Stop White House Power Grab!
Government agencies need to use the best available science to protect our health—setting standards that limit toxins in our drinking water and pollutants in the air we breathe. But a recent presidential directive would give the White House excessive control over the work of federal agencies, making science more vulnerable to political interference. Unless something is done, this directive will embed political appointees inside federal scientific agencies where they could more easily prevent inconvenient science from ever seeing the light of day.
Soon, your senator will have the chance to stop this White House power grab by cutting the funds for this directive. Just a few phone calls on this critical issue will make a huge difference. Senator Bill Nelson may be reached at (202) 224-5274.
Michael Halpern
National Field Organizer
Scientific Integrity Program
Help UCS advocate for this critical issue by providing us with more details about your call. Click "Take Action" to visit the UCS Action Center where you can get helpful tips for making your call and you can report back to us about the response you received. Any information you can provide on how your senator is responding to this issue will help us shape our strategy.
nstructions: Tell-A-Friend: Background: This new directive effectively gives the White House the power to block new public health and safety rules, even those mandated by Congress, disrupting the checks and balances upon which our government was founded. Executive Order 13422 must be stopped dead in its tracks. Please call your senators and let them know that you don’t want the administration to have excessive control over federal agencies. Tell them you oppose Executive Order 13422 and ask them to support efforts to deny funds for the executive order through the appropriations process. More...
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Federal agencies have the power to issue regulations to interpret and implement laws enacted by Congress. But in early 2007 the president signed Executive Order 13422 which threatens to reduce agencies' rule-making power and further politicize their work.
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