Monday, October 29, 2007

Tens of thousands march around country for impeachment, to end war

Thousands march across the country
for impeachment and to end the war

The October 27 demonstrations represented another important step forward for the impeachment and anti-war movement in the United States.

Over 100,000 people took to the streets in coordinated regional and local protests to demand an immediate end to the war in Iraq. The October 27 demonstrations took place just six weeks after the September 15 National March and Die-In in Washington, D.C. that was led by Iraq War Veterans and family members of soldiers and marines.

ImpeachBush and hundreds of other groups organized for the October 27 protests. What is needed now is to intensify the mass organization of the people.

The ImpeachBush movement should be proud of its role in the mobilization of the people. We could not have succeeded in bringing the message of impeachment and an end to the war without the active support of thousands of people who volunteered their time. Others made an urgently needed financial donation.

In the next two months, ImpeachBush will organize more demonstrations, street protests, take out ImpeachBush ads, and collect petitions in every state in the country. You can help sustain this movement by making an important and generous financial contribution. The reason the movement has spread is because we have been able to generate the resources from the people who believe that Bush and Cheney must be held accountable for their criminal conduct. Please donate today by clicking this link.

Everyday, the corporate-dominated media tries to convince people that the anti-war movement is shrinking and that impeachment is "off the table." That is a lie, as you can see from the reports below. The same media lies to the people about the so-called progress made by the “surge” in Iraq. The truth is that the U.S. military occupation of Iraq cannot succeed. The Iraqi people insist on their right to determine their own destiny. The people of the United States, who have no voice in either the Republican or Democratic Parties or in the big business media, are determined to find a way to end the war, which has taken hundreds of thousands of lives and costs $3 billion each week.

San Francisco

More than 30,000 people marched in San Francisco in a demonstration sponsored by the October 27 Coalition. The demonstration was endorsed by over 150 political, religious, labor and community organizations, including all seven Bay Area Central Labor Councils. Speakers included Cindy Sheehan, leaders of the Arab American and Muslim community, American Indian Movement co-founder Dennis Banks, Episcopal Bishop of California Mark Handley Andrus, and prominent labor union leaders from the Bay Area. The march included a dramatic Die-In on Market Street where the crowd lay down to symbolize the almost 3,900 U.S. and over 1 million Iraqi deaths in the war. The march included a strong labor contingent numbering nearly 1,000 and including banners from many different unions.

Los Angeles

In Los Angeles, nearly 20,000 people marched through downtown to the federal building for a mass rally and Die-In. The California fire catastrophe did not keep people from registering their opposition to the Iraq war in a major way. The demonstration was overwhelmingly youthful, with students pouring into the march from hundreds of Southern California schools. More than 250 people joined the youth and student contingent organized by Youth & Student ANSWER. Others lined the front banners, chanting "Iraq for Iraqis, troops out now!" and "Alto a la guerra, stop the war!"


After the march, almost everyone present participated in a mass symbolic Die-In. Thundering sound effects of air raids and bombs exploding punctuated the action, followed by a solemn minute of silence for the Iraqis and U.S. soldiers killed in the war. As protesters rose up after the Die-In, all chanted "Stop the war!" Many carried impeachment signs with them. Other speakers included actors Martin Sheen ("The West Wing"), Mike Farrell ("MASH") and Mark Ruffalo ("Zodiac").


In Seattle, at least 7,000 people marched. Buses and carpools came from the entire Northwest Region - from Eugene and Portland, Oregon; Olympia, Tacoma, Everett, Mt. Vernon, Bellingham and elsewhere in Washington State. There was a youth-and-community-oriented opening program, followed by a march and lively rally. Speakers included Fatimah Magsombol, Mindanao Bagsomoro Caucus; Michael Dixon, community activist; Chanan Suarez Diaz, President, Seattle IVAW; Jeff Johnson, research director, Washington State Labor Council, speaking on behalf of WSLC chairman Rick Bender; Aracely Hernandez, Committee for General Amnesty and Social Justice; Wally Cuddeford and Caitlyn Esworthy, Port Militarization Resistance; Dr. Goudarz Eghtedari, American Iranian Friendship Council; MCs Cedric Walker, Jane Cutter of Seattle ANSWER and Marie Marchand of Whatcom Peace and Justice Center in Bellingham.


In Chicago, tens of thousands marched. Organizers for the October 27 Mobilization Committee, the sponsoring group, estimated the crowd at 30,000. The demonstration was the largest demonstration yet protesting the U.S. war and occupation of Iraq to take place in Chicago. ANSWER organizers said at least half of the participants were students and other young people. The demonstration was very multinational with strong representation from the African American community. There was a labor contingent from Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and a smaller contingent from the Teamsters Union. The ANSWER Coalition in Chicago had distributed tens of thousands of flyers and posters to help mobilize for the demonstration.

New York City

The New York City demonstration received a strong turnout despite a steady downpour. March organizers estimated the crowd at 45,000. mobilized people from around the East Coast, and throngs of attendees were seen with impeachment signs.


The heart of Boston was filled with anti-war energy on Saturday afternoon, as some 7,500 took to the streets in protest of the war in Iraq. Braving inclement New England weather, veterans, students, seasoned activists and many first-time protesters from throughout the region rallied in Boston Commons. Led by veterans organizations and military families, thousands later marched to Copley Square, demanding "Bring all the troops home now!" one of five principal demands. Speakers at the rally included Melida and Carlos Arrendondo, historian Howard Zinn and Liam Madden of Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW). New England United, a coalition of local and regional organizations, organized the demonstration and march. Throughout the crowd were people wearing ImpeachBush sweatshirts, and carrying our trademark black-and-yellow signs.

Regional and Local Demonstrations Nationally

Regional and local demonstrations also took place in Orlando, Ft. Lauderdale, New Orleans, Philadelphia, Jonesborough and Chattanooga (Tennessee), Salt Lake City, Denver, Rochester and elsewhere.

This is a genuine grassroots movement. It continues to grow because of the generosity and commitment of the people who believe in the urgent need for impeachment. We are at a critical moment. Please donate to keep this movement going by clicking this link.

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