Wednesday, June 20, 2007

NY Times ad Thursday: Bush & torture

Impeach Bush & Cheney for War Crimes!
Upcoming Town Meetings:

Chicago Thursday June 21 DePaul University Law School with Elaine Brower, national leader of World Can’t Wait, John Nichols, and David Swanson.

New York City Monday June 25 Society for Ethical Culture with Sunsara Taylor, World Can’t Wait, Major Owens, former US Rep, Mayors Rocky Anderson and John Shields, Colonel Ann Wright, Jeff Sharlet, and Liam Madden of Iraq Veterans Against the War.

Batavia, IL Monday June 25 Batavia Library An impeachment event in Denny Hastert’s district!

Dear World Can't Wait Supporter,

You have done it … In the last 3 days, enough was pledged to place a full page ad in the New York Times. Look for it on Thursday, with new signers:

Salt Lake City Mayor Rocky Anderson

Paulette Cole, owner of ABC Home & environmentalist
Laura Flanders, Air America Radio Host & writer

Mike Gravel, Democratic presidential candidate

John Nichols , editor of The Capital Times & the Nation
Henry Rollins, IFC Show host & spoken word artist

Jeff Sharlet, Rolling Stone writer and essayist

The theme of the ad, “What Harm Can Bush do Before His Term is Up?” cites “continue with impunity the crime of torture.” Check for must-read links:

Seymour Hersh Documents How Bush Regime Ignored & Denied Knowing of Abu Ghraib Torture . His article "The General's Report" in the 6/25/07 issue of The New Yorker sheds new light on the role of top Bush administration officials, including Rumsfeld and Bush himself, in the torture at Abu Ghraib. Through interview's with General Taguba, who investigated and filed a report on the torture at Abu Ghraib, Hersh reveals how Taguba's report was brushed off by top officials, Taguba himself has been shunned for telling the truth, and Bush administration and military officials have lied to cover up what they knew about Abu Ghraib, and what role they played in authorizing torture. Listen to Hersh Tuesday on Democracy Now.

Leading Human Rights Groups Name 39 CIA ‘Disappeared’ Detainees. Do people you talk to not know the Bush regime has made torture and secret detention legal? Send them this report from the Center for Constitutional Rights, Amnesty International, and Human Rights Watch.

National advertising gets the message to 4 million people who follow politics. Then, it’s up to us. Tens of thousands of people will come to when the ad appears to find town meetings, and learn what they can do to help drive out the Bush regime.

Tomorrow—stay tuned for World Can’t Waits next plans!

Debra Sweet
Director, The World Can’t Wait – Drive Out the Bush Regime

World Can't Wait

305 W. Broadway #185
New York, NY 10013

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