This weekend, I was in the NY area at a peace fair in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, and an impeachment event in White Plains. In both places, I met people who were on this email list, who were wearing orange for impeachment, or against torture. Everyone I met is working to end the war, is against attacking Iran, and wants the Bush regime gone. They wanted to know what to do to get a lot more people acting.
What would wearing orange do? Dr. Dennis Loo, editor of Impeach the President, talks about Why We Declare It Now, and why millions of people wearing orange everyday could make visible the existing opposition to the Bush regime which is now invisible.
World Can't Wait rushed new shirts into production this week because of the nooses being hung everywhere -- including Columbia Univeristy -- to intimidate African Americans. If you buy the first run quickly, we'll make a lot more. "NO MORE NOOSES! Free the Jena 6! Drive Out the Bush Regime" Order for $15 each. See our store.
The following promotional bulk pricing for orders of 10 or more INCLUDES SHIPPING charges by USPS Priority mail.
These shirts are available in ORANGE in sizes S-XL for $7.00 each, 2XL are $8.25 each and 3XL are $9.25 each.
Also available in Classic WCW Green to decorate with orange accessories in sizes S-XL for $7.00 and 2XL for $8.25 each, sorry, no 3XL in green.
You may mix sizes and colors to fit your needs. For single and bulk orders:
Orange ribbons available in bulk, ready for use, here.
They cost about 13 cents each in bags of 250.
Everyone notices this shirt. It's subtle. White shirt with orange, and black.
Order from store.
Our friend Barbara Cummings makes Impeach Bush & Cheney shirts. Orange, and other colors are available here individually. Orange shirts in lots of 25 for $5.75 each plus shipping.
Wear orange everyday with an Impeach Bush & Cheney wristband. Order one or many here.
RESIST “Islamo- Fascism Awareness Week” Oct. 22-26
A right-wing campus movement headed by David Horowitz is calling for an "Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week" October 22-26, hoping for "the biggest conservative protest ever” to support the “war on terror”. World Can’t Wait is organizing on campuses to counter propaganda for an attack on Iran. more
NEW Video: David Horowitz and “Islamo Fascism Awareness Week”
The IRAN QUIZ :”Who is the Real Nuclear Threat?” has been administered so far at Columbia U; NYU; U of Michigan; U of Washington, Texas Southern. Results:
1. What country in the Middle East refuses to confirm or deny that it has a nuclear weapons program and refuses to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty?
[Israel] 21% correct
2. What country agreed to be monitored by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and opened up its country to IAEA inspectors?
[Iran] 31%
3. What country has the IAEA severely criticized for falsifying information on Iran's nuclear program?
[U.S.] correct 51%
4. What country(ies) has/have ever used nuclear weapons on civilian populations?
[U.S.] 79%
YOU can give this quiz to your friends, your class, and send it out via email. Send results (# of people you gave it to, where, and # of correct answers for each question to

Debra Sweet,
Director, The World Can’t Wait – Drive Out the Bush Regime
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