There are War Criminals in the White House – Drive them Out NOW! No Attack on Iran!
This week World Can’t Wait supporters will administer the Iran Quiz to at least 1000 students, tally the results by 8pm Thursday October 11, and send out a press release with the results to campus and national media. This will mean conversations with more than 1000 students, and the opportunity to spread wearing orange to resist, as well as an opening for national exposure. Do students know why and how Bush plans to attack Iran and what this could mean? Will many be outraged to know they are being lied to, not only by the proven liars in the White House, but be the media? From experience with the
Goals are: Bay Area 100 (UC Berkeley and SF State); NYC area 650 (NYU, Columbia, Pace, LaGuardia & John Jay CUNY); Chicago ( Columbia College and DePaul) 200; Greensboro (UNC) 100; Seattle (U Washington) 100; Atlanta 200; Houston ( Texas Southern) 100; total: 1450. ADD your school! Send plans and results to
- An activist in central PA is going to a war college and a national guard base to conduct the quiz.
- Get professors to give the quiz to their classes; and radio hosts to read it on the air.
- Link to it on Facebook and MySpace pages.
- Publicize all of this on radio interviews, and in op-eds to student papers.
Help pay for the quiz to be printed and circulated on campuses.
Friday, October 12. Demand NO WAR on Iran Orange Friday.
If you’re against George Bush attacking Iran, it doesn’t count unless you Declare It Now. Show it by wearing and displaying orange at work, school, at the mall or the movies. At 5 pm, get into the streets, or in front of the Fox News offices with signs and determination, saying, NO ATTACK on Iran, no way! The Fox network has been leading the drumbeat urging an attack on Iran. Bring in orange jumpsuits – expose the secret torturers under Bush.
Sincerely,Debra Sweet, Director, The World Can’t Wait – Drive Out the Bush Regime
“If you’re against what’s going on, and you don’t show it, it doesn’t count. If you don’t act when it counts, it doesn’t matter”. Sunsara Taylor, presenting at WCW national meeting October 6.
Dennis Loo, The One Percent Solution: “Asking people if they want to wear orange isn’t what’s needed. We have to challenge them sharply: “if you don’t choose, you’ve chosen.” “I’m against torture, are you? If you are, you have to show it. If you don’t then you don’t really mean it.” “Do you think that Iraqi lives are any less important than Americans’?” We have to engage people in a fierce, unapologetic, uncompromising way to win them to becoming active participants in political affairs and to becoming political representatives of a new order themselves. We have to make it larger than life for people what’s going on and we have to make it vivid to them what the choices are: if you’re against this and you don’t show it, then it doesn’t count. People will not fall into our laps. Political power must be won. Political change is a big fight. Otherwise, we make the error of thinking that getting a lot of people demonstrating a bunch of times is going to do what needs to be done. Our task and the task of the people are much bigger and more protracted than that.”
October 9 was John Lennon’s birthday. See to send wishes to the Peace Tower inaugurated today.
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