Monday, October 29, 2007

Tens of thousands march around country for impeachment, to end war

Thousands march across the country
for impeachment and to end the war

The October 27 demonstrations represented another important step forward for the impeachment and anti-war movement in the United States.

Over 100,000 people took to the streets in coordinated regional and local protests to demand an immediate end to the war in Iraq. The October 27 demonstrations took place just six weeks after the September 15 National March and Die-In in Washington, D.C. that was led by Iraq War Veterans and family members of soldiers and marines.

ImpeachBush and hundreds of other groups organized for the October 27 protests. What is needed now is to intensify the mass organization of the people.

The ImpeachBush movement should be proud of its role in the mobilization of the people. We could not have succeeded in bringing the message of impeachment and an end to the war without the active support of thousands of people who volunteered their time. Others made an urgently needed financial donation.

In the next two months, ImpeachBush will organize more demonstrations, street protests, take out ImpeachBush ads, and collect petitions in every state in the country. You can help sustain this movement by making an important and generous financial contribution. The reason the movement has spread is because we have been able to generate the resources from the people who believe that Bush and Cheney must be held accountable for their criminal conduct. Please donate today by clicking this link.

Everyday, the corporate-dominated media tries to convince people that the anti-war movement is shrinking and that impeachment is "off the table." That is a lie, as you can see from the reports below. The same media lies to the people about the so-called progress made by the “surge” in Iraq. The truth is that the U.S. military occupation of Iraq cannot succeed. The Iraqi people insist on their right to determine their own destiny. The people of the United States, who have no voice in either the Republican or Democratic Parties or in the big business media, are determined to find a way to end the war, which has taken hundreds of thousands of lives and costs $3 billion each week.

San Francisco

More than 30,000 people marched in San Francisco in a demonstration sponsored by the October 27 Coalition. The demonstration was endorsed by over 150 political, religious, labor and community organizations, including all seven Bay Area Central Labor Councils. Speakers included Cindy Sheehan, leaders of the Arab American and Muslim community, American Indian Movement co-founder Dennis Banks, Episcopal Bishop of California Mark Handley Andrus, and prominent labor union leaders from the Bay Area. The march included a dramatic Die-In on Market Street where the crowd lay down to symbolize the almost 3,900 U.S. and over 1 million Iraqi deaths in the war. The march included a strong labor contingent numbering nearly 1,000 and including banners from many different unions.

Los Angeles

In Los Angeles, nearly 20,000 people marched through downtown to the federal building for a mass rally and Die-In. The California fire catastrophe did not keep people from registering their opposition to the Iraq war in a major way. The demonstration was overwhelmingly youthful, with students pouring into the march from hundreds of Southern California schools. More than 250 people joined the youth and student contingent organized by Youth & Student ANSWER. Others lined the front banners, chanting "Iraq for Iraqis, troops out now!" and "Alto a la guerra, stop the war!"


After the march, almost everyone present participated in a mass symbolic Die-In. Thundering sound effects of air raids and bombs exploding punctuated the action, followed by a solemn minute of silence for the Iraqis and U.S. soldiers killed in the war. As protesters rose up after the Die-In, all chanted "Stop the war!" Many carried impeachment signs with them. Other speakers included actors Martin Sheen ("The West Wing"), Mike Farrell ("MASH") and Mark Ruffalo ("Zodiac").


In Seattle, at least 7,000 people marched. Buses and carpools came from the entire Northwest Region - from Eugene and Portland, Oregon; Olympia, Tacoma, Everett, Mt. Vernon, Bellingham and elsewhere in Washington State. There was a youth-and-community-oriented opening program, followed by a march and lively rally. Speakers included Fatimah Magsombol, Mindanao Bagsomoro Caucus; Michael Dixon, community activist; Chanan Suarez Diaz, President, Seattle IVAW; Jeff Johnson, research director, Washington State Labor Council, speaking on behalf of WSLC chairman Rick Bender; Aracely Hernandez, Committee for General Amnesty and Social Justice; Wally Cuddeford and Caitlyn Esworthy, Port Militarization Resistance; Dr. Goudarz Eghtedari, American Iranian Friendship Council; MCs Cedric Walker, Jane Cutter of Seattle ANSWER and Marie Marchand of Whatcom Peace and Justice Center in Bellingham.


In Chicago, tens of thousands marched. Organizers for the October 27 Mobilization Committee, the sponsoring group, estimated the crowd at 30,000. The demonstration was the largest demonstration yet protesting the U.S. war and occupation of Iraq to take place in Chicago. ANSWER organizers said at least half of the participants were students and other young people. The demonstration was very multinational with strong representation from the African American community. There was a labor contingent from Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and a smaller contingent from the Teamsters Union. The ANSWER Coalition in Chicago had distributed tens of thousands of flyers and posters to help mobilize for the demonstration.

New York City

The New York City demonstration received a strong turnout despite a steady downpour. March organizers estimated the crowd at 45,000. mobilized people from around the East Coast, and throngs of attendees were seen with impeachment signs.


The heart of Boston was filled with anti-war energy on Saturday afternoon, as some 7,500 took to the streets in protest of the war in Iraq. Braving inclement New England weather, veterans, students, seasoned activists and many first-time protesters from throughout the region rallied in Boston Commons. Led by veterans organizations and military families, thousands later marched to Copley Square, demanding "Bring all the troops home now!" one of five principal demands. Speakers at the rally included Melida and Carlos Arrendondo, historian Howard Zinn and Liam Madden of Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW). New England United, a coalition of local and regional organizations, organized the demonstration and march. Throughout the crowd were people wearing ImpeachBush sweatshirts, and carrying our trademark black-and-yellow signs.

Regional and Local Demonstrations Nationally

Regional and local demonstrations also took place in Orlando, Ft. Lauderdale, New Orleans, Philadelphia, Jonesborough and Chattanooga (Tennessee), Salt Lake City, Denver, Rochester and elsewhere.

This is a genuine grassroots movement. It continues to grow because of the generosity and commitment of the people who believe in the urgent need for impeachment. We are at a critical moment. Please donate to keep this movement going by clicking this link.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Huge Opportunity to Gather Impeachment Votes, Oct 27 Antiwar Demonstration, Oppose Mukasey and More

We have some choice words to say about the proposed replacement for
made man Alberto Gonzales, who some sources are suggesting is likely
to be prosecuted for his perjury before Congress.

But first, if you can attend one of the 11 massive antiwar
demonstrations this weekend, Oct. 27, in Boston, Chicago, Jonesboro
(TN), Los Angeles, New Orleans, New York City, Orlando, Philadelphia,
Salt Lake City, San Francisco or Seattle, this would be a PERFECT
place to wear your Impeach Cheney? cap and gather votes for the
National Cheney Impeachment Poll.

Vote Gathering Sheets:

You could earn your Impeach Team varsity letter in just one day, by
collecting 200 additional votes for the poll. Let us not squander
this opportunity to extend the impact of these events beyond the day
itself, by giving all participants other ways to speak out on an
ongoing basis.

If anyone has anything to say about the cap at all you put a vote
sheet in their hands and say,

"It's a poll, here, vote."

and you'll gather votes like crazy!

If you don't have your cap yet, you can get one for free for helping
to support the huge college postering campaign we are just about to
kick off, and you'll have it for the next one.

Caps and Posters:

For more information on the marches:

Reject An Attorney General Who Won't Up Hold The Law

At his senate hearing, Michael B. Mukasey, President Bush’s nominee
for attorney general, was plainly asked if the president is required
to obey federal statutes.

Not only did he refuse to answer that question with an unqualified
"Yes", the basis for his refusal was basically that a war president
can do whatever he likes, the catchall Constitution buster of the
current administration.

Mukasey Action Page:

Facebook Version:

We knew up front that there was no chance that the Cheney
administration would willingly tender a nominee who would even
contemplate holding them accountable in any way for their wholesale
defiance of the law. When the position of Gonzales became untenable,
they went ideological crony shopping and found a willing collaborator
in Mukasey. But that doesn't mean we're not supposed to vociferously

While otherwise being diplomatically polite, former assistant U.S.
attorney, and professor of constitutional law at Yale Law School, Jed
Rubenfeld, editorialized in the New York Times this week that, "If
Judge Mukasey cannot say plainly that the president must obey a valid
statute, he ought not to be the nation’s next attorney general.

But of course Mukasey has already placed his compromised position in
the record. There is nothing left for him to do now but try to snake
around his real character, as some judicial nominees we could
mention, who implemented their full, hardcore, right wing agendas
only after confirmation.

There can be no redemption for this nominee. Our job is to keep
throwing them back, and not tire, until and unless we get one who is
actually acceptable.

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed
to be ours, and forward this alert as widely as possible.

Tens of thousands will march tomorrow to end the war and for impeachment

Tomorrow, October 27
March for impeachment and to end the war!
Your help is needed.

Cindy Sheehan July 23 300
Cindy Sheehan, Rev. Lennox Yearwood and
other leading impeachment activists.

For this Saturday's actions to succeed, however, we need to raise tens of thousands of dollars in just the next few days to cover the costs of literature, posters, stickers, signs, and banners and to make these mass actions resonate with the call to Impeach Bush and Cheney Now!. Click this link to make a generous donation right now.

Thank you to everyone who has shown their support in the last two weeks. The impeachment campaign is on the move.

Tomorrow, Saturday, October 27, tens of thousands of people nationwide will take to the streets demanding impeachment and an end to the war. ImpeachBush members are mobilizing nationwide to take part in these actions. The call for impeachment is being heard coast to coast. Congress is unable to hide from this constitutional requirement being demanded by their constituencies.

We are hitting the streets again on October 27 as mass actions sweep this country in mass regional demonstrations in San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, Seattle, Boston, Orlando and Ft. Lauderdale, Fl., Chattanooga, New Orleans, Salt Lake City, Philadelphia, Jonesboro, and others. To see the exact locations and times for the various demonstrations, go to the ImpeachBush homepage.

ImpeachBush is mobilizing buses, printing posters, placards, banners and leaflets for October 27. Please join us on Saturday and let the message of impeachment appear in the streets from one end of the country to the other. If you cannot come, but would like to make a donation to help others participate in the demonstrations demanding an end to the war and the impeachment of Bush and Cheney, you can do so by clicking this link.

The impeachment movement is growing now more than ever. It is needed not only to stop Bush and the war criminals that surround him, but fundamentally to make the political system accountable to the people. Our fight is a fight that has ramifications far beyond 2007. Bush must be impeached for war crimes - and he must be removed from office before he plunges yet another country, Iran, into war, massive death and devastation. Impeachment is the constitutional mechanism to stop despotism, to make the political system that reflects the will of the vast majority rather than a tiny few. It is our democratic right and one that must be enforced. We need your help now in this fight. Please make as generous a donation as you can by clicking here.

The people can make the difference. The politicians provide cover for Bush’s criminal war in Iraq, his illegal spying on the people, his creation of secret torture facilities and his other illegal and impeachable offenses. But the people are organizing to demand that Bush and every elected official be held accountable for illegal activity. Impeachment can never be “off the table," and the impeachment movement is making it clear that we won't let it be. The pressure on Congress to act is building.

For this Saturday's actions to succeed, however, we need to raise tens of thousands of dollars in just the next few days to cover the costs of literature, posters, stickers, signs, and banners and turn out around the country. Click this link to make a generous donation right now.

Go to to see a list of the cities holding Oct. 27 demonstration.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Join the No Attack on Iran Contingent Saturday!

What Country is this?

…My government represents neither my political will nor my moral imperative against perpetual war for perpetual profit. Our Constitution has been decimated. And I have no representative to stand or speak for—to represent— my convictions, and I have no candidate. And I ask my fellow citizens, “Where is the great cry of outrage? Where is the conscience of our country?”

—Sam Hamill, editor, in the Autumn 2007 Poets Against the War Newsletter

ONCE more, ask your friends to forward the World Can’t Wait video on David Horowitz and
”Islamo Fascism Awareness Week”. Full screen video here.

Only 12 more people sending $50 will pay for today’s ad in the University of Pennsylvania paper.

This Saturday October 27:

World Can’t Wait – Drive Out the Bush Regime is calling on all those who want to stop the Bush Program to Declare It Now by wearing orange, the color forced on those in torture prisons and the color of resistance, to join forces with the anti war movement in protests all over the country.

Thousands of Afghani civilians killed by U.S. forces.

Millions of Iraqis homeless or killed by U.S. forces.

Now, the Bush administration is calling up the same lies in preparation for bombing Iran in an attack that will have global ramifications for decades.

We can’t allow this to continue in our name!

Bring your outrage; bring your determination! Wear Orange!

The organizers of the San Francisco march, including World Can’t Wait, are asking everyone to “die-in” along the march. This die-in will represent all those that have suffered under the terror of U.S. forces across the Middle East.*

We can’t be silent in the face of this terror. We can’t rely on politics as usual to meet the enormity of this horror. We must and can rely on the millions in this country that hate the Bush program to DECLARE IT NOW! WEAR ORANGE!

*The die-in is a good idea!


Wednesday, October 24, 2007


George W. Bush Interview (Irish TV)
W tries to squirm his way out of tough questions asked of him by a courageous Irish interviewer. Great job exposing the WORST PRESIDENT EVER as the arrogant fraud he truly is.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

So They're Fond of Condemnations Are They? Let's Condemn the Entire Republican Leadership

If They Want A Condemnation We'll Give Them One

Once in a rare while a member of Congress will speak the plain truth
without equivocation.

Action Page:

And when Pete Stark stood up to accuse the president of the United
States of having no conscience about the deaths of the thousands of
valiant troops he sent on a criminal war mission (for his "amusement"
Stark said), while at the same time stealing the medicines out of the
mouths of babes, not word was voiced in protest by the Republicans
present in the moment, only a mild generalized statement from the
chair about avoiding personal references to the president.

And the reason there was not a peep of actual outrage when Stark
spoke those indicting words (that they are so howling about now) is
that they knew in what was left of their hearts that it was all
shamefully true.

How unlike the instant and unanimous reaction of the Democrats when
mean Jean Schmidt called John Murtha a coward for wanting to bring
our troops home from the senseless slaughter, shouting at the chair
to take her words down. And did Schmidt sincerely apologize for
anything? Of course not. No Republican ever apologizes unless forced
to. They just blame the media for accurately reporting their words,
and blame our ears for hearing what they said and meant.

So let us be clear. What Pete Stark said was not over the line.

It was not over the top, and there was absolutely nothing wrong with
Stark's choice of words.

We are talking about a president who, when we was not being
obstinately surly, has snickered his way through every press
conference since he lied us into invading Iraq. We are talking about
a president who was making funny faces into the camera in the seconds
before he went live on the air to announce the assault, and who with
the raucous approval of the entire media press corps thought those
lies were just a laugh riot in hindsight.

But in an attempt to again shut up any courageous voice of dissent,
the right wing noise machine is trying after the fact to drum up
messages of condemnation. So they want a condemnation do they? Well
we'll give them one. This action page will send your personal message
on the subject, "We condemn the entire Republican leadership."

Action Page:

We condemn the Republican leadership for mercilessly obstructing
every congressional action of merit, even where that action was
supported by the overwhelming majority of the American people, as in
their engineering of the failure to override the veto of SCHIP
(latest poll 81% supporting).

We condemn the Republican leadership for resorting to filibusters at
a historic record pace, since they lost the majorities in Congress
they had done nothing with but abuse.

We condemn the Republican leadership for doing nothing to hold the
White House accountable for their lies and shredding of the
Constitution, through illegal wiretaps, torture and all, because of
their greed for political power, and not allowing even investigations
in these matters.

We condemn the Republican leadership for using our troops as
political props, while exploiting their suffering and death for the
profit of their war profiteer contributors.

We condemn the Republican leadership for their cynical and sinful
hypocrisy in being the most corrupt and scandalous pack of thieves
who have ever held national office, now resigning at an unprecedented
clip (or reneging on the promise to do so), all the while while
posturing to their gullible diehard supporters as the most righteous.

And we condemn the Republican leadership for seeking to hold others
to a standard of decorum that they themselves grossly and repeatedly
violate with most hateful and false negative attack ads that have
ever besmirched the American political discourse.

We tried ourselves to call our members of Congress on Friday by phone
to offer messages of support for Stark. Randi Rhodes was giving out
the toll free Congressional phone numbers on the air for this
purpose, bless her heart. But the answering machines were all full,
we presume mostly with those words of encouragement.

Action Page:

Well we need to do more. But the only way you are going to be able to
get through to Washington this weekend is by email, which is what the
action page above will send to all your members of Congress at once.
We need every living, breathing activist we've got to submit that
action page and tell them we've had it. Enough. You will not back us
down with trumped up attacks on our heros. You're going to pass SCHIP
again just the way it is, and make the override go the other way if

The action page sends nothing but the stated subject line. Add your
own choice words about whatever issues you are most upset about,
whether it's the occupation, SCHIP, no immunity for law breaking
telecoms, no attack on Iran, or anything else.

We want their email inboxes stuffed by Monday morning. We want their
latest fake outrage to backfire on them in the biggest way. We need
to flood them with emails this weekend like this is the biggest issue
that ever was. Because it is. And the issue is this . . .

We Will Not Back Down

Not an inch. Never again. We win this issue, we win them all. We the
people are running the show from now on. Let's show them how we
respond to their calls for condemnation of Stark. We condemn THEM,
not Stark. In numbers like they've never seen. And then we can start
passing some meaningful legislation around here, over the president's
smirking objection if necessary.

If you want to do more, email all your friends from the same action
page and encourage them to speak out too.

We almost got the first override the first time. With 81% of the
American people on our side now, is the time to pour it on, the cable
news talking fluff heads be damned.

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed
to be ours, and forward this alert as widely as possible.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Go F Yourself Mr Cheney song played LIVE@WHITE HOUSE 091107

Rendition and the Need to Drive Out Bush/Cheney

Mark Ruffalo:
talking about wearing orange…

Opened yesterday, The Film: Rendition

Go see it with your friends, your crew…bring orange for people who will come out of the film outraged at what is being done by the Bush regime in our name…sign them up to drive them out!

Peter Saarsgard: “The administration likes to say that it doesn’t use torture, so they use worlds like “waterboarding,” which sounds like something you do behind a boat in a lake in Missouri…There is not question that rendition is happening, and that it has happened to people who are innocent.”

WITH: Jake Gyllenhaal (Douglas Freeman), Reese Witherspoon (Isabella Fields El-Ibrahimi), Alan Arkin (Senator Hawkins), Peter Sarsgaard (Alan Smith), Meryl Streep (Corrinne Whitman), Omar Metwally (Anwar El-Ibrahimi)

"I've told people that if you're interested in avoiding World War III, it seems like you ought to be interested in preventing them (Iran) from having the knowledge necessary to make a nuclear weapon," George Bush said Wednesday.

Not even the means to make the weapons, but the “knowledge” to make them, Bush says, are reason to bomb Iran. A pretty low bar to launch an attack on a heavily populated country that hasn’t done anything to the U.S. Meanwhile, the Republican candidates are cranking up their noise machine about “Islamo-Fascism” (sic) to prepare Bush’s base for the third war of Bush’s reign.

Alarm and anger—and now more opposition—is spreading at David Horowitz’ “Islamo Fascism Awareness Week”. World Can’t Wait has been on some of the key campuses this week, talking with students, professors, and organizations about the need to politically defeat this effort to equate opposition to the “war on terror” as treason. Ann Coulter, Rick Santorum, Sean Hannity and Horowitz himself are speaking at events during the week.

The Daily Bruin at UCLA is running “Who is The Real Nuclear Threat?” Tuesday . So far, only the Washington Square News at NYU and the Daily Bruin have taken the ad. 5 other papers have refused it for being too “controversial”. Please show your support for the Bruin and the Iran Quiz by donating to pay for the publication on Tuesday October 23.

Debra Sweet,
Director, The World Can’t Wait – Drive Out the Bush Regime

Friday, October 19, 2007

They won't get away with this

Yesterday, Republicans in Congress blocked health care for 10 million children.1 If this veto stands, "children with preventable diseases will die."2 We must make absolutely certain this moment is seared in the minds of voters.

We're ready to launch a TV ad campaign in the districts of Republicans who voted against our children and who are vulnerable in 2008. We can do it if we raise another $80,000 today.

These Republicans think they can vote against health care and voters won't hear about it. We can make sure they do. Can you contribute $10? Click here to see the ad and donate:

This ad is a reminder of who Republicans really vetoed—it features Bethany, a 2-year-old girl born with several holes in her heart, who couldn't get private insurance. She relies on the SCHIP children's health care program to stay healthy.

More than 8 in 10 Americans support this program.3 Republicans are choosing right-wing ideology over what we all know is right. Big mistake. If we keep the pressure up, Republicans will be forced to do what's right or get voted out of office next November.

Democratic leaders in Congress promise not to back down. They say they'll bring up this children's health care bill a second time. 4 More than anything, Republicans want to get re-elected. So with sustained pressure, we can push these Republicans to support the bill in the next round of this crucial fight. But for that to work, the Republicans who voted wrong need to feel the heat right now.

Before Congress' vote, we raised $120,000 for this ad—but we need to raise $80,000 more. See the ad and help out by clicking here:

Thank you for all you do.

–Noah, Tanya, Joan, Laura, and the Political Action Team
Friday, October 19th, 2007

1. "Democrats Press Ahead on SCHIP," Washington Post, October 19, 2007

2. "SCHIP veto threatens health of millions," Ventura County Star, October 16, 2007

3. "Poll: Most Back Dems In Kids' Health Fight," CBS News, October 17, 2007

4. "House Fails to Override Child Health Bill Veto," New York Times, October 18, 2007

Sidelining science must stop!

Stop White House Power Grab!

Government agencies need to use the best available science to protect our health—setting standards that limit toxins in our drinking water and pollutants in the air we breathe. But a recent presidential directive would give the White House excessive control over the work of federal agencies, making science more vulnerable to political interference. Unless something is done, this directive will embed political appointees inside federal scientific agencies where they could more easily prevent inconvenient science from ever seeing the light of day.

Soon, your senator will have the chance to stop this White House power grab by cutting the funds for this directive. Just a few phone calls on this critical issue will make a huge difference. Senator Bill Nelson may be reached at (202) 224-5274.


Michael Halpern
National Field Organizer
Scientific Integrity Program

Help UCS advocate for this critical issue by providing us with more details about your call. Click "Take Action" to visit the UCS Action Center where you can get helpful tips for making your call and you can report back to us about the response you received. Any information you can provide on how your senator is responding to this issue will help us shape our strategy.

Click here to take action on this issue.

Visit the web address below to tell your friends about this.

Federal agencies have the power to issue regulations to interpret and implement laws enacted by Congress. But in early 2007 the president signed Executive Order 13422 which threatens to reduce agencies' rule-making power and further politicize their work.

This new directive effectively gives the White House the power to block new public health and safety rules, even those mandated by Congress, disrupting the checks and balances upon which our government was founded.

Executive Order 13422 must be stopped dead in its tracks. Please call your senators and let them know that you don’t want the administration to have excessive control over federal agencies. Tell them you oppose Executive Order 13422 and ask them to support efforts to deny funds for the executive order through the appropriations process. More...

Thursday, October 18, 2007


Imagine election night 2008. From around the country the results are coming in thick and fast. We've won Missouri, Kansas, Ohio, Kentucky... it's a Democratic landslide....

By the time the election night dust settles, the Washington pundits are speechless—the Democratic Party has won 280 seats in the House and 61 seats in the Senate, majorities that allow the new Democratic president to implement bold and vigorous change. The day of deadlocked agendas and timid politics is over.

A pipe dream? Far from it.

With retirements and scandals among Republicans continuing to open up more competitive seats in the Senate, and the disgraced policies of George Bush dragging down the Republicans in House and state-level races in nearly every district in the country, Democrats across the country know next year could be more than just an election year—it could be the year when a fundamental realignment takes place, from state houses to the White House.

In states like Texas, Oklahoma, Maine, Wisconsin, Georgia, Virginia, North Dakota and Missouri, John Edwards enjoys strong support from Democratic legislators and leaders. They understand that the Democratic Party needs a nominee who can compete—and win—in red, blue and purple states across the country and help sweep Democrats at all levels to victory in 2008.

John Edwards is committed to a 50 state strategy—and that's why we're asking you to contribute to our "$50 for 50 states" campaign, a campaign to expand the political map.

Click here to support our "$50 for 50 states" campaign

The difference between winning or losing control of legislative chambers in many states will be greatly influenced by who is the nominee for the general election. The best chance—in some areas, the only chance—of ensuring Democratic control throughout this country is with John Edwards leading the charge for Democrats next fall.

We can expand the map and build on John's record of fighting for Democrats in all 50 states. We can continue to build the infrastructure for Democratic victories across the nation in 2008. But it will only happen if we put a true fighter at the top of the ticket—one who will strengthen the hands of Democrats running in red states as well as blue.

Click here to support our "$50 for 50 states" campaign

What will your $50 contribution to help expand the map mean? Expanding the map will mean we don't have to triangulate. Some candidates argue that they're the best candidate because they know the system in Washington, D.C.—but that's not what we need now.

Americans deserve more than a president who supports a system that has allowed a decade of inaction on raising the minimum wage... that ignores economic justice and rising unemployment... and that shows little concern for the health of the working men and women of this country.

In 2008, Democrats deserve a candidate who will help sweep stronger Democratic majorities into the House and Senate—and Americans deserve a president who will lead those majorities to end the game and return power in Washington to real working Americans.

That opportunity is before us in this election—but only if we put the right candidate at the top of the ticket on November 4th.

To make that opportunity real, we need you to act today to support John Edwards—to work from this day forward not just to win the White House, but to lay the political foundation that will change America.

Click here to support our "$50 for 50 states" campaign

>From the beginning of this race, John Edwards has thought big about the changes we need to make. Now it's time for all of us to think big with him—and to think beyond the top of the ticket to creating the Democratic majorities we will need to enact real change for America.

John Edwards is building on his broad support among state elected officials in red, blue and purple states. So please, join John, and Democratic elected officials all across the country who are working to expand the map, by taking action today:

Click here to support our "$50 for 50 states" campaign

Thank you for all you do.

--Joe Trippi
Senior Advisor, John Edwards for President
October 18, 2007

P.S. And remember, that with public financing, your contribution of $50 could be doubled, so having twice the impact on electing Democrats at all levels.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Meet Bethany

We're just a few votes short of overriding President Bush's veto and allowing millions of kids to see a doctor when they're sick. The vote is tomorrow.1 It's time to pull out all the stops.

We need to remind Republicans there will be dramatic consequences if they stand with Bush on this one. The consequences aren't just political: this means real health problems for millions of real kids.

One of those kids is Bethany, a 2-year-old girl born with a heart defect who's only healthy today because of the SCHIP children's health program. Our friends at USAction put together an ad with her story, and we want to raise money to tell that story in the districts of representatives who vote wrong.

Our goal is to raise at least $200,000 today to run the ad. Can you chip in $10? Our ad will be a slightly shorter version of the video you can see by clicking here—you should check it out:

The more we raise today, the more members of Congress will think twice about our ad campaign before they vote.

Bethany Wilkerson was born with several holes in her heart. Her family lives in St. Petersburg, Florida, on an annual income of $34,000—not poor, but unable to afford private health insurance. Even if they could, Bethany's "pre-existing condition" makes it impossible to qualify. Only because of SCHIP is Bethany healthy today.

With children's lives hanging in the balance, this is a politically risky vote for Republicans, and they're watching public reaction closely to decide what to do. We're announcing our ad to the local press in the districts of our top targets. No member of Congress will be able to vote against our kids without knowing they will be held accountable by voters.

But this isn't just about scaring Congress into voting the right way. Some people will vote wrong, and it's critically important to let their constituents know they abandoned our kids.

At last night's vigils, we lit candles for the millions of children who are one vote away from having health insurance. Here are a few of your highlights:

Chanting, connecting with others, and responding to MANY supportive honks from passing drivers.—Margaret N., East Lansing, MI

Having children deliver hand written message to the congressman's office.—Jim G., Chico, CA

We started the action in the wind and rain with candles blowing out immediately. Mid-way through a magnificent rainbow appeared and grew brighter. At the end the sun was shining. —Judy T., Lopez Island, WA

President Bush vetoed SCHIP because it's such a successful public program—and the right-wing's ideology is about running the government into the ground to keep it from serving the common good. But children's health care has so much popular support that Bush's supporters are paying a heavy political price for defending this failed ideology.

Together—with phone calls, rallies, vigils, letters, and TV ads—we can make the political price too high for opponents of children's health care to stomach.

Can you contribute $10 to pressure House members to override Bush's veto of children's health care? Click here:

Thank you for all you do.

–Noah, Adam G., Jennifer, Carrie, and the Political Action Team
Wednesday, October 17th, 2007

1. "Poll Reflects Republican Divisions on SCHIP," NPR, October 17, 2007

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

We're down to the wire on kids' health care—a few votes away from victory. USAction is highlighting one of the best reasons to override Bush's veto—Bethany, a 2-year-old girl who might not be here today without SCHIP. Click below to see the ad—it's powerful—and donate $10 to get a 30-second version on the air.

Contribute Now

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

What would wearing orange do?

This weekend, I was in the NY area at a peace fair in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, and an impeachment event in White Plains. In both places, I met people who were on this email list, who were wearing orange for impeachment, or against torture. Everyone I met is working to end the war, is against attacking Iran, and wants the Bush regime gone. They wanted to know what to do to get a lot more people acting.

What would wearing orange do? Dr. Dennis Loo, editor of Impeach the President, talks about Why We Declare It Now, and why millions of people wearing orange everyday could make visible the existing opposition to the Bush regime which is now invisible.

World Can't Wait rushed new shirts into production this week because of the nooses being hung everywhere -- including Columbia Univeristy -- to intimidate African Americans. If you buy the first run quickly, we'll make a lot more. "NO MORE NOOSES! Free the Jena 6! Drive Out the Bush Regime" Order for $15 each. See our store.

The following promotional bulk pricing for orders of 10 or more INCLUDES SHIPPING charges by USPS Priority mail.

These shirts are available in ORANGE in sizes S-XL for $7.00 each, 2XL are $8.25 each and 3XL are $9.25 each.

Also available in Classic WCW Green to decorate with orange accessories in sizes S-XL for $7.00 and 2XL for $8.25 each, sorry, no 3XL in green.

You may mix sizes and colors to fit your needs. For single and bulk orders:

Orange ribbons available in bulk, ready for use, here.

They cost about 13 cents each in bags of 250.

Everyone notices this shirt. It's subtle. White shirt with orange, and black.

Order from store.

Our friend Barbara Cummings makes Impeach Bush & Cheney shirts. Orange, and other colors are available here individually. Orange shirts in lots of 25 for $5.75 each plus shipping.

Wear orange everyday with an Impeach Bush & Cheney wristband. Order one or many here.

RESIST “Islamo- Fascism Awareness Week” Oct. 22-26

A right-wing campus movement headed by David Horowitz is calling for an "Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week" October 22-26, hoping for "the biggest conservative protest ever” to support the “war on terror”. World Can’t Wait is organizing on campuses to counter propaganda for an attack on Iran. more

NEW Video: David Horowitz and “Islamo Fascism Awareness Week

The IRAN QUIZ :”Who is the Real Nuclear Threat?” has been administered so far at Columbia U; NYU; U of Michigan; U of Washington, Texas Southern. Results:

1. What country in the Middle East refuses to confirm or deny that it has a nuclear weapons program and refuses to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty?

[Israel] 21% correct

2. What country agreed to be monitored by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and opened up its country to IAEA inspectors?

[Iran] 31%

3. What country has the IAEA severely criticized for falsifying information on Iran's nuclear program?

[U.S.] correct 51%

4. What country(ies) has/have ever used nuclear weapons on civilian populations?

[U.S.] 79%

YOU can give this quiz to your friends, your class, and send it out via email. Send results (# of people you gave it to, where, and # of correct answers for each question to

The Iran Quiz will be printed in the DePaul University newspaper this week. CONTRIBUTE to reach these students

Debra Sweet,
Director, The World Can’t Wait – Drive Out the Bush Regime


Play Whack-a-Mudoch at

Have you ever been so fed up with the evening news that you wanted to throw your TV out the window? Instead of tossing your TV, try whacking Rupert Murdoch.

Today, Free Press launched "Whack-a-Murdoch" -- a challenging Web game that's your chance to drop the hammer on Big Media moguls and consolidation.

Play Whack-a-Murdoch

While Whack-a-Murdoch is just a game, media consolidation is a problem that requires urgent action. Right now, the Federal Communications Commission is rushing ahead with sweeping changes to media ownership rules that would allow Big Media to get even bigger.

If these rules pass, moguls like Murdoch could own the major daily newspaper, and as many as eight radio stations and three TV stations in your city. Often these local monopolists also control national newspapers, popular Web sites, magazines, cable networks, publishing houses and movie studios.

We can stop the FCC and media consolidation by building the movement for a more diverse and democratic media. Free Press is working with our allies to broaden our base of support to include people from all walks of life. We need your help:

Spread the Word: Tell your friends to whack Murdoch and join the movement

When we let a few giant conglomerates control so many outlets, quality journalism turns into junk media, and our democracy suffers. Murdoch's expanding media empire is case and point. His news programs are a spectacle of beauty queens, right-wing shock pundits and movie stars.

The bottom line? Our democracy can't survive much longer on Murdoch's junk media diet. It's now time for all of us to come together and Stop Big Media.

Thank you,

Timothy Karr
Campaign Director
Free Press

1. To learn more about the FCC rulemaking visit

2. Murdoch paid $5 billion for the Wall Street Journal. But you can invest in a more diverse and independent media for a lot less. Support this campaign with your contribution to the Free Press Action Fund:

Friday, October 12, 2007

Orange Friday Against Attack on Iran

Canada Bars Entry to US Activists for arrests protesting war

Sign petition here

On October 4, Medea Benjamin and Retired Colonel/diplomat Ann Wright were denied entry to Canada because they have engaged in acts of non-violent civil disobedience against the war in Iraq. The Canadian border officials said the women's names appeared on an FBI criminal database and that anyone convicted of a criminal offense, including a minor misdemeanor for peace and social justice, was "inadmissible."

Code Pink is calling on the FBI to stop including minor non-violent offenses on a database meant for serious crimes. “We call on the Canadian government to reverse its policy and extend a warm welcome to U.S. peacemakers and other social activists who use the time-honored tradition of engaging in civil disobedience as a way to change unjust policies.”

World Can’t Wait asks everyone to sign and forward this petition.

Today, on orange Friday, we are acting to prevent at attack on Iran. Recently, a man told he thought the threats to Iran from the Bush administration were only a “distraction” from how bad the occupation of Iraq is going. That’s so wrong.

Everything coming from the Bush regime, including the designation of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard as a “terrorist” organization, and the new claims that Iran must be bombed because its forces are crossing into Iraq, is consistent with Bush’s intention of “regime change” in Iran towards long term domination of the Middle East by the United States.

FRIDAY October 12 Orange Friday - NO WAR on Iran

Plans here

It’s a good day to give the Iran Quiz to people at school and work. Questions and source material for the answers here. has the history of the US threats to Iran.

Supreme Court Denies Justice in Bush Regime Kidnapping and Torture Case

On October 9, 2007 the U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear the case of Khaled El-Masri, an innocent victim of the CIA's "extraordinary rendition" program. Khaled, a German citizen, was kidnapped, detained, and tortured in a CIA secret prison as part of the so-called “war on terror.” He sued the former CIA head George Tenet and others involved, seeking compensation and an apology for his ordeal. The Court's refusal to hear his case allows a U.S. Court of Appeal’s decision, based upon the Bush regime's assertion of the "state secrets" privilege, to stand. It also allows a cover-up of the Bush regime’s crimes to continue. more

Musician Wayne Kramer Protests Bush Regime on stage

"As a member of DKT/MC5, I played a rock festival in Azkena, Spain for 15,000 rock fans. I wore the orange jumpsuit and black hood to protest the Bush administration’s evisceration of the Constitution. Impeach, indict, convict. It’s the only rational response to the last six years of lies, obfuscation and subversion of the principles that the rest of the world used to admire. more

Sincerely, Debra Sweet, Director, The World Can’t Wait – Drive Out the Bush Regime

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Preventing the Next War

There are War Criminals in the White House – Drive them Out NOW! No Attack on Iran!

World Can’t Wait is working to create a political atmosphere to prevent an attack on Iran. Students, the anti-war movement, and all the people horrified by the Bush regime’s crimes, including the recent revelations that the White House has secretly returned to using “extreme” interrogation measures, must come to see this as their responsibility.

This week World Can’t Wait supporters will administer the Iran Quiz to at least 1000 students, tally the results by 8pm Thursday October 11, and send out a press release with the results to campus and national media. This will mean conversations with more than 1000 students, and the opportunity to spread wearing orange to resist, as well as an opening for national exposure. Do students know why and how Bush plans to attack Iran and what this could mean? Will many be outraged to know they are being lied to, not only by the proven liars in the White House, but be the media? From experience with the

Goals are: Bay Area 100 (UC Berkeley and SF State); NYC area 650 (NYU, Columbia, Pace, LaGuardia & John Jay CUNY); Chicago ( Columbia College and DePaul) 200; Greensboro (UNC) 100; Seattle (U Washington) 100; Atlanta 200; Houston ( Texas Southern) 100; total: 1450. ADD your school! Send plans and results to

  • An activist in central PA is going to a war college and a national guard base to conduct the quiz.
  • Get professors to give the quiz to their classes; and radio hosts to read it on the air.
  • Link to it on Facebook and MySpace pages.
  • Publicize all of this on radio interviews, and in op-eds to student papers.

Help pay for the quiz to be printed and circulated on campuses.

Friday, October 12. Demand NO WAR on Iran Orange Friday.

If you’re against George Bush attacking Iran, it doesn’t count unless you Declare It Now. Show it by wearing and displaying orange at work, school, at the mall or the movies. At 5 pm, get into the streets, or in front of the Fox News offices with signs and determination, saying, NO ATTACK on Iran, no way! The Fox network has been leading the drumbeat urging an attack on Iran. Bring in orange jumpsuits – expose the secret torturers under Bush.

Debra Sweet, Director, The World Can’t Wait – Drive Out the Bush Regime

If you’re against what’s going on, and you don’t show it, it doesn’t count. If you don’t act when it counts, it doesn’t matter”. Sunsara Taylor, presenting at WCW national meeting October 6.

Dennis Loo, The One Percent Solution: “Asking people if they want to wear orange isn’t what’s needed. We have to challenge them sharply: “if you don’t choose, you’ve chosen.” “I’m against torture, are you? If you are, you have to show it. If you don’t then you don’t really mean it.” “Do you think that Iraqi lives are any less important than Americans’?” We have to engage people in a fierce, unapologetic, uncompromising way to win them to becoming active participants in political affairs and to becoming political representatives of a new order themselves. We have to make it larger than life for people what’s going on and we have to make it vivid to them what the choices are: if you’re against this and you don’t show it, then it doesn’t count. People will not fall into our laps. Political power must be won. Political change is a big fight. Otherwise, we make the error of thinking that getting a lot of people demonstrating a bunch of times is going to do what needs to be done. Our task and the task of the people are much bigger and more protracted than that.”


October 9 was John Lennon’s birthday. See to send wishes to the Peace Tower inaugurated today.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

NO Attack on Iran!

October 6, 2002, a year from the day US bombers started in on Afghanistan, about 30,000 of us gathered in Central Park to say, of the impending attack on Iraq, “not in our name!” These were the days when some people still said you couldn’t have an antiwar movement. World Can’t Wait was inspired by the Not in Our Name Statement of Conscience, which I go back to again and again. You can hear the beloved Ozzie Davis reading it here and see the 2002 and 2005 statements ... "Let us not allow the watching world today to despair of our silence and our failure to act. Instead, let the world hear our pledge: we will resist the machinery of war and repression and rally others to do everything possible to stop it."

Ehren Watada Court martial postponed by federal court to 10/26 stay tuned for more...

Another rocker against the war:
John Fogerty on Letterman singing “Long Dark Night”

FRIDAY October 12 Orange Friday

Demand NO WAR on Iran

If you’re against George Bush attacking Iran, it doesn’t count unless you Declare It Now. Show it by wearing and displaying orange at work, school, at the mall or the movies. At 5pm, get into the streets, or in front of the biggest TV station or newspaper with signs and determination, saying, NO ATTACK on Iran, no way! More plans coming...

It's Official – Bush, Gonzales, Authorize Torture: The People Must Drive Out This Regime of War and Torture

The October 4 issue of the New York Times broke a story exposing the legacy of torture, “outsourced torture” (i.e., “prisoner rendition”) and endless lies that the Bush Regime has institutionalized...

The question is – how are the people going to respond? Are we going to be like cowardly “good Germans” who pretended not to know of the deportations and executions carried out in their name? Or are we going to be a generation of heroes, who display the courage and determination needed to put an end to these atrocities that are always, always justified as being done for the “security” of the American people. These are the times, and these are the events, which will determine our legacy to humanity. more

Activist Ted Glick on 32nd Day of “Climate Emergency Fast” to Protest Washington Inaction on Global Warming

Ted Glick spoke at the founding meeting of World Cant’ Wait, and spoke this morning on Democracy Now:

“I became involved with this action, and other people have participated in this action, because in many ways we are in a prison right now. We have a federal government that is ignoring the needs of the American people, conducting an illegal war, doing very little in terms of responding to the urgency on climate crisis, on one issue after the other. We are in many ways in a prison. So this fast is a way of saying, “Let's step it up. Let's move the agenda. Let's do more than we’ve done.” That’s what I’m trying to get across in the strongest way that I know how.”

Ted Glick asks: From October 21-23, 2007, join a global movement rising up against war and global warming.

BRUCE!!! Springsteen on the TODAY Show 9/28/07: “This is a song called Livin’ In the Future. But it’s really about what’s happening now. Right now. It’s kind of about how the things we love about America, cheeseburgers, French fries, the Yankees battlin’ Boston... the Bill of Rights [holds up microphone, urging crowd to cheer] ... v-twin motorcycles ... Tim Russert’s haircut, trans-fats and the Jersey Shore ... we love those things the way womenfolk love Matt Lauer.

But over the past six years we’ve had to add to the American picture: rendition, illegal wiretapping, voter suppression, no habeas corpus, the neglect of our great city New Orleans and its people, an attack on the Constitution. And the loss of our young best men and women in a tragic war.

This is a song about things that shouldn’t happen here — happening here.”

Debra Sweet,
Director, The World Can’t Wait – Drive Out the Bush Regime

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

BREAKING NEWS - Bush Vetoes Children's Health Care

You're not going to believe this—President Bush just vetoed health care for millions of low-income children!

I know that's hard to believe, and I wish I were making it up. But I'm not. Earlier today, President Bush vetoed a bipartisan expansion of the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP)—a successful program that provides health care to millions of low-income children.

All I can say is, compassionate conservatism indeed.

I can't believe Bush's nerve, and I bet you can't either. But wait, it gets worse—two days before vetoing health care for millions of low-income children, George Bush had the nerve to issue a presidential proclamation commemorating—you guessed it—"Child Health Day."

Who needs health care when you've got Bush's empty rhetoric? Unfortunately, presidential proclamations don't pay the bills when a child needs care.

We're sick of Bush's rank hypocrisy. We're sick of Republicans ignoring the needs of hard-working Americans and catering to special interests instead.

It's time for a change—the kind of big, bold change that John Edwards is calling for. That change starts with universal health care. So join our campaign, and support John's call for change by contributing whatever you can afford today.

Other campaigns may talk a good game about change, but John is the one leading the way.

John is leading the way with bold action, not just words. Last week, he announced that he would seek public financing instead of relying on special interests and big corporations to bankroll his campaign. That decision has set a standard that our opponents have yet to live up to.

John's decision also means that your donations up to $250 are eligible to be matched—so donate today, and your contribution could count double!

On Monday, the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) organized a group of parents and children that marched to the White House to protest Bush's upcoming veto. What happened when they got there? They were asked to go away.

Bush's heartless actions could not demonstrate more clearly to voters the choices we're facing in this election. We can choose to stay with the same old system—a system that ignores the needs of regular people and caters to big business and special interests instead. Or we can choose to go in a new direction—and support John's call for the big, bold change we need in America today.

The choice is up to you.

Thank you for all that you do.


--Joe Trippi
Senior Advisor, John Edwards for President