to build a better world.
Will Easton, Manager
ActForChange.com/Working Assets
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